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城市坡道(Urban Ramp)丨法国

2020/12/24 04:15:33
Espace Libre:克雷伊是一个位于巴黎北部的村镇,拥有35000位居民。瓦兹河的两岸便是克雷伊小镇的历史核心区,这里分布着不同的社区。“城市坡道”(Urban Ramp)项目在人口密集的社区和城镇中心之间建立了全新的联系,这个“高地”比城市中心高出40米,空间上存在的物理分隔似乎隐喻了社区内现有的社会差距。
Espace Libre: Creil is a town of 35.000 inhabitants, situated in the Northern countryside of Paris. Different neighborhoods coexist in Creil, whose historical core lies on both sides of the Oise River. The construction of an Urban Ramp reveals the purpose of creating a brand new connection between the densely populated neighborhoods of the Rouher highs and the town center. This “plateau” stands forty meters higher than the urban core, suffering from a physical separation, which seems to reflect the existing social gaps within the community.
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在克雷伊市政府的支持下,该项目由Espace Libre事务所主导设计,并与Eurovia承包商密切合作。“城市坡道”在地理层面和形态层面构成了复杂的联系,使隐藏在城市两极之间的一些新的用途和活动成为可能。一条宏伟的坡道由钢和木头制成,冉冉抬升至林冠之间,一个悬挑式观景台设置在木质坡道的1.2公里处。
The project was led with determination by the team of Espace Libre, in close collaboration with the Eurovia Contracting Group, and the support of the municipality of Creil. It constitutes a complex link, at the same time geographical and morphological, making possible a number of new uses and activities in-between these urban poles. A majestic Ramp, made in steel and wood, lifts up between the trees crowns, and joins a suspended sightseeing point, at the center of a 1,2 kilometers path along the woody slope.
▼木质坡道冉冉抬升至林冠之间  A majestic Ramp lifts up between the trees crowns.
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The subtle trace of the Ramp gives value to the existing landscape, and at the same time it improves the comfort of the public space, by the respect of the disabled access standards. The integration of the paths reveals the characteristics of a remarkable existing landscape.
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– 高的观景点;
– Laversine树林中的空地;
– 十字路口观景点;
– 徒步者广场;
– 坡道。
The 1.2 kilometers path is marked with places of interest, meeting and pause:
– the High Sightseeing point;
– the Clearings in the Laversine wood;
– the Crossroads Sightseeing point;
– the Hiker’s square;
– the Ramp.
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The Urban Ramp project involves many coordinated actions. The pedestrian paths system has been improved; the existing landscape qualities have been enhanced, and the environmental balance of the site has been preserved. The flora and fauna of the woody slope have been carefully studied. This sensible approach allowed the reduction of the impacts during the construction works. Furthermore, it facilitated the constitution of an ecological data base, which has been used for a didactical program of signage and information.
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▼夜色渐浓,灯光将照亮步道  The lights will illuminate the Ramp as the night gets darker.
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This socially and environmentally sensible approach allows at the same time the best aesthetic and sensorial experience of a calm walk across the woody slope. The design of the Urban Ramp make up with the constituent elements of the Creil landscape, and puts them in a dynamic sequence, in the manner of an urban travelling. 
▼景观序列  Landscape sequence
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▼施工过程  Construction process
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▼鸟瞰透视图  Aerial perspective
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▼平面图  Global plan
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▼剖面图  Sections
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预算:3.700.000 €
设计:Espace Libre事务所和Eurovia承包商(Eurovia, Groupe Loiseleur Paysage, EGIS, Eiffage Energie, Marcanterra)
图片版权归属于:Julien Falsimagne
Location : Creil – Allée Nelson, France
Design Year: 2013
Year of Construction: 2017
Surface: 1,7 hectares (largest design scope: 4,4 hectares)
Budget: 3.700.000 €
Design: Espace Libre with Eurovia Contracting Group (Eurovia, Groupe Loiseleur Paysage, EGIS, Eiffage Energie, Marcanterra)
Image credits: Julien Falsimagne
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