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2020/04/23 14:31:38
When it refers to Ganzhou in Jiangxi Province, Most of people may bear in mind the one of the most remarkable poems written by Xin Qiji in Ganzhou 900 years ago:Below the Gloomy Terrace flow to rivers clear.
How many tears of refugees are swallowed here!
I gaze afar on land long lost in the northwest,Alas! I see but mountain crest on mountain crest.
Blue mountains can’t stop water flowing;
Eastward the river keeps on going.
At dusk it makes me sad to weep,To hear partridge in mountains deep.
And yes indeed, Kanglaybo Hotel (Ganzhou)is just located in that marvelous natural beauties as ”to hear partridge in mountains deep”as the poem mentioned in Anyuan, Ganzhou. And 9TANG Design’s interior scheme makes the hotel perfectly suited the nature-beauty character of Ganzhou. Thus to crate comfortable and enjoyable experience to the guests as well.
酒店外景Hotel Exterior
贛州康萊博酒店是由深圳康萊博酒店集團管理的一家五星級商務酒店,已於2019年竣工。該酒店集餐飲住宿爲一體,可滿足各種規模各種形式的宴會需求。總建築面積 1.8萬平方米。酒店共17層,其中客房分佈在5至17層爲客房層,共有客房224間,標準客房分佈在5-17層,豪華套房分佈8-17層,總統套房位於17層。
Kanglaybo Hotel (Ganzhou) is a five-star business hotel and it had been started to open in 2019. The hotel interior design is totally completed by 9TANG Design. The hotel itself has total 180,000 square meters with 224 guests rooms. The standard rooms are on level 5-17, luxury suites are on level 8-17, president suites are on level 17.
酒店入口Hotel Entrance
Hotel Entrance
Just as every entertaining story must have a fascinating start, the hotel entrance design is also unique and fascinating. Just like a key to open a journey of wonderland.
The designer to place the down lights on the entrance canopy following a certain pattern to create “starring night” into your imagination. On the contrary, the canopy itself is dark colored to strengthen the contrast among “shining stars” and “deep night” which could give the guests a peaceful and joyful feeling even before they enter the hotel gate.
There are 3 pieces of full scale textured marble wall on the entrance facade. These kind of natural elements are perfectly combine with “starring night” entrance canopy to create a image of “weaken forest under peaceful night”.
酒店大堂 Hotel Lobby
Hotel Lobby
After across the entrance gate, then we reach to hotel lobby. The lobby wall is basically dark color, the crystal chandelier in middle is the the most eye-attracting element of the whole lobby space which makes continuous contrast of brightness and darkness compare with surrounding walls. The flooring and lobby bar counter are light colored to give sort of color balance of whole lobby space. Meanwhile, on the registration counter side of wall, there are sliver panels alternate with green plant walls to embellish a little modern taste into it.
酒店餐廳Hotel Restaurant
Hotel Restaurant
在中餐廳的設計中,設計師運用暖色調的元素搭配柔和的燈光營造出溫馨的用餐氛圍。特別是選取的燈具造型如同一枝秋葉,讓客人仿佛置身於無限溫存的秋色之中。餐廳牆面,布菲臺,以及餐桌臺面採用了深色調的帶有斑駁紋理的石材, 在屋頂秋色的掩映下,顯得更加深沉而厚重,時間突然被拉的漫長,歲月在變得無聲,此刻,唯有與親朋佳人共用的玉盤珍饈,被時光定格成了永恆。
Confucius had said: “One does not object to finest food”. Yes indeed, for most of Chinese families, dining is not only about eating food, but also a pursuit and a ritual of daily life. Therefore, hotel restaurant is the most important space of this hotel interior. It represent the most poetic life pursuit of Chinese people.
The designers create a enjoyable dining atmosphere by warm colored lighting, especially the lighting feature: the shape of lighting feature is just like a tree branch with Autumn leaves. The material of restaurant wall, buffet counter, dining table counters are mottled granite. All these elements combination have a magic chemistry that to slow the time: the time has been stretched to even longer and longer, and longer enough to comfortably sharing with your closest people to dining together.
餐廳包房 PDR
Compare with hotel restaurant, the hotel PDR is more light colored and more relaxed. Meanwhile, designers add more details onto it to make PDR more high-end. For example, the texture pattern on the operable partition is ancient Chinese brocade style, the elegant chandelier is so exquisite. All these kind of details make the PDR into high-end perfection.
酒店客房Guest Room
Guest Room
An ancient Chinese poet had said:”I would rather eat without meat, but can not live without bamboo”. So the ideal living condition in Chinese people’s mind must have natural element and natural environment interaction.
Our designers also follow this ideal principle into Hotel guest room design. We make the all the main elements in guest rooms are simple and light colored. We use simple colored wall, simple colored furniture and wood finish bedroom partitions. The aim of this style design is we are happy to see if our customer’s soul could be purified through living in such a simple and nature-site atmosphere just like“to hear partridge in mountains deep”.In guest room toilet, we just use two colors: gray and white. The stone material on floor and wall are gray, the bathtub, the shelve are pure white to give color contradiction. The most eye-attracting element is that we designed three small white paint tablet as decorative ornaments on the wall above the bathtub. These tiny elements could seasoning the artist taste of the space make the guest be fully relaxed and comforted.
項目名稱: 贛州康萊博國際酒店
Project Name:Kanglaybo Hotel (Ganzhou)
Location: Anyuan, Ganzhou, Jiangxi, China
項目面積: 1.8萬平方
Project Area:18,000
竣工时间: 2019年
Completion Year:2019
管理公司: 康萊博國際酒店集團
Management Company:Kanglaybo International Hotel Group
設計公司: 九唐設計集團
Interior Design Institution: 9TANG Design Group
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