跨越速运总部 | 空间光线自然的叙事诗

2020/07/28 09:09:36
建築大師倫佐皮亞諾曾用“空間,光線,自然”(space,sun,and nature)三個詞道盡了現代辦公設計的本質。即:
Architect Master Renzo Piano had used three worlds to describe the essence of modern office design: “space, sun and nature”, which means
SPACE:create space for story happening, and reserve the possibility of the happening story into the space;
SUN: introduce the natural light into interior to create open and transparent working atmosphere;
NATURE: Perfectly combine green plant and architecture, create comfortable intercourse environment.
And the Kuayue-Express Headquarter which designed by 9TANG design team is exactly followed these office design principles. The designers interpret them into design language with art skills and limitless creative ideas to compose a narrative poem of space,sun and nature.
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跨越速運總部外觀Exterior of Kuayue Headquarter
跨越速運集團總部位於深圳市寶安機場航站四路漢莎物流園。作為國內首屈一指的速運企業,跨越速運一直秉承“勇於跨越,追求卓越”的企業精神,肩負“為客戶提供高效的品質服務,為員工謀取良好的福利保障,為社會創造持續的卓越價值”的企業使命。九唐設計團隊從空間、光線、自然的基本設計理念入手,打造出深度契合公司企業文化和發展願景的總部辦公空間。該專案榮膺2020 CBDA中國裝飾設計大賽辦公空間工程類金獎。
Kuayue-Express Headquarter is located in Lufthansa Logistic zone, Bao’an District,Shenzhen City. It is one of the top express companies in China which pursuit service of excellence to the customers. The company always in accordance with “high quality service, good staff welfare and positive social value” as their fundamental value. 9TANG design team made this headquarter office totally incorporate with Kuayue enterprise culture & value based on space,sun,nature of the fundamental design elements. This project has been awarded as gold medal of 2020 CBDA China Decoration Design Competition Office Space Project Category.
So let’s look at this magnificent headquarter office design from perspectives of “space, sun and nature”.
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外立面雨棚Exterior Canopy
When we walk into the Kuayue headquarters, first of all, it should let the guest to feel the enterprise figure and culture. Therefore, we built an exterior canopy with full of modern and simplicity. It is a kind of advertisement that to show the show company’s ambition in technology pursuit.
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總部大堂Headquarter Lobby
The lobby always is the most important story-telling space, it means through telling stories to represent the core value of company: branding. Therefore, 9TANG designers made simple form treatment in order to make all the eyes are focusing on the feature wall purple brand logo.
In order to achieve the eye focusing, designers use white stone as the feature wall, white gypsum ceiling, mirror stainless steel column cover, GRG trimming treatment to make sure whole space has unified style with simple subject.
The matrix chandelier adds the sense of order and sense of future to the lobby space. The staircase on the left hand side enrich the vertical transportation functions.
We make the lobby void space and F1 functional space as an continued space. It enrich the interception and narrative of the space.
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電梯廳Lift Lobby
The lift lobby continues the style of lobby. The starry lighting and light strips on the ceiling make the atmosphere of technology and future.
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挑空中庭內立面Atrium internal facade
One of the basic requirements on modern office is to make the natural light into the interior as much as possible, which enables to create internal transparency. In order to achieve this internal transparency, besides the exterior facade, 9TANG designers also made the internal glass facade surrounding the atrium, which totally enriching the natural light into the interior.
Meanwhile, the designers make the office as opening workstation to enhance the visual transparency and working atmosphere.
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通透性的辦公體驗Transparent Working Atmosphere
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挑空中庭瀑布景觀Waterfall Landscape in Atrium
9TANG designers bring the idea of introducing natural landscape into office and interior space, and move the entire waterfall into atrium. What a magnificent work!
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室內綠植景觀Green Plant in Interior Space
Designers combine green plants and FF&E into most of interior space to make sure every staff in the office could see green landscape and enjoy the negative oxygen ions from the plants.
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環保材料的運用Environment Protection Material Indoor
Of course nature is not only means visual experience, but also material using. 9TANG designers use environment protection material such as non-toxic composite panel on the ceilings, walls, partitions and art features to make healthy working environment.
After Kuayue-Express headquarter office had been built,9TANG design team had received high compliments from clients. The design had solved the compression feeling of old headquarter and introduce a new office experience which could satisfy working,relaxing and entertaining functions. And then promote the working efficiency as the result.
One of the staff said: "the new Kuayue building has opening working environment with IT room, relaxing room, gym, balcony and so on, therefore, we have plenty of places for relaxing. For me the scenery out of the window is my favourite part, it makes me feel peace and enlightenment, such a relaxing experience !"
Providing a small relaxing world for the staffs, this is also 9TANG designer’s pursuit and relief.
項目名稱: 跨越集团速运总部
Project Name:Kuayue-Express Headquarter Office
项目所在地: 深圳
Location: Shenzhen, China
設計公司: 九唐設計集團
Interior Design Institution: 9TANG Design Group
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