Eric Kuster
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Eric Kuster是顶级的荷兰室内设计师,在经典与现代之间实现完美平衡的能力使得Eric Kuster在国际室内设计享有很高的声誉。 Eric Kuster是一个拥有自己个人风格的室内设计公司,大都会奢华风格是他的标志性风格,没有更好的词可以形容他那无与伦比的设计作品。 除了做独家住宅项目,Eric Kuster还做游艇、酒店、汽车以及商业室内设计项目,始终超越了他们的客户的期望,他的作品融入个人元素以至无可挑剔,多次获得欧洲物业奖。
Ex Interiors
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Designers should have a keen and strong ability to observe and feel
荷兰 Veenendaal 基督教中学
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eklund_terbeek is a broadly oriented architectural practice, directed by co-founders Jenny Eklund and Dominique ter Beek. From its base in Rotterdam eklund_terbeek works in architecture on every scale – from strategic urban planning to buildings, interiors and furniture design. Special areas of expertise include transformation of existing buildings and spaces, architecture for education and care and residential design. Examples of recent work are a Children’s Eye Centre for the Rotterdam Eye Hospital, the Makerspace in Rotterdam Delfshaven and the transformation of two early 20th century school buildings into a series of unique apartments.
Erick van Egeraat
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The archi­tec­tural phi­los­o­phy of Erick van Egeraat strikes a vision­ary bal­ance between analy­sis, con­text and beauty. He envis­ages an archi­tec­tural future in which the cur­rently pre­vail­ing reduc­tive avant-​garde phi­los­o­phy is super­seded by a new par­a­digm of com­plex­ity and rich­ness. Accord­ing to Erick van Egeraat, any project should be con­nected to and even blend into the net­work and iden­tity of its loca­tion. There­fore, great atten­tion to the cul­tural and his­toric makeup of the site is required for a project to become a nat­ural part of its sur­round­ings. This empha­sis on con­text stems from Erick van Egeraats aim to main­tain, accen­tu­ate and com­ple­ment the unique­ness of each indi­vid­ual loca­tion. With­out sur­ren­der­ing to nos­tal­gia or revival, he finds famil­iar­ity in the loca­tion itself, not in his own port­fo­lio or by way of a method­i­ca
维拉 CG丨Powerhouse Company
Earnest Studio
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Earnest Studio was founded by American-born, Netherlands-based designer Rachel Griffin. Its work applies themes of modularity and multiplicity to a spectrum of projects—ranging from theory to serial productions—following a fascination for simple, flexible structures with a forthright attitude toward material.
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