

2006 年以西安行政组团北迁、城运为机,诞生的西安城市运动公园,位于西安龙首以北的凤城高地,紧邻西安市政府。是城北首个,也是迄今为止唯一一个水绿环园的生态型运动主题公园。随着北城城市化建设的加快,以 2021 年西安举办第十四届全国运动会为契机,对于城运公园着手进行一次探索式的更新。
在改造提升中,首先提出的原则是对于使用 15 年的运动功能属性基底及生境组团布局不做过多的干扰,使市民参与的体验记忆得以延续;其次在最大尺度满足现有生活习惯及诉求的基础上,对于场地局部区域进行二次复苏。
In 2006, with the relocation of administrative departments to the north suburb of Xi’an and the staging of the Intercity Games, Xi’an City Sports Park was built in Fengcheng, an area to the north of Longshou and close to Xi’an Municipal People’s Government. It is the first, and so far, the only eco-sports park in the north of the city. With the acceleration of urban development in the northern suburb, taking the organization of the 14th National Games in 2021 as an opportunity, an exploratory renovation of the Xi’an City Sports Park is underway.
The basic principle of the renovation project is to have the least impact on its original sports function and the ecological environment that have lasted for 15 years, so as to retain people’s memory of the old park. Also, it will revive some parts of the park as much as possible based on the current lifestyles and demands.
▼城市运动公园鸟瞰区位图,Aerial view of Xi’an City Sports Park © 张锦
设计的介入首先面对边界的重塑,在保留通过性功能空间的基础上,意图结合具体场境性格。东入口面向大长安中轴线未央路,又作为全运赛时主要人流出入口。设计时在最大限度保留现有布局的基础上,通过优化水、绿边界,水映新颜,重启崭新的城运风貌。▼东入口改造前,景墙、水景老化严重 Before renovation, the landscape wall and water landscape of the east entrance were outmoded©中国建筑西北设计研究院
▼东入口夜景鸟瞰,Aerial view of east entrance at night© 张锦
The first step of the design is to rebuild the boundaries based on the characteristics of specific scenarios while retaining the functional space of the passage. The east entrance faces the Weiyang Road, the central axis of Chang’an, and serves as the main pedestrian entrance during the National Games. While retaining the existing layout to the greatest extent, it renews the overall landscape of the sports park through the integration of water landscapes and greenery.
▼东入口改造后实景,水绿映墙,城运新颜 East entrance after renovation: surrounded by green waters©佟阳
▼不同时间段东入口的光影变化 Light and shadow changes at the east entrance in different time periods©叁山影像
▼结合高差的设计,使水景所形成新的场所,The water landscape is designed using height difference© 张锦
▼夜晚入口 logo 墙形成的颜色反差,Contrasting colors of the Logo Wall at the entrance at night© 佟阳
The Osmanthus Square area has always been the traffic hub inside the sports park, joining together the traffic flows of people and vehicles with mid-lake islands. It is also an important visual focus. Inspired by the ticking clock, the hour pointer of the area changes with gradations of light and shade, indicating the vitality and perpetual movement of sports. Meanwhile, the neatly-arranged osmanthus trees add some touch of orderliness to the area.
▼桂花广场鸟瞰效果,Aerial view of the Osmanthus Square© 张锦
▼不同动线交汇的桂花广场区域,The Osmanthus Square area joining together various traffic flows© 张锦
▼通过不同光影变化呈现的空间温度,Space temperature presented by gradations of light and shade©叁山影像 ©张锦
南入口落位于凤城八路,紧邻市政府,改造前为长期闲置的水景,更新意图通过简洁的形态,重塑新貌。乳白色的冲孔透光 logo 墙,依托公园内绿色打底,白绿交辉相映,增加南入口的活力性、昭示性及吸引力。
The south entrance is located in Fengcheng Eighth Road, close to Xi’an Municipal People’s Government. Before the renovation, it was an abandoned water landscape. The renovation aims to reshape the water landscape with simplicity. The ivory translucent Logo Wall against on the greenery of the park adds to the vitality and attraction of the south entrance, making it more eye-catching.
▼完成后的南入口实景,South entrance after renovation © 佟阳
▼渐变冲孔(透光)的 logo 景墙,The translucent Logo Wall © 叁山影像
城运的自然水系统经过了 15 年的自然涵养,已经形成了相对稳定的生境,但因部分基础设施老化导致水质不良,淤积严重,水体修复迫在眉睫。更新目标是调养生态的持续性及循环性,从水质净化、水生态修复、底泥整治三个层面入手。在对原始生态基底不做干扰的前提下,综合分析地表径流、生物滞留、生态水生植物体系后,增补湿生、挺水、沉水植物,通过技术手段降低水中氨氮含量,抑制藻类生长,试图打造水下森林,并将过多淤泥梳理后作为植物养料进行储备。
After 15 years of natural conservation, the natural water system in the park has been relatively stable. However, the aging of some infrastructure leads to poor water quality and severe siltation, and there is an urgent need to restore the water body. The goal of the renovation is to maintain the sustainability and circulation of the ecology based on water purification, water ecological restoration and sediment remediation. While protecting the original ecological base, through a comprehensive analysis of the surface runoff, biological retention and ecological aquatic plant system, more phreatophyte, emergent and submergent plants will be added. The ammonia nitrogen in the water will be reduced with technologies to inhibit the growth of algae. An underwater forest will be developed, with the excessive silt stored and used as plant nutrients.
▼水体修复的过程分析,Analysis of water restoration process © 张锦
A nature-based solution is adopted to improve water flow, restore the underwater ecological base, realize the natural integration of waters and greenery, so that every corner of the park will be immersed in a natural, dynamic and ecological atmosphere.
▼生态打底的基础上,城运 logo 作为中央的生态浮岛 The Logo of Xi’an Intercity Sports Game stands as an ecological floating island in the center © 张锦
▼生态的涵养,Ecological conservation ©张锦 ©叁山影像
▼轮滑场改造前实景,The roller skating rink before renovation©中国建筑西北设计研究院
▼轮滑场改造施工中,The roller skating rink under renovation©中国建筑西北设计研究院
The original facilities of the roller skating rink are old and creaked, thus it is necessary to revive this most dynamic site of the park. Through a spatial analysis, the project decides to update most of the infrastructure, and build a “ZHESUO Gallery” in the surroundings to provide shading to people while adding more vigor to the place. After the renovation, the roller rink has become a popular area of the park.
▼轮滑场改造后鸟瞰效果,Aerial view of the roller skating rink after renovation© 张锦
▼轮滑场作为新的活力源,为孩子们提供了一个挥洒天性、尽情玩乐的场所 Roller skating rink, a place of vitality, provides space for children to enjoy themselves© 张锦
The “ZHESUO Gallery” on the east side of the site provides shading and adds dynamism to the place. The panels arranged along an arc give the facade a sense of rhythm. The combination of structural modeling and lighting creates more possibilities for the park at night.
▼自然映衬下的“折所曲廊” ,The “ZHESUO Gallery” against natural sceneries ©佟阳
▼“折所曲廊”的夜景呈现,Night view of the “ZHESUO Gallery”© 张锦©中国建筑西北设计研究院
By analyzing the demands of people’s activities, the functions of the jogging path around the lake are rearranged. Instead of the traditional single and linear design, various functions are added in this area to reorganize the functions, enrich the colors and enhance the vitality.
▼环湖跑道,Jogging paths around the lake© 张锦
▼活力的激活,Spur vitality© 张锦
In basketball court area, the design takes sports demand and spurring vitality and potentials as the fundamental goal instead of following a common style. The renovated basketball court, with the colorful ground and artistic modeling of the surrounding fence, indicates the free and unconstrained temperament of sports.
▼篮球场区域改造策略,Renovation strategy of the basketball court area©中国建筑西北设计研究院
▼跳跃的颜色,为活力的场所创造了更多的可能,Bright colors create more possibilities for dynamic spaces© 张锦
▼不同时间段的功能使用,Functions in different time periods© 张锦
▼依托自然背景下的场地颜色变化,Color changes of the area against the natural background© 张锦
▼不同的材料质感,形成具有节奏感的场地氛围,Different material textures develop a rhythmic atmosphere of the site ©佟阳
Part of the original facilities in the park are old. In this renovation, the signs of drinking water area are upgraded and added for daily use.
▼直饮水设施,Drinking water facilities ©叁山影像 ©张锦
▼城市运动公园标识的系统更新,Update of signs in the sports park ©佟阳
This new design, retaining the old memories while looking into the future of the city sports park, tries to improve the overall landscape with focus on specific areas in the idea of “urban acupuncture”. Based on the modern lifestyles and people’s demand for sports, it preserves the ecological foundation, revive natural sceneries, renew the spatial arrangement, in a bid to reboot the future of north suburb from Intercity Games to National Games.
▼东入口模型,Model of east entrance ©佟阳
▼篮球场模型,Model of basketball court©佟阳
▼桂花广场模型,Model of Osmanthus Square©佟阳
▼滑轮场模型,Model of roller rink©佟阳
项目规模:总面积约 33.6 万㎡
Project name: Xi’an City Sports Park Landscape Improvement Project
Project location: Xi’an Economic and Technological Development Zone, Shaanxi Province, China
Design period: July, 2020-April, 2021
Project size: A total area of about 336,000m2
Project status: Completed
Project owner: Xi’an Economic Development City Sports Culture Industry Co., LTD
Organization for landscape designing, improvement and construction drawing: China Northwest Architecture Design and Research Institute Co, Ltd. — ADEA.
Landscape design team: Tong Yang, Gong Deqiang, Wu Yue, Zhang Chunlin, Lei Sicong, Bi Yun, Yan Geng, Zhang Xuanyi, Yang Hao, Wang Zhe, Fu Yechen, Guo Wenhao, Zhang Jichu;
Lighting design team: Rong Xinchun, Zhang Hengguo, Wang Yingbin, He Yangwei;
Logo design team: Wei Xingyu, Li Bingda, Ren Hang, Yuan Sicong;
Structural design team: Yong Chengzhao, Hong Yunqiang, Li Jianhua;
Water supply and drainage design team: Zhang Jun, Zhao Fengxia, Qin Faqiang, Xing Meng;
Electrical design team: Wei Chunping, Cao Weina, Zhang Biao, Feng Xizhuo;
Photography copyright: TRIMONT Image, Zhang Jin, Tongyang;
Landscape construction: Xi’an Economic Development City Sports Culture Industry Co., LTD.