“内部空间” | 第 14 届威尼斯双年展西班牙馆诠释现代建筑原型

2019/06/03 19:05:04
The choice of the theme ‘Interior’, as the central concept of the Spanish Pavilion of the 2015 International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, responds to various factors that, from the curatorial team itself, are considered of the greatest interest. As explained below, it is a guiding idea capable of responding to the general motto of the Biennale (Fundamentals) and our temporal context, of placing the focus on architecture itself and of reflecting on its tradition and its future projection. Finally, the interior claims the disciplinary tools of architecture that operate on its own essence: the space and the material culture that gives it shape.
▼入口空间,entrance area ©José Hevia
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“内部空间” | 第 14 届威尼斯双年展西班牙馆诠释现代建筑原型-4
该项目所呈现的室内空间阐释了一种建筑学的本质规律:空间和物质文化造就了建筑的形态。谈论建筑的内部空间对于诠释“基础”和“吸收现代性1914-2014”(absorbing modernity 1914-2014)这两个策展主题而言有着十分重要的作用。它以专业的视角对现代建筑原型进行了审慎的、兼顾批判性与理论性的思考。内部空间作为研究对象能够连接传统与现代性,在得出批判性结论的同时,还将为如何思考建筑类型学、构造与环境模型以及当代建筑的设计技术提供范例。
Talking about the interior is a critical strategy to assume the two statements (Fundamentals and Absorbing Modernity 1914-2014) proposed by the curator and director of the architecture section of this edition, Rem Koolhaas. It is a professional proposition of the first order that allows reconsidering the modern model in a careful way, at the same time critical or speculative. The interior as a research object connects tradition and modernity to extract not only critical conclusions, but essential keys that exemplify how to rethink the typological, constructive and environmental models, as well as the design techniques of the contemporary project.
▼展馆的设计以“内部空间”为核心理念,旨在以专业的视角对现代建筑原型进行思考,the choice of the theme “Interior” allows reconsidering the modern model in a careful way, at the same time critical or speculative ©José Hevia
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Talking about the interior ensures that the Spanish Pavilion is not understood as a more or less accurate curatorial selection, but as an investigation into one of the distinctive features of Mediterranean architecture: the need to understand architecture as an environmental construction. The most explicit articulation of this ambition is established through the interiors. Given the mechanical modernity, in which the interior is the victim of an order based on the environmental and constructive model imposed by air conditioning, and in view of the consequent renunciation of the interior in favour of the iconic expression of the envelope, the architectures of Our environment continues to integrate material and formal systems in environmental constructions whose complexity aims to modulate human culture and biology.
▼对地中海建筑特性的一次深度考察,an investigation into one of the distinctive features of Mediterranean architecture ©José Hevia
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“内部空间” | 第 14 届威尼斯双年展西班牙馆诠释现代建筑原型-20
Focusing the exhibition of the Spanish Pavilion in the interior also means considering the value of its design, especially in relation to rehabilitation, recovery and urban regeneration programs that, to a large extent, can be classified as interior activities, not only in terms of which refers to buildings as such, but also encompasses the inner courtyards of our cities. For the general public, the very idea of modernity refers to a homogeneous model, as if human nature itself could be measured (or, worse, corrected) from unified spatial patterns. As if the experience of architecture were an objectifiable pattern or depended exclusively on learning a universal cultural pattern.
▼室内细部,detailed view ©José Hevia
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“内部空间” | 第 14 届威尼斯双年展西班牙馆诠释现代建筑原型-29
INTERIOR Spanish Pavilion – Biennale di Venezia – 14th International Architecture Exhibition Exhibition in Madrid, 2015 Client: Ministry of Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Spain Curator: Iñaki Ábalos Assistant Curators:Enrique Encabo, Inmaculada E. Maluenda, Lluís Ortega Design (Madrid): Abalos+Sentkiewicz Lluís Ortega Manuel Ocaña Production: SCP Creación y Producción de Eventos Publications: Moisés Puente, editor Photography:José Hevia Collaborators: Javier García Germán (ETSAM coordinator), Rafael Beneytez (ETSAM assistant), Vicky Achnani, Emiliano Domingo, María García, Sun Jiaqiu, Diana Mera, Saptarshi Mitra, Adriana Pablos, Alejandra Sánchez, Snehal Sonawane, Adrián Úbeda, Zhang Yanan (ETSAM students)
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