Situated in the last piece of reclaimed land, the promenade is designed to be a public open space to bring people to Victoria Harbour. The design emphasizes on connectivity, permeability and garden embankment in urban context. Meandering by the sea is a gift to the people living in a congested city. The project plays a critical role to connect the segregated harbourside spaces and to enhance continuity of waterfront, while providing quality open space for public enjoyment. After completion, the promenade forms the longest accessible waterfront along Victoria Harbour.
▼滨海凉亭,picture frame pavilions along the waterfront ©Gary Studio
The design introduced multiple frames of resting spaces along the waterfront and a coastline evolution exhibit to showcase the changes of coastline over the decades. The installations not only educate the young generation the evolution of the City’s Harbour – Victoria Harbour but also recall the collective memories.
▼凉亭内部视角,view from the pavilion ©Gary Studio
With an aim of mediating the dense urban fabric and Victor Harbour, the promenade infuses nature in between. A series of portals and pavilions are set in the landscape intervened with meandering path, bringing the public from the dense inner city to the harbour. Sight lines are carefully designed by setting a series of framed views towards Victoria Harbour round the clock, offering alternative perspectives.
▼玻璃围栏拉近市民与海港的距离 visual permeability by means of transparent barriers ©Gary Studio
Visual permeability by means of transparent barriers and shelter by the sea bring the public closer to the sea and the Kowloon cityscape beyond. In order to infuse the promenade with local character, sittable installations with neon light and authentic colours are strategically located. Street signs of the old streets in Wan Chai are used in the neon light installations evoking collective memories in the neighbourhood.
▼以霓虹灯饰为概念的艺术装置,the neon light installations ©Gary Studio
Canopies and lawn provide relief from summer heat and intimacy with nature. Meandering in and out of the landscape by Victoria Harbour under tree shading, overlooking breathtaking view of the harbour is a gift to the people living in a congested city like Hong Kong. Picture frame pavilions open on both sides improve natural ventilation while visitors sitting under shelters could appreciate the sea breeze.
▼于凉亭中看维港,enjoying the Victoria Harbour view in the pavilion ©Gary Studio
▼夜间灯光效果,lighting view at night ©Gary Studio
▼地图展示维港变迁 a coastline evolution exhibit to showcase the changes of coastline ©Gary Studio
Pavilion’s viewing slots and openings allow natural sunlight to enter the shelter yet providing shades for people to enjoy the sea view. The green hedges strategically located along the site boundary also minimize the influences of noise and dust from adjacent construction sites and traffic, and direct visitors to the stunning Victoria Harbour view.
▼夜间鸟瞰,aerial view at night ©Gary Studio
▼轴测图,axonometric diagram ©ArchSD