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2020/08/28 16:27:33
项目位于奥地利因斯布鲁克市(Innsbruck)以南的纳特斯镇(Natters),是一座新建的木制开放式办公楼,建筑秉承了环境友好的理念,完美融入周边环境。在项目初期,国际徒步与冒险旅行公司ASI Reisen,希望建造一个能够彰显公司文化的总部大楼,为全球旅行者提供可持续的徒步旅行体验。受到自然与人类共生的启发,ASI Reisen员工与Snøhetta的设计团队共同提出了该项目的设计构想。
When developing its new head office, international trekking and adventure travel company ASI Reisen sought to have its new space reflect the company’s working culture and commitment to offering sustainable trekking experiences for travelers around the world. Situated in Natters, just south of Innsbruck, Austria, this new timber building with an open office concept offers several solutions that will enable the long-term low environmental footprint of the office space. Inspired by a symbiosis between nature and humanity, the design concept was developed together with ASI Reisen’s employees and the design team from Snøhetta.
▼项目远观,viewing the project at distance © Christian Flatscher 
Surrounded by a lush exterior, the four-story timber structure combines timber frame construction with solid wooden elements to optimize material use and allow for the greatest amount of open floor plans. In addition to the open office concept and sustainable construction methods, the building features an optimized and sustainable energy concept, based on a combination of high-tech and low-tech solutions.
▼从主入口前道路看建筑,viewing the project from the street © Christian Flatscher
为了能够在这个人类赖以生存的星球上继续生存发展,在建造建筑物时,对自然保护和能源效率的考虑,应与对舒适度的需求同样重要。“ASI的新总部建筑采用了环保型木结构,秉承了先进的可持续能源理念,同时为员工营造了一个愉快且现代的工作氛围。该项目可以被视作一个未来住宅与办公空间的模版。”Snøhetta董事Patrick Lüth解释道。
For humans to continue to live and thrive on this planet, the buildings we inhabit and spend most of our lives in need to be built with as much consideration for natural preservation and energy efficiency as for comfort. “With its resource-saving timber construction and sophisticated sustainable energy concept, the new ASI headquarters marks an inspiration for responsibly constructing our homes and office spaces for the future. At the same time, the new office space offers a pleasant and modern working atmosphere for its employees,” explains Patrick Lüth, Managing Director of Snøhetta’s studio in Innsbruck.
▼四层的办公楼掩映在郁郁葱葱的植被中,four-story timber structure surrounded by a lush exterior © Christian Flatscher
For the facade, a traditional Japanese method of wood preservation was used, known as yakisugi. Slightly charred and thus carbonized, the façade is both waterproof and durable without the need for further painting, while also protecting against insects. The basement and the building core are made of reinforced concrete. Wood was also used for the mullion-transom-façade, the windows, floors and acoustic panels.
▼建筑采用了环保型木结构,与传统“烧杉”(yakisugi)立面,resource-saving timber construction and the “yakisugi” facade of the project © Christian Flatscher
▼底层的玻璃幕墙与外廊模糊了室内外的界限,glass curtain wall on the ground floor blurs the boundary between inside and outside © Stefan Krösbacher 
A “green curtain” of climbing plants growing on a suspended metal frame covers the blackened wooden façade, ensuring the building blends harmoniously into its verdant forest surroundings. Composed of 17 different warm weather and evergreen species growing in big planters, this green curtain also serves as a glare shield and for shading the generous glass surfaces. On the western side, the employees can use this metal frame as balcony. The 118 climbing plants change the appearance of the façade throughout the year and thus also adapt to seasonal thermal insulation needs. The microclimate created by this green buffer zone reduces the energy required for cooling the building.
▼金属框架还作为阳台供员工使用,the employees can use this metal frame as balcony © Christian Flatscher
▼“绿色窗帘”起到了减弱眩光的效果,并遮蔽了大面积的玻璃幕墙,green curtain also serves as a glare shield and for shading the generous glass surfaces © Stefan Krösbacher
Rainwater from the roof is collected in an underground cistern and feeds the automatic irrigation system for the plants on the façade and the garden. Together with the 1,215 new plants in the open space consisting of 73 local species, the green façade also contributes to local biodiversity, ensuring that the building is a good neighbor to its human and other-than-human communities.
▼立面上的植被生长在金属框架与木质立面的缝隙空间里的花盆中,evergreen species growing in big planters © Stefan Krösbacher
Snøhetta事务所专门为ASI Reisen的65名员工设计了开放式工作区, 员工们可以根据未来的工作需要灵活使用该空间。宽敞,开放且灵活的办公空间,宛如一个画廊,包括了各种各样的独立工作区与公共空间。透过大面积的玻璃幕墙,人们可以尽赏周围群山与森林的全景。宽大的楼梯与二层通高的门厅为访客们营造了热情好客的空间体验。大堂内的巨型照片墙展示了公司的历史,成为入口空间的最大亮点,被员工们亲切地称为“大本营”。
The open-plan office is designed for ASI Reisen’s 65 employees but can be flexibly adapted to future needs if required. Gallery spaces create a large, open and flexible office space, including a variety of individual workplaces as well as communal areas. Generous glass surfaces offer panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and forests, and a large staircase and a double-height foyer create a welcoming space for visitors. Affectionately called Base Camp, the lobby is a point of entry where the history of the company is presented on large wall panels.
▼透过大面积的玻璃幕墙,人们可以尽赏周围群山与森林的全景,Generous glass surfaces offer panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and forests © Christian Flatscher
▼大堂内的巨型照片墙展示了公司的历史,成为入口空间的最大亮点, lobby is a point of entry where the history of the company is presented on large wall panels © Christian Flatscher
▼宽大的楼梯为访客们营造了热情好客的空间体验, a large staircase create a welcoming space for visitors © Christian Flatscher
The bright and welcoming atmosphere of the building interior is emphasized by the use of light timber as the main material choice. Employee comfort is prioritized through the inclusion of communal spaces such as meeting niches and rooms, a relaxation room, a cafeteria, showers and changing rooms. Shelves abundant with plants provide a visually pleasing subdivision of the different working zones and offer storage space as well as informal workspaces for reading and writing. A bridge connects the new building with an existing building which includes meeting and relaxation rooms.
▼花架可以作为储存空间以及休闲工作空间使用,shelves offer storage space as well as informal workspaces for reading and writing © Christian Flatscher
To achieve optimal results, the energy concept was tested and adapted using a thermal-dynamic building simulation. A reversible air-water heat pump system (40 kW) heats and cools the building via underfloor heating or cooling. Sensors measuring room temperature, humidity, CO2 and wind, control the natural ventilation using thermal lift and wind pressure conditions to circulate fresh air through the building. The constantly monitored room climate then regulates how wide and how long the ventilation flaps are open. The roof is covered with PV panels, and the electricity generated partly covers the power consumption of the building.
▼通过使用可持续生态技术,建筑对环境的长期影响被大大降低,optimized Energy Concept enable the long-term low environmental footprint of the office space © Snøhetta
通过使用可持续生态技术,建筑对环境的长期影响被大大降低。灵活,开放的多层办公空间为员工提供了健康,愉快的工作环境。 该建筑是根据ASI Reisen的需求量身定制的,并以直观,慷慨的方式反映了公司的核心价值观。
By offering solutions that will enable the long-term low environmental footprint of the office space, this flexible and open office space over several floors constitutes a healthy and enjoyable working environment for its users. The building is tailor-made for the needs of ASI Reisen and reflects the values of the company in an intuitive and generous way.
▼灵活舒适的休闲空间与工作区, flexible and open relaxing space and office space © Christian Flatscher
▼开放的多层办公空间为员工提供了健康,愉快的工作环境,this flexible and open office space constitutes a healthy and enjoyable working environment © Christian Flatscher
▼总平面图,master plan © Snøhetta
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © Snøhetta
▼标准层平面图,ground floor plan © Snøhetta
▼顶层平面图,top floor plan © Snøhetta
▼剖面图,section © Snøhetta
Project credits Location: Natters near Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria Architecture, interior design, landscape architecture: Snøhetta Client: ASI Reisen Completed: 2019 Structural engineers: Tragwerkspartner, Innsbruck HVAC, building simulation: Alpsolar Klimadesign; Innsbruck Site area: 2.027 m2 Built-up area: 347 m2 Gross floor area: 1 548 m2 Floor area: 1.389 m2 Building volume: 5.469 m3
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