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2021/12/28 12:44:55
Snøhetta has unveiled the Graduate Roosevelt Island Hotel and Verizon Executive Education Center, a pair of independently operated but physically connected buildings designed to create a welcoming front door for New York City’s Cornell Tech Campus. A planted entry plaza connects the two buildings, linking flexible spaces tailored to academic conferences, classes, and executive programs with lodging and dining options for guests and visitors to the island. Together, the buildings create a new home for the entrepreneurial spirit of New York City.
▼项目远观,distant view of the project ©Michael Grimm
Snøhetta provided overall design for the 36,500-square-foot business conference center as well as façade design for the 196-room hotel tower. Upon arriving on campus, visitors first encounter the 18-story hotel tower, its softly curved surfaces wrapped in shimmering double-height aluminum façade panels. A pair of V-shaped columns mark the threshold to a ground-level bar opening onto the shared courtyard while a continuous soffit runs from this entry along the perimeter of the ground floor and ultimately leads to the Verizon Executive Education Center.
▼18层的酒店大楼,the 18-story hotel tower ©Michael Grimm
▼柔缓的曲面被双层高铝制立面板包裹 ©Michael Grimm the softly curved surfaces are wrapped in double-height aluminum façade panels
▼一对V形柱标志着首层酒吧入口,a pair of V-shaped columns mark the threshold to a ground-level bar ©Michael Grimm
The conference center is tucked into the campus where it rises four stories and is wrapped with vertically oriented wood louvers that complement the metallic panels of the hotel tower. The two buildings, connected physically by the courtyard and sinuous soffit, play off one another visually, each catching and reflecting sunlight. Transparent glass panels along the base visually connect interior assembly spaces with adjacent courtyard and landscaped areas, extending views from the main campus entry point into and ultimately through the building.
▼会议中心的木制百叶与酒店塔楼的金属板相得益彰,the wood louvers of the conference center complement the metallic panels of the hotel tower ©Michael Grimm
▼沿着建筑底部的透明玻璃板,the transparent glass panels along the base ©Michael Grimm
Snøhetta的总监兼高级建筑师Michael Cotton解释道:“该项目从一开始就是一次独特的经历,因为我们一次设计了两栋建筑。虽然这两栋建筑及其客户都需要独特的表达方式,但它们最终是和谐的,并且被整合在更大的康奈尔科技校区内。在设计过程中,我们发现创造一个统一的基地围合一个共享庭院,是将两个项目结合在一起的最佳方式,这还提供了功能平台,支持每栋建筑单独使用。最终形成基于公共空间的对比研究:酒店高而细长,并且利用公共区域与威瑞森高管教育中心相连,相比之下,威瑞森高管教育中心则低而柔缓。”
Michael Cotton, Snøhetta Director and Senior Architect, explains: “From the beginning this was a unique experience because we got to design two buildings at once. Although each program and each client required a distinctive expression, the buildings ultimately work in partnership and are integrated within the larger Cornell Tech campus. As we worked through the design, we found that creating a unified base wrapping a shared courtyard offered the best way to bring together the two projects while also providing a functional podium supporting the individual use of each building. What results is a study in contrasts linked by public space: the hotel, tall and slender, uses the public realm to connect with the VEEC, which is low and soft by comparison.”
▼由街道望向酒店和教育中心,street view ©Michael Grimm
In addition to jointly supporting the public life of Cornell Tech, the two connected buildings share back-of-house services that enable each to optimize the efficiency of their respective programs. The conference center brings a large reconfigurable banquet hall and four multi-purpose classroom spaces to the site, each one oriented in axis with views of the campus and city. The modest and centrally located educational building is defined by its intimate, organic form and a warm material palette. A system of vertical aluminum louvers clad in western red cedar cloak the middle two classroom floors, providing a softer complement to the surrounding buildings. These louvres are spaced and angled to frame views of the city, providing a sense of warmth while also highlighting Cornell Tech’s proximity to New York City’s urban core.
▼威瑞森高管教育中心立面,VEEC facade ©Michael Grimm
▼中间两层教室覆盖北美桥柏饰面的垂直铝制百叶窗系统 ©Michael Grimm a system of vertical aluminum louvers clad in western red cedar cloak the middle two classroom floors
两栋建筑沿着校园的主要步道排列,这条“科技之路”将建筑与遍布校园的系列开放空间连接起来。共享庭院向这条路开放,为康奈尔大学的学生、酒店旅客和公众提供了非正式交流场所。该项目的建设于2021年秋季完成,标志着12.5英亩的康奈尔科技校区规划第一阶段的完成。Stonehill Taylor是该项目酒店部分的负责建筑师,196间客房的酒店内部装修由纳什维尔的Graduate Hotels负责设计和协调,景观部分由Snøhetta和Field Operations合作完成。
The two buildings are aligned along the campus’ primary pedestrian path, informally called the Tech Walk, which links the buildings to a series of open spaces located throughout the site. The shared courtyard opens up to this thoroughfare, offering opportunities for Cornell students, hotel guests, and the public to intermix informally. Construction for the projects concluded in the Fall of 2021, marking the completion of the first phase of the 12.5-acre Cornell Tech campus plan. Stonehill Taylor was the Architect of Record for the hotel portion of the project; the 196-room hotel’s interiors were designed and coordinated by Nashville-based Graduate Hotels. Snøhetta worked in partnership with Field Operations on the landscape architecture components of the project.
▼接待区,reception area ©Michael Grimm
▼会议区,conference area ©Michael Grimm
▼楼梯间,staircase ©Michael Grimm
▼夜景,night view ©Michael Grimm
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