Nebihe Cihan
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Nebihe Cihan Studio是一家总部位于英国伦敦的室内设计工作室,由创始人Nebihe Cihan成立于2016年。工作室专门从事标志性城市景观的零售和高端住宅,打造融合法式风情的奢华风格。在Nebihe Cihan辉煌的职业生涯中,她接手了从巴黎到上东区的零售项目,从伦敦到公园大道和贝莱尔的高端住宅项目等等。Nebihe擅长将艺术和室内设计结合在一起,与客户密切合作,策划他们的艺术收藏,并将现有的艺术作品天衣无缝地融合在一起,既能反映他们的性格,又能营造氛围。与高调的私人客户合作,Nebihe精致的眼睛给生活带来简洁,干净的审美,这成为Nebihe Cihan的标志
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Designers should have a keen and strong ability to observe and feel
NOTO Architects
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After both working for a London-based architectural firm specialising in historical conservation, Alice and Oscar left to set up NOTO Architects in 2019 and have worked together in partnership ever since. Two frenetic years on, with over 40 projects to their name, NOTO has created a tried-and-tested collaborative team of specialists, to ensure the success of their projects. Underpinned by a rigorous approach and understanding of innovative construction techniques, NOTO has a strong focus on the creation of contemporary, inspiring and beautifully proportioned spaces, and is recognised for the quality of its constructed works. It is the celebration of this accent of craftsmanship and the Directors' informed understanding of the materials they use, that allows the studio to create conceptually driven buildings and interiors.
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New direction of design
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Together with our clients, we turn strong ideas into thoughtful and joyful buildings. Curiosity and a questioning mindset are the oxygen of our studio, but our success is built on the drive to make things happen. We’re drawn to ambitious, complex projects, and to historic environments that call for a sensitive and holistic approach. Enduring beauty, timeless design and solid craftsmanship – these will always be our inspiration. We see these as the foundation of sustainability; it’s about longevity and spending wisely, and it’s about living well and treading lightly upon the earth. We strive to cut the jargon and demystify the process. Listening to even the quietest voices and speaking plainly is our way of involving everyone in the conversation. You might have imagination, resolve and confidence in abundance, or you might be taking your first tentative steps towards a project. Whichever it is, you can think of us as being in your corner and right beside you on the journey. We can’t imagine working any other way. read in Deutsch
Nam Sung Wong
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New direction of design
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We are a London-based design studio that evolved from a collaboration between architecture and theatre design. Today, we are a multidisciplinary practice that works across architecture, exhibitions, graphic design, theatre, story-telling, film and animation. At its core, our work is about creating spaces that stimulate experiences. Having a broad range of skills and expertise gives us the flexibility to work across varied projects, from small scale experimental theatre designs, exhibitions...
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