

Studio Outside :屏障岛是不断演变的动态生态系统。当风和潮流形成景观时,热带风暴和海平面上升加快了内陆栖息地的迁移。 2008年,飓风艾克完全蹂躏加尔维斯敦岛州立公园。重建总体规划是建立在预测模型基础上的沿海娱乐规划的新先例。根据现场具体生态和海拔高度,该计划必须字面上预测该网站将在50年内保持什么样,以及它的生态将会是什么。该计划将游客融入这个脆弱而多样的景观的动态中。
Studio Outside :Barrier islands are dynamic ecosystems in constant evolution. While wind and tide shape the landscape, tropical storms and sea level rise accelerate inland habitat migration. In 2008, Hurricane Ike completely ravaged Galveston Island State Park. The redevelopment master plan is a new precedent of coastal recreation planning built on a foundation of predictive models. Based on site specific ecologies and elevations, the plan must literally anticipate what of the site will remain in 50 years and what its ecology will be. The plan immerses visitors in the dynamics of this fragile and diverse landscape.
场地战略减少25%的不渗透表面,并显着减少栖息地的破碎。横断小径吸引客人与完整的岛屿截面:海湾到海滩 – 加尔维斯敦岛上唯一可能的位置。为了应对寻求流离失所居民的强大宣传过程,各种过夜和娱乐活动可以庆祝岛屿环境。濒临绝种的物种和罕见的斯特兰大草原受到保护,发展战略鼓励这些微妙而富有弹性的系统发展和繁荣。
Site strategies reduce impermeable surfaces by 25% and significantly decrease habitat fragmentation. The transect trail engages guests with the full island cross section: bay to beach – the only location on Galveston Island where this is possible. Responding to a robust outreach process that sought out displaced residents, a broad array of overnight and recreation opportunities celebrate island environment. Endangered species and the rare Strand Prairie are protected, and development strategies encourage these delicate yet resilient systems to evolve and flourish.