Guha 综合体翻新设计丨印度丨Realrich 建筑工作室

2021/11/04 18:02:22
Guha是The Guild项目的一部分,包含新建项目和旧建筑的翻新,涵盖了一间图书馆、牙科诊所、住宅以及RAW建筑事务所的办公室“Guha Bamboo”。翻新的空间属于Omah图书馆,主要用于提供更多的存储和阅读空间。
Guha is a combination of a new and renovation project of The Guild, that houses Omah Library, dental clinic, residence and Guha Bamboo – the office of RAW Architecture firm. The renovation section was done for Omah Library to add more storage, bookstore and library.
▼项目外观,Exterior view ©Eric Dinardi
Guha 综合体翻新设计丨印度丨Realrich 建筑工作室-4
建筑位于一个7.5m x 26m的地块上,由2层基座和上方的3层竹制体量组成。建筑共使用了9种材料,包括钢、木、玻璃、金属、石膏、竹子、塑料、石材和混凝土,体现了Realrich建筑工作室在工艺方面的实验成果。建筑拥有灵活且开放的布局,部分房间拥有至少2个入口,为场景和功能的延伸提供了可能性。这种做法的目的是应对热带气候,使空间在南北方向上通透,西侧保持封闭。
▼轴测图,Axo © Raw Architecture
Guha 综合体翻新设计丨印度丨Realrich 建筑工作室-7
This building stands in the lot of 7.5 x 26 m size consisted new 3 storey Bamboo structure, 2 storey of basement. Construction of Guha is elaborated into 9 materials to sum up craftsmanship experimentation in Realrich Architecture Workshop such as : steel, wood, glass, metal, gypsum, bamboo, plastic, stone and concrete. The layout is flexible, and open while some of the rooms is opened by minimum 2 doors allowing the further scenarion while the program can be changed. The idea is basically addressing the tropical climate to open north south and close the facade at west side.
▼庭院概览,Courtyard ©Eric Dinardi
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▼庭院座位区,Seating area in the courtyard ©Eric Dinardi
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The Facade is basicaly basic material, concrete, vertical louvre by steel and bamboo. The construction is done by generations of craftman from west java which integrate some of traditional fish mouth joint in bamboo constructions and more modern construction method such as steel and construction. The design and construction process of Guha bamboo made us learn about integrative design exploration using natural fiber composite materials with industrial materials forming a sustainable design.
▼户外空间,Outdoor space ©Eric Dinardi
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▼入口,Entrance ©Eric Dinardi
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▼图书馆,Library ©Eric Dinardi
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▼图书馆内部,Library interior view ©Eric Dinardi
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▼不同的入口,Different entrances ©Eric Dinardi
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▼拱形门厅,The arched hall ©Eric Dinardi
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▼办公空间,Office © Ernest Theofilus
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▼办公室图书馆,Office library © Ernest Theofilus
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▼楼室内细节,Interior detailed view © Ernest Theofilus
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All of these, knitted in the tectonics grammar (Tectogram), an assembly language of material with a variety of shapes and shapes that provides a functional, artistic touch, and surprise architectural details integrated with MEP and structure, a concept of “integrative approach” between a series of poetic architectural details.
▼工作室大厅,Studio hall ©Eric Dinardi
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▼室内设计采用了重复的竹元素,The interior is designed with repetition of bamboo ©Eric Dinardi
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Front view of Guha bamboo is inspired from the face of the Barong mask, like the face of a tiger, king of the symbol of goodness. Back in my childhood, I spent part of my childhood in Bali, I often hid when there was a Barong show, which made my father and mother laugh at those moments. The interior is designed with repetition of bamboo, vertical bamboo to support the roof structure which creates the impression of a twisting bamboo forest.
▼竹制立面,The bamboo facade ©Eric Dinardi
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建筑周围的景观选用了较容易处理的野生植物,包括杂草、 鸡蛋花树和草坪,为的是创造一种尽可能简单且朴素的公园环境以实现“微气候”。景观设计的实验有助于降低室温,同时美化周围环境。
The landscape concept around Guha consists of plants that are selected from wild plants and are easily treated such as weeds, frangipani trees and grass. The idea is to form a park that is as simple as possible, without pretension, the aim is to provide a “micro climate”. An experiment in landscaping that helps reduce ambient temperature, beautiful surroundings.
▼户外景观,Outdoor landscape ©Eric Dinardi
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▼庭院夜景,Courtyard night view ©Eric Dinardi
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▼入口夜景,Entrance night view ©Eric Dinardi
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▼首层平面图,Plan GF © Raw Architecture
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▼二层平面图,Plan 1F © Raw Architecture
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▼屋顶平面图,Plan RF © Raw Architecture
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▼局部平面图,Partial floor plans © Raw Architecture
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▼平面图,Section © Raw Architecture
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▼结构细节图,Detail drawing © Raw Architecture
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Guha 综合体翻新设计丨印度丨Realrich 建筑工作室-78
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