

This project is simultaneously an idea for a product and an element of scenography for an exhibition. The exhibition titled Tradition and high Technology took place at Maison de la Culture du Japon in Paris between the 22nd of November and the 3rd of December 2016. The exhibition displayed artisanal products selected from 13 different prefectures in Japan. We were asked by the Japanese public organizer, Claire paris to exhibit the products of each prefecture separately and equally. We consequently designed a showcase and an explanation panel for each prefecture. Being in the entrance hall of Maison de la Culture du Japon, we decided to create an intimate internal space, sheltered from the public noise, in order to provide the viewer a calm atmosphere. This was achieved by composing each booth in a circle, but also served as a way of giving the viewer with a panoramic overview of the exhibition.
▼ 展览台,Exhibition booth
▼独立平等的展示空间,exhibit the products of each prefecture separately and equally
▼设计师创造了一个尺度宜人的内部空间,隔离于公共环境的嘈杂给参观者创造了一个安静的环境欣赏展品,create an intimate internal space, sheltered from the public noise, in order to provide the viewer a calm atmosphere
由于展览布景需要在三个小时内建立起来,设计师的主要挑战是设计一个易于运输和拆卸组装的布景系统。折叠屏幕的布景系统营运而生,其借鉴了日本传统的屏风。传统的屏风由两片面板垂直连接,可以在平面上展开成V形为了使其稳定的站立。设计师在此基础上创新的将两片屏风分割成4片,增加了横向的节点连接以使屏风可以折叠起来。折叠之后的屏风符合900 x 900毫米的模数,与日本传统的空间模数相一致。
▼可折叠系统,Foldable scenography system
▼ 三小时组装过程,Set up Process
▼ 折叠后的展台,compact exhibition booth
设计师设计的这套屏风系统满足了所有展品的展出需求,将分割版,信息板,展示架和灯光融合在一起。这套可折叠产品名为发光的褶皱(Pleat Luster),它是展览的布景架也成为了这次传统与高科技展出主题的一部分展品。这个折叠的创意应用于白色的屏幕和黑色的展示太上。为了使产品在使用和存储起来更灵活方便,设计师横向在屏幕上增加了分割,但同时对稳定性是个挑战。为了让屏幕面板可以360度旋转,设计师将屏幕分割成了4片。同时将传统的纸质铰接系统替换为纤维材质的铰链系统以增加产品的稳定性。
▼发光的褶皱,Pleat Luster
该设计的第二个挑战就是将灯光照明设备与展品融为一体。作为展出主题“传统与高科技”强有力的表达,设计师决定将LED照明灯安置于折叠屏幕内。这也是产品叫做褶皱光泽(Pleat Luster)的原因。通过用同一种材质覆盖每个表面,以获得优雅均匀的灯光效果。此表面纤维材质使纹理柔软细腻。设计师将纤维铰链和可折叠灯光两种技术结合在一起,将简单的纤维,木框架和LED灯光结合在一起,成功的将传统与技术融为了一体。设计师希望此设计不仅可以满足展出的需求并且能满足世界范围内现代日常生活的需求。尤其是当今生活变得越来越游牧化,人们带着笔记本电脑手机出行,设计师希望这个产品可以为人们提供一个私人的带有有灯光,分割和桌子的可利用空间。
▼ 发光屏幕细节,Details
As the scenography needed to be set up within three hours, our challenge was to design a system that was compact to transport and quick to set up. This led us to design the scenography with folding screens, referring to the traditional Japanese byobu. Traditional byobu is composed of two panels with a vertical junction and is opened to form a V-shape in plan in order for it to be stable. Our innovation was to divide this composition into 4 panels including horizontal junctions to allow them to be more compact when folded. When the structure is folded, all elements fit 900 x 900mm modules, corresponding to the Japanese traditional space unit.
We developed this byobu system to provide all the required elements for the exhibition; including partitions, information panels, showcases and integrated lighting. We called this foldable product Pleat Luster and it became a product of the exhibition with the theme of tradition and high technology. This folding idea is applied to both the white screens and the black showcases. Deciding to further divide the screens horizontally gave us more flexibility in using and storing, but also resulted in a challenge when it came to stability. In order to allow the screen panels to rotate 360 degrees, a necessary function given the screens are divided into 4 panels, we further developed the traditional paper hinge system. By using fabric instead of paper for the hinges, we were able to create enough stability.
The second challenge was to integrate lighting inside the product. As a strong expression of the theme of combining tradition and high-technology, we we decided to use LEDs directly inside folding screens. That is why we called them Pleat Lusters. We covered every surface with the same fabric to give an elegant lighting effect. The fabric allowed many delicate movements and gave a soft texture. With two technical developments, namely the fabric hinge and using foldable lighting, we were able to merge tradition and technology, and do so in a simple expression by using only fabric, wood frame and LED lighting. We hope that this design will not only bring a comfortable space for this exhibition but also meet the needs of modern life all over the world. As the modern life becomes more and more nomadic, moving around by carrying our laptops and smartphones, we hope Pleat Luster will be able to provide a small private space, with a light, partition and desk.
Architects: ARCHIEE / Yusuke Kinoshita and Daisuke Sekine
Client: CLAIR paris (Centre japonais des collectivites locales)
Location: Maison de la culture du Japon, Paris, France
Photo: Jun Yasui