

▼项目概览,project overview ©Jeff Moore
▼从5号岛屿看泰晤士河,The Tide: Island 5,View of Overlook ©Jeff Moore
Collaborators include Diller Scofidio + Renfro (lead designer), Neiheiser Argyros (designer), GROSS.MAX (landscape architects), Damien Hirst (British artist), Allen Jones (British pop-artist), Morag Myerscough (British Artist), Heather & Ivan Morison (artist duo), GERONIMO (conceptual artist) and Gaz Coombes (festival headliner). The first section of The Tide, London’s first cultural linear park running alongside the Thames on Greenwich Peninsula, is now open to the public. The Tide, designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, the co-designers of New York City’s High Line, in collaboration with Neiheiser Argyros, provides a new outdoor destination for London. Offering an evolving collection of free-to-view public art by emerging and world-renowned artists along a landscaped route for running, walking and meditation, The Tide is freely accessible to all.
▼The Tide公园第一阶段平面图,Phase 1 Plan
5公里长的整体规划中,前1公里是抬升于地面9米的空中步道——穿越原生树林并途径由Damien Hirst和Allen Jones创作的巨大雕塑。下沉花园、27米长的户外野餐桌以及被河流围绕的独特码头花园共同创造了远离城市喧嚣的休憩场地。
格林威治半岛区域主管Kerri Sibson表示:“The Tide公园为伦敦的城市空间带来了无与伦比的户外体验。这一大胆的立体景观将河流打开,使人群聚集,在感受艺术滋养的同时享受自然、体验远离都市喧嚣的乐趣。最重要的是,它属于我们每一个人。”
The first 1km of the 5km long landscape features elevated walkways 9 metres high and flows through native trees and giant sculptures by Damien Hirst and Allen Jones. Sunken gardens, a 27-metre long outdoor picnic table and a unique jetty garden surrounded by the river provide respite from the city bustle.
“The Tide brings to London an unrivalled outdoor experience in the city,” commented Kerri Sibson, Director of Greenwich Peninsula. “This bold 3D landscape opens up the river, brings people together, gives us art to absorb, nature to enjoy and space to escape. Most importantly, it’s a place for everyone.”
▼向河流敞开的立体景观,a bold 3D landscape that opens up the river ©Ben Luxmoore
▼抬升于地面9米的空中步道,the elevated walkways 9 metres high ©Ben Luxmoore
Diller Scofidio + Renfro主管合伙人Benjamin Gilmartin表示:“The Tide公园的第一阶段预示着一个新公共领域的诞生,随着时间的推移,它将使格林威治半岛的街区与充满活力的户外艺术、美食和休闲空间构成的网络连接在一起。在这里,28个雕塑般的钢结构组成了相互支撑的岛屿,定义出多层次的景观。在首层,它们倾斜的’腿’构成了拱形的入口和咖啡馆凉亭。上层空间提供了安静俯瞰花园的视角。从The Tide公园中经过的伦敦市民将体验到半岛日常生活的独特部分——从02体育场的喧闹,到河水拍打河岸发出的飒飒声。”
▼28个雕塑般的钢结构组成了相互支撑的岛屿, twenty-eight sculptural steel structures cluster and lean together as islands of mutual support ©Ben Luxmoore
Diller Scofidio + Renfro Partner-in-Charge, Benjamin Gilmartin noted, “This first phase of The Tide opens a new public realm that will over time connect Greenwich Peninsula’s neighbourhoods with a vibrant network of outdoor art, food and recreation spaces. Here, twenty-eight sculptural steel structures cluster and lean together as islands of mutual support, defining a layered landscape. At ground level, their swaying legs shape vaulted portals and cafe pavilions. Above, they create an infrastructure for quieter overlook gardens. Londoners traversing The Tide will experience a unique cross section of the Peninsula’s daily life – from the buzz of visitors by the 02 to the meditative rustle of boats and lapping waves at the riverfront.”
▼在首层,支撑结构构成了拱形的入口和咖啡馆凉亭,at ground level, the swaying legs shape vaulted portals and cafe pavilions ©Ben Luxmoore
▼上层空间提供了安静俯瞰花园的视角,above, the structures create an infrastructure for quieter overlook gardens ©Ben Luxmoore
▼步道近景,detailed view ©Ben Luxmoore
The Tide是伦敦第一个高架的线性公园。被架高的桥梁分布在同样抬升于地面的、种植着本地树木和天然植被的木制“垫脚石”之间,为游客们提供了一个可以休息、思考和享受泰晤士河周边美景的平台。随着项目的推进,即将在未来建成的5公里长的路线将融入每一个新的半岛社区,与建筑形成相互交织的关系。独特的黑白条纹图案带来大胆的视觉体验,为人们的步伐赋予节奏。一系列结合了社交和文化功能的“岛屿”在场地中起起落落,与附近河流的运动形成呼应。
Designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro (Lead) and Neiheiser Argyros with landscape architects GROSS.MAX, The Tide is London’s first elevated linear park. Bridges between elevated timber decked ‘stepping stones’ planted with native trees and natural vegetation provide visitors with platforms to pause, reflect and enjoy the surrounding views of the River Thames. Evolving over the years, the finished 5km route will adapt to each new Peninsula neighbourhood as they are built, weaving amongst the buildings. Its distinctive black and white stripe pattern creates a bold visual experience and sense of pace, the ‘ebb and flow’ of space between the social and cultural ‘islands’ encountered along The Tide reflecting the movement of the neighbouring river.
▼步道与既有的交通设施相连接,View of existing walkways weaving through existing Transport for London infrastructure ©Jeff Moore
▼从地面望向5号岛屿,Island 5,View of Vaulted Steel Structure Below Overlook ©Jeff Moore
The Tide公园与半岛上既有的、由Antony Gormley和Gary Hume雕塑形成了融合,沿途充满了各类大型艺术作品和设计奇思。与河岸环境相呼应,公园起点处首先呈现了由当地著名艺术家Damien Hirst创作的两个雕塑作品“Hydra & Kali”以及“轮船残骸宝藏中的美人鱼”。此外,Allen Jones(英国最杰出的流行艺术家之一)还专门为场地创作了艺术品“风中的人像”,其灵感也是来自公园的周边环境。与大多数从地面观看的公共雕塑不同,这座8米高的醒目雕塑也可以从上方观看,以鼓励观众从全新的角度与作品互动。
Joining the existing sculptures by Antony Gormley and Gary Hume on the Peninsula, The Tide features monumental artworks and design curiosities to explore along the route. Referencing the surrounding water, former resident of Greenwich Peninsula and iconic British artist Damien Hirst’s two sculptures Hydra & Kali and Mermaid from Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable are the first arrivals, with more of his work to follow. One of Britain’s most distinguished Pop artists, Allen Jones, was commissioned to create a site-specific piece of artwork inspired by the context of The Tide. Unlike most public sculptures, which are designed to be viewed from the ground, Jones’ striking red 8-metre high sculpture Head in Wind is also designed to be seen from above, inviting viewers to interact with the sculpture from a whole new perspective.
▼从5号岛屿望向艺术装置“轮船残骸宝藏中的美人鱼”,Art Installation – Treasures from the Wreck of the Unbelievable by Damien Hirst ©Charles Emerson
▼Allen Jones的艺术装置“风中的人像”,The Tide: Island 4,Art Installation – Head in the Wind by Allen Jones ©Charles Emerson
The Tide’s first phase is comprised of 28 unique structural supports. They cluster together to form tripod-like structures that support the elevated gardens and walkways above while creating canopies for shelter and reflected illumination at the plaza level. Systems for lighting, electrical distribution, data, and landscape (vegetation, soil, water supply and drainage) are integrated seamlessly into each structural support. The islands are connected by prefabricated steel bridges forming a continuous 2.4m wide path with spans up to 26 meters.
▼1号岛屿结构细部,The Tide Steel Structures, Island 1 Cluster ©Luke Hayes
▼3号岛屿详图,Island 3 Details
Every support and bridge is composed of welded plate steel inner ribs and outer skins forming an aircraft wing-like structure that is lightweight and minimizes impact to the London Underground station box directly below. The custom structures were fabricated by Cimolai in Italy, shipped directly from shop to site via the Thames River, and bolted together in days. The design of the structural elements was a special architectural and structural collaboration with AKTII using parametric software to maximize material efficiency and minimize fabrication complexity. The result is an integrated architectural and structural expression without superfluous cladding.
▼支撑结构和桥梁呈现出机翼般的轻盈感觉,an aircraft wing-like structure ©Luke Hayes
▼2、3、4号岛屿近景,The Tide: Island 2, 3, 4 ©Luke Hayes
The plantings along the first phase of The Tide adapts to the landscape of the local context that it passes through. The overall framework of tree planting has been optimized to create comfortable micro-climates that take wind studies into account. Phase I features clustered plantings of native birch and pine at both the ground and elevated level. Tree plantings along the waterfront consist predominantly of native waterside trees such as Alnus, Salix, and Poplar. Sweeps of groundcover, herbaceous plants, seasonal bulbs, and ornamental grasses enhance the Tide’s atmosphere with additional colour and texture.
▼地面层和高架层混种了本地的桦树和松树,phase I features clustered plantings of native birch and pine at both the ground and elevated level ©Ben Luxmoore
▼下沉花园,the sunken garden ©Ben Luxmoore
A striped pattern marks the path of The Tide, emphasizing the tempo of movement between cultural and social destinations as an orientation and wayfinding tool. The continuous pattern is rendered in a thin layer of epoxy for elevated portions, while asphalt and granite Portuguese paving stones is used for the ground level.
▼路面的潮线图案,Tide Lines pattern ©Charles Emerson
The Tide’s material palette is comprised of a painted steel structure, glass balustrade, composite rice husk decking, hardwood benches, bonded metal trim, exposed concrete, stone pavers, and vegetation.
▼夜间整体鸟瞰,Aerial View by night ©Ben Luxmoore
▼The Tide公园整体规划,The Tide Masterplan
▼钢结构单元细部,Steel Structure Kit of Parts
Design and Construction Team Designers: Diller Scofidio + Renfro (Lead) in collaboration with Neiheiser Argyros Diller Scofidio + Renfro: Ben Gilmartin (Partner-in-Charge), Elizabeth Diller, Charles Renfro, Ricardo Scofidio, Anthony Saby, Bryce Suite, Ning Hiransaroj, Alex Knezo, John Newman, Swarnabh Ghosh, Erioseto Hendranata Neiheiser Argyros: Ryan Neiheiser (Partner-in-Charge), Xristina Argyros, Giorgio Piscitelli, Eleni Vagianou, Danae Haratsis, Nikolas von Schwabe, Athina Zafeiropoulou, Catarina de Almeida Brito, Thalia Chrousos, Chris Yuan, Kevin Larson Landscape Designers: Gross. Max. Structural Engineers (Elevated Portion): AKT II Structural Engineers (Ground Level Portion): Arup MEP, Lighting: AECOM Accessibility Consultant: David Bonnett Associates Cost Consultant: Gardiner and Theobold Planning Consultant: NLP Planners Principal Designer for Risk, Health and Safety: Stace Transportation and Access Consultants: WSP Steel Fabricator: Cimolai Canopy and Seating Fabricator: Urban Street Design Contractor (Elevated Portion): Mace Contractor (Ground Level Portion): Maylim Photographers:Ben Luxmoore, Charles Emerson, Jeff Moore, Luke Hayes Renderings: Uniform