

Germany Karlsruhe of University Institute of Mathematics
设计方:Ingenhoven Architects
这是由Ingenhoven Architects设计的卡尔斯鲁厄大学数学研究所。数学中心初建于1964年,其建筑与设备都需要进行翻新。该项目毗邻离市中心,且位于大学校园边缘地段,是大学在城市中的“展示窗口”。该建筑平面为矩形,共5层高,设有一个高架的夹层中庭,对首层的东西两侧开放。该建筑的翻新与扩建主要集中在受污染组件的更换。该建筑立面为全新建造,显著提高了其保温节能的性能。该建筑改善了日光条件的利用情况,并使用了被动式空调系统。为了将可用空间扩大至2200平方米,隐藏式的夹层使用了高架的方式。新的屋顶为轻型钢结构,庭院上方覆盖了轻箔膜,这种材料可以作为热缓冲,减少冬季里的热量损失,在夏天则提供一个凉爽、舒适的气候。
The Center of Mathematics at the University of Karlsruhe was built in 1964 and needed to be refurbished both architecturally and energetically. Located close to the historic center and due to its location on the edge of the university campus the building works as “showcase” of the university to the city. The rectangular, five-storey building encloses an elevated mezzanine patio, open to the east and west on ground floor.
The refurbishment and extension of the building focuses primarily on the exchange of contaminated components such as PCB-contaminated blankets, system walls with formaldehyde and spandrel panels made of asbestos. The house has gotten a new facade with significantly improved thermal insulation and energy efficient building services. The use of daylight was improved and the building is passively air-conditioned. To expand the usable area to 2.200 m², a recessed mezzanine was topped. The new roof is a lightweight steel structure; the courtyard is covered with a light foil. It works as a heat buffer which minimizes energy loss in the winter and creates aa pleasant, cool climate in the summer.
On ground floor all public areas of the faculty are accommodated – such as tutorial and seminar rooms, group work areas, cafeteria and the faculty library. In addition to office space for the institutes there are also located seminar and meeting rooms and project areas in the upper floors. Whereas in the basement seminar rooms, PC pools and a part of the faculty library are provided. The concept of the building pursues to improve communication. It combines art and architecture. Max Bill's „family of five hemispheres“ was cleaned during the construction phase and integrated harmoniously after the completion.