知末案例   /   AECOM


2021/11/08 13:10:19
The site is located in the historical protection area of the Small Wild Goose Pagoda. As a world cultural heritage, Small Wild Goose Pagoda with its related remains have witnessed the cultural memory and historical changes of Chang’an City in the Tang Dynasty.
▼鸟瞰,Aerial view © 丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
▼轴线视角,View of the axis© 丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
▼历史轴线,Historical axis ©AECOM
In the past, the functions of Small Wild Goose Pagoda scenic spot and the surrounding cities were lack of overall linkage, the landscape style was disordered, the historical spatial pattern was damaged to some extent, and the infrastructure was insufficient and the street walking experience was bad. The historical area of Small Wild Goose Pagoda faced the dilemma of marginalization and decline in urban development, and it has gradually evolved from the core of the prosperous capital of Tang Dynasty to an old urban sick area uncoordinated with the development of surrounding communities.
▼改造后概览,Overview after renovation ©丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
There are two key issues, how to balance the relationship between urban development and heritage protection of historical blocks? and how to realize the modern reconstruction and vitality revival of historical blocks through transformation and upgrading. The overall vision is ” Re-Defining – collaborative dialogue between the new and the old”, take the landscape as a low intervention means to ” Re-Defining ” the spatial order, reconstruct the relationship between the site and cultural relics, cities and people, sort out the landscape spatial sequence and integrate the whole block in the collaborative dialogue between the new and the old.
▼改造后的空间序列,Spatial sequence after renovation ©丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
▼控制整体风貌,Controlling the overall style©AECOM
▼构建空间序列,reconstructing spatial sequence ©AECOM
The innovation of this project is that cultural relics are no longer in a framed state, but aimed at connecting with a wider space. Command the overall style of the historic district with the spirit of the Small Wild Goose Pagoda culture, and organize the spatial sequence of the historic district with a landscape humanistic approach. At the same time, the main tone of the landscape axis is controlled through characteristic planting, and species selection continues the existing natural planting style, which is also an extension of the artistic conception of planting in ancient times.
▼南广场入口,Entrance of the south plaza©丘文建筑摄影--邱日培
▼轴线视角,View of the axis©Lee Parks
其次,以创新式现代手法转译传统空间,构建“街--坊-院--塔-苑”的特色景观序列组织空间。街道界面保留现状大树,将空间序列的起点引向南广场和小雁塔的中轴线。主轴线序列开合有致,南广场“栖荫望雁”域旨在构建林荫下的静思空间,于此遥望,感知小雁塔独特的场所精神。“雁归里坊”广场铺装印刻着唐代 108 坊与保留的古车辙印的历史记忆。
Secondly, translate the traditional space with innovative modern techniques, and construct the “Street-Square-Yard-Pagoda-Garden“ characteristic landscape spatial sequence. Large existing trees preserved in the sidewalk guide the central axis view from the entrance through the south plaza to the small wild goose pagoda. The main axis is a combination of open and enclosed spaces, the “Watch the Pagoda under the Shade” zone aiming to create a space for meditation under the shade of the trees, sit here, and perceive the unique spirit of The Small Wild Goose Pagoda. The pavement of the square “Pagoda back to Fang” is engraved with the historical memory of the 108 squares of the Tang Dynasty and the preserved ancient rut marks.
▼“雁归里坊”广场铺装,The pavement of the square“Pagoda back to Fang” ©丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
In the “Pagoda scene garden”, with the lush trees and quiet garden feeling, you can see the thousand-year-old Small Goose Pagoda despite the vicissitudes of time, but it is still exquisite and beautiful. “Pagoda Shadow Swaying” zone, using “Small Wild Goose Pagoda and Pagoda Shadow” as the prototype of the space creation, combined with the courtyard layout to interpret the cultural connotation of the tower. See and be seen, constructing a multi-angle Small Wild Goose Pagoda viewing corridor.
▼置身“雁景花园”,View in the“Pagoda scene garden” ©丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
雁景花园铺装,Pavement of the Pagoda scene garden ©丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
▼延续场地记忆,Extending the site memory©AECOM
▼树木改造策略,Transformation strategy ©AECOM
In addition, existing Chinese Honey Locust trees are the most difficult problem in the transformation. Residents, designers, clients, etc. have launched many speculations and discussion. Through three design strategies, we have realized the renewal of the existing trees and added green to the street, also extended the site memory. The preserved acacia tree enhances the Vigorous atmosphere of this historic district and was thinned at the main passageway to open the access. The design optimizes the traditional big tree support structure, making the square space safer and the activity space larger. Besides, we perceive cultural spirit in the landscape details of the Small Wild Goose Pagoda’s dense eaves-style architectural language and Tang Sancai colors.
▼为街区界面赋绿增色,Adding green to the street ©丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
▼优化大树支撑结构,Optimizing the traditional big tree support structure ©丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
优化城市界面步行体验,是历史街区更新的重点,需兼顾周边社区、学校和历史街区文化展示等多重需求。设计拓宽原有 1.5m 人行道至 3m,结合不同城市功能界面采用相应的设计策略,营造舒适的步行体验,增强空间归属感。
▼城市界面改造提升策略,Optimizing the urban interface ©AECOM
Optimizing the urban interface walking experience is the focus of street renewal, which needs to take the multiple needs of surrounding communities, schools, and cultural display of historical blocks into account. It is designed to broaden the original 1.5m sidewalk to 3m with flexible resting spaces to create a comfortable walking experience and enhance the sense of spatial belonging.
街区视角,View from the historical blocks ©Lee Parks
▼改造后的城市界面,The new urban interface ©丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
改造后,小雁塔核心区南侧的西苑,不仅是一个良好的观塔空间,更形成了一个功能完善的海绵系统。项目团队选用本土自然植物群落,将西苑内景观湖周围 0.5 公里的硬质驳岸改造为生态驳岸。湖面结合生态湿地,为鸟类、两栖动物和微生物提供生存环境,促进了生物多样性。场地内设置了植草沟、生态树池及雨水花园等一系列绿色海绵设施,在净化水质的同时,将雨水径流控制率提升至 90%,调蓄水量达 924 平方米,建立起调蓄城市雨洪的弹性海绵。同时,设计保留了一公顷现状树木,并新增三点五公顷的树木,固碳量可达到 29 吨/年。此外,还引入一系列生态友好铺装,例如透水铺面、生态竹木及透水砾石铺装。
▼海绵设施布局,Sponge facilities ©AECOM
生态驳岸,the ecological shore ©Lee Parks
小雁塔南广场创造了 14849㎡活动广场,引入了 3 种促进社交的特色长凳以及 1 条贯通南广场的无障碍坡道。人们可以在荫凉的大树下晨练、在湖光塔影前练一段太极,亦或在树影婆娑的特色坐凳下静思冥想,还可以在杨柳依依的生态水岸感受清凉的微风,同时人行道的拓宽与特色长凳的置入,也为学校附近的等候小孩放学的家长们提供了一个舒适的社交休憩空间。设计希望实现小雁塔从文化景区到生活场所的转变,作为一个承载民众日常的新生活场所,一个与当下在地居民建立情感联结的文化记忆空间。
▼生活设施,Living facilities ©AECOM
Small Wild Goose Pagoda South Square and West Garden creates 14,849 square meters activity plaza, introduces 3 types of characteristic benches to promote social interaction and 1 accessible ramp that runs through the South Square. People can do morning exercises under the big trees, practice Tai Chi in front of the shadow of the pagoda, or sit on the benches to meditate, and feel the cooling breeze near the ecological waterfront. Besides, through the widening of sidewalks and the placement of characteristic benches near the school also provide a comfortable rest space for parents and children. The design has realized the transformation of the Small Wild Goose Pagoda from a cultural scenic spot to a living place, as a new living place that carries the people’s daily life, and a cultural memory space that establishes an emotional connection with the local residents.
▼舒适的社交休憩空间,Providing a comfortable rest space ©丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
▼特色长凳设计概念,Design inspiration of characteristic bench©丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
The project established an interdisciplinary workshop, which brought together professionals in ecology, economy, planning, landscape and etc., to discuss the renewal and upgrading of Small wild goose pagoda historical block. In the whole design process, with the joint efforts of the design team, the local design company and the Cultural Relics Bureau, the design and construction technology was fully adapted to the local requirements, carried out a successful practice of sustainable renewal of historical blocks.
▼细部,Details©Lee Parks
▼细部,Details©丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
The project provides a broader vision for the modernization and renewal of historical blocks. From overall planning to spatial design, it systematically expounds how to ” Re-Define ” the spatial order and reconstruct the relationship between historical blocks and cultural relics, cities, nature and human being by taking landscape as a low impact development. In the collaborative dialogue between the new and the old, it has realized the modern reconstruction and revitalization of the traditional historical blocks, and provided forward-looking and exemplary experience for the practice of organic renewal of historical blocks.
夜景,Night view©丘文建筑摄影-- 邱日培
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