

In a concrete forest we dwell, shuttling between the urban districts becomes an interpretation of facts. Urbanization inspires consumptions, but it seems that fewer of us retain the patience of exploring the joy of subtle differences.
▼从外侧看展厅 view of the pavilion from the outside
Collaborating again with Sightone Marble, a brand poised itself as “a creator of modern spatial aesthetics”, we exploit the artistry in artificial stones. Different from the designs of last year, the new showroom is a better refine in every aspect from abstract concepts to visualized display. We are eager to illustrate the design with a higher precision, which is, even for contemporary showroom designers, a realistic and urgent quest.
the video
连绵的遮罩 |Layers of Veils
Either to be poetic or divine, flattened visual displays are fading away while a more layered expression in components, materials and space prevails. We adopt steel mesh as a basic element to minimize the design language in a reticular structure, weaving this simple and clear construction into overlapped veils to form a visual effect delicately aligned with mobile views. Progressive layers of different thickness are like a mechanism from cells to tissues, from tissues to organs, then from organs to living bodies, inspiring the visitors’ metaphysical imagination.
thetitle of exhibition
▼石料展架 thedisplay racks of stones
▼细部 detail
You can enjoy the view from two perspectives: from one side to the other and from the front to the within. If you begin your tour from the longer side, the rapid rhythm forms a symphony that chapters are independent but also related as integral parts of a linguistical construction. But to start your visit from the shorter side, you will enjoy the deepness of the showroom. Such a multidirectional expression makes the showroom extremely exquisite.
entering the pavilion ofsteel mesh
游观与静观 |In-motion & In-position
Wilhelm Worringer proposed that observation is an interactive process in which the object under observation is not merely a passive existence of visual charms. It is a natural part of our observation to find concision and clarify our view.
the changing views
We may interpret it in a contrast of the in-motion viewing and the in-position viewing: a not-so-large hall as it is, the showroom has its profoundness within. Externally, visitors’ in-motion view is limited, depriving the visitors of a so-called panoramic view and making the whole scene a tiny stage amidst the streets; but, internally, for the in-position viewers on the stage, their moves become interesting and inexplicit.
The design becomes a special kind of building construction. As the form of the matrix appears, a clear logic emerges. It’s hidden and visibly, technology and art are merging with each other. Just like the spiritual core expressed in the Sightone Marble, “natural principle” is the combination of technology and principle.
view of the center display zone
悸动的石头 |Restless Marbles
Structural elements are allocated dispersedly, highlighting the marbles amidst. The aggregate in between the matrix reveals itself inadvertently; the marbles on the steel mesh demonstrate their flowing texture and their delicate details are prominent against the order and structure of the background.
the marbles on the steel mesh
An installation with a primitive flavour is the giant marble deep inside the showroom. Here, the marble has a dual-function: for one thing, it creates an infinite restlessness for the limited space; and for another, it enables the co-existence of “vastness” and “tininess” in the same room. The installation conveys an oriental philosophy of nature with a poetic nature: invisibility (of the vast mountain) and the visibility (of the marbles). An artificial work by humans the showroom is, it derives something higher than the nature and makes an escape from the bustling world.
▼展厅中的巨石 the giant marble deep inside the showroom
▼围绕巨石布置的展架 display racks around the giant marble
项目名称:2020 广州设计周画王展厅
项目设计 & 完成年份:2020 年 10 月&2020 年 12 月
Project name : Signtone Marble Pavilion | 2020 Guangzhou Design Week
Website :
Design year & Completion Year:October,2020& December, 2020
Leader designer & Team:
Design Director: Peng Zheng
Design Team : Zhang Bo、Yao Xubin、Li Yonghua
Project location : Guangzhou,China
Design Area: 165M²
Clients: Guangxi Lisheng Stone Industry Co., Ltd.
Brands / Products used in the projrct: Terrazzo、Inorganic stone、Steel Cage、Acrylic