

David Totah's Lower East Side gallery is currently hosting a series of watercolours by the late Lauretta Vinciarelli, in an exhibition called 'Light Unveiled'
画廊是大卫·托塔家族的作品。20世纪70年代末,他的叔叔在伦敦创办了同名的爱德华·托塔画廊(Edward Totah),20世纪80年代,他的父亲在SoHo‘s Wooster街创办了艾伯特·托塔(Albert Totah)的画廊。今年2月,托塔在纽约下东区的斯坦顿街(Stanton Street)开设了自己的空间,目前正在展出已故的劳蕾塔·文西塔里(Lauretta Vincarelli)的一系列水彩画,作为哥伦比亚大学的教授和唐纳德·贾德的合作伙伴,Vincarelli非常活跃于艺术和建筑前卫社区。事实上,托塔后来发现,她教画廊的建筑师,拉斐拉·博尔马齐。
托塔对沟通和超越的关注远远超出了“光辉灿烂”;它们是他的新空间的指导原则,他计划发展成为一个“文化中心”。最近,他委托画家兼街头艺术家肯尼·沙夫(Kenny Scharf)在店面安全门上创作一幅壁画-这是对沙夫在附近东村和托塔家族的影响的认可(他叔叔熟悉这位艺术家,并展示了他的作品)。他还在画廊下面搭建了一个小舞台,主持讲座、电影放映和表演艺术。
Vinciarelli’s watercolours span the period 1990–2007 and evoke similar boundary-stretching explorations of space, light and dimension as James Turrell, Olafur Eliasson and Dan Flavin. Pictured: Red Room Study 4 and Red Room Study 5
‘Lauretta was too often referred to as Donald Judd's companion of 12 years, or as a much respected professor of architecture. I strongly believe that she transcends those definitions and is a truly iconoclastic artist with an unusual talent to express her internal spiritual journey,’ says Totah. Pictured: Night #9, #5, #1 and #4
Vinciarelli's ability to contrast precise lines with colour saturations and gradient washes creates a wholly unique effect. Pictured: Study in Blue, triptych
Totah also commissioned painter and street artist Kenny Scharf to create a mural on the storefront’s security gates. Pictured: Scharf's right gate design
It's a nod to Scharf’s influence in the nearby East Village and Totah’s family (his uncle was familiar with the artist and showed his work). Pictured: Scharf's left gate design
keywords:Galleries, USA, Donald Judd, New York exhibitions