普林斯顿高等研究院(IAS)创立于1930年,是世界领先的科学和人文领域的研究中心之一。斯蒂文·霍尔建筑事务所于2016年赢得了IAS鲁本斯坦社区(Rubenstein Commons)的设计邀请赛,旨在为校园打造一个新的中心,鼓励研究院内的不同群体进行交流与互动。鲁本斯坦社区占地约2万平方英尺,是继2017年开放的普林斯顿大学路易斯艺术中心之后,斯蒂文·霍尔建筑事务所在普林斯顿的第二个建筑项目。
Steven Holl Architects has won the invited competition to design the new Rubenstein Commons at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton, New Jersey. Founded in 1930, the Institute is one of the world’s leading centers for curiosity-driven research in the sciences and humanities. At approximately 20,000 sf, the new Rubenstein Commons will be at the center of the IAS campus, providing a new forum that encourages interactions among the Institute’s diverse community of scholars. This is Steven Holl Architects’ second building in Princeton, NJ, with the Lewis Center for the Performing Arts at Princeton University, opened in 2017.
▼项目概览:校园入口,project preview: entry © Steven Holl Architects
▼场地鸟瞰,site aerial view © Steven Holl Architects
Sited along a major pedestrian route near the center of the academic campus, the Rubenstein Commons will support community and academic life on the IAS campus, promoting communication and collaboration through a variety of social and meeting spaces. Providing a communal and flexible gathering place for the Institute’s research community, the building will offer a space for the display of images and materials that tell the story of the Institute’s heritage, extraordinary scholarly community, as well as current and future efforts.
▼建筑西侧入口,west entry © Steven Holl Architects
▼会客厅,living room © Steven Holl Architects
▼咖啡厅,cafe © Steven Holl Architects
▼会议室,meeting room
“It is an honor to work on this inspiring campus and within the Institute’s rich academic history. We hope the new generation of scholars will enjoy the Rubenstein Commons as it brings the community together with inviting spaces. We look forward to the collaboration and realization of this important piece of architecture,” said Steven Holl.
▼夜景,night view © Steven Holl Architects