

1921 嘉兴那片南湖水承载着一艘小舟,一群人,怀揣着梦想,掀起了一番天地……100 年后的 2021,那片水依偎着红船,14 亿人,见证着中国共产党创造的奇迹。
In 1921, the South Lake waters in Jiaxing carried a boat, a group of people, with dreams, created a new world…In 2021, one hundred years later, the waters nestle against the red boat, with 1.4 billion people, witnessing the miracle created by the Communist Party of China.
▼看向历史建筑,view of the historical building©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
南湖天地占据南湖水的整个东畔,是嘉兴政府主导,由嘉城集团和华润置地在党百岁生日的重大献礼,给著名红色旅游区南湖的到访者以及嘉兴市民提供了一个集商业,文化,历史,教育,公共水岸,生态公园的大型滨水城市空间。占地 21 万平方米,其中 16 万的户外开放空间是组织场地功能,提供多元体验的沃土。
Nanhu Place occupies the whole east bank of South Lake. It is led by Jiaxing government, developed by Jiacheng group and CR LAND as a great gift on the centenary birthday of the Communist Party of China. It provides visitors of South Lake, a famous red tourism area, and Jiaxing citizens with a large waterfront space integrating commercial, cultural, historical, educational blocks, public waterfront and ecological park, totally covering an area of 210,000 ㎡.Among them, 160,000 ㎡outdoor open spaces are rich enough for organizing a variety of functions and providing multiple experiences.
多元化的大型滨水城市空间 a large waterfront space integrating a variety of functions©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
Besides the multi-dimensional landscape strategies of urban planning, business planning, landscape space system and ecological protection, landscape design particularly provides a perspective on waters, telling the beginning of the waters history, cultural precipitation, historical inheritance, industrial development, ecological restoration and modern life…
▼提供关于水的多重视角,providing a perspective on waters ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
The origin square is the starting point for the waterway to reach Nanhu Place. It is also the place that carried those historical events, memories and sites such as Nanhu wharf, the second generation revolutionary memorial hall, Yuanhu Hotel, Dayancang bridge. On the basis of maintaining the current situation as much as possible, we open the space reasonably and reshape the historical statement for visitors to explore and experience.
通向广场的林中道路,passages in the forest©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
初心广场,the origin square ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
The east bank is the only urban waterfront in this water area, and it is also the best viewing path for red boat, Yanyulou and South Lake morning fog. The waterside platform with stone contained red cultural gene together with new-added green shade provide visitors with a multi-level sightseeing tour.
▼节奏变换的临水平台,the waterside platform©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
▼东岸风景,view of the east bank ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
Yuanhulilong and Jiajuanyinxiang face each other across the river. Modern commercial buildings with sloping roofs and contemporary bridges and riverbanks jointly interpret the charm of Jiaxing, a Yangtze River Delta town. All kinds of restaurants are set along the river bank, and Jiaxing entertains friends from all over the world with its warm hospitality.
▼现代的坡屋顶商业建筑,modern commercial buildings with sloping roofs ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
▼简洁当代的桥梁,modern commercial buildings with sloping roofs ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
Qinaili in Yuanhulilong is one of the most core public spaces in the commercial block. The interactive music fountain with the concept of Water Lantern brings people closer. It makes children become friends, strangers meet, lovers embrace and smile.
▼亲爱里公共空间,Qinaili as one of the most core public spaces ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
▼互动音乐喷泉,the interactive music fountain ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
音乐喷泉细部,details of the fountain ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
Remaining the façade of old factory building, Jiajuanyinxiang turns out as a shopping mall filled with Guochao boutique. The old warehouse has become a new exhibition hall of Communist Party history. The surrounding landscape space presents the boundary and environment of historical buildings in different forms, such as Xianfengli, sunken plaza, pocket garden and so on. It creates space to accommodate the dialogue between old and new buildings, and regains the childhood memory of the lakeside playing.
口袋花园,pocket garden ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
In the new round of urban renewal, the historic building, formerly known as the teaching building of the Affiliated Middle School of Beijing Normal University, is the most important cultural community in the site as Nanhu academy and the newly-built press release hall. The landscape design extends the atmosphere of education and communication to the outdoors, creating a quiet and profound campus atmosphere.
▼校园般的幽静氛围,creating a quiet and profound campus atmosphere ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
The large rainwater garden adds the connotation of breeding water to this cultivated land.
▼大型雨水花园,the large rainwater garden ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
▼互动景观,the interactive landscape©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
花园雕塑,the sculpture in the garden ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
The source square, which is composed of the source waterscape and the activity lawn, is the extending space from central axis to the Lakeside Park. Standing on the observation deck, you can see the red boat cross the source waterscape. Go deep into the waterscape trail to experience the development of the South Lake red gene in China.
源广场,the source square ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
Nanyanxinjing is a waterfront space impling looking to the future. The tree-lined walkway, walk square and garden constitute the waterfront experience space with dynamic and static combination.
源广场水景,night view of the source square ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
▼滨水景观细部,details of the waterfront landscape©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
The city living room in front of the central axis provides a space for events and festivals, gathering people around.
▼夜间,人流交织的水岸,night view,people gathering around the river bank©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
商业街区夜景,night view of the commercial block©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
▼公共休憩场所,the public rest place©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
初心广场夜景,night view of the origin square ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
花园夜景,night view of the garden©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇
水面倒映灯光,the water reflecting the light ©RIF 摄影工作室-- 陈冠宇