

dover street market moves to a new home in london
邪教零售商店多佛街市场(Dover Street Market)的伦敦分店最近已从多佛街(Dover St)迁至位于海市市(HayMarket)一座3000平方米遗产建筑内的新地点。这家商店是Comme des Gar ons的Rei Kawubo的创意,他构思了整体的室内设计理念,还设计了公共区域、更衣室和商店内的一些设施。川久保热衷于“拥抱和提升”建筑的原始特征,因此,外部的、原始的天花板、窗户和中央楼梯仍未被触及。
商店里的所有主要品牌都被赋予了设计自己的专用空间的自由,以满足他们的需要。例如,Jeuler-ReaviSi获得了OMA的建筑师雷姆·库哈斯的帮助,而女售票员Stephen Jones创造了一个联锁椅的结构来展示他的作品。照明设计师Thierry Dreyfus、Daniel Young、Christian Giroux和Pedro Cabrita Reis也被带上飞船为空间创造照明设备。
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dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
dover street market moves to a new home in london
keywords:Comme des Garçons Dover Street Market fashion heritage installations london news OMA Rem Koolhaas retail UK
关键词:Comme des Gar ons Dover Street Market时尚遗产设施伦敦新闻OMA Rem Koolhaas零售英国