

2017 年,受蔚来汽车的邀请,SHL 建筑事务所设计了首批蔚来中心(NIO House)之一的蔚来中心 | 杭州西湖,成功将蔚来的品牌基因与在地文化融入进蔚来社区。这座至今仍被称为“最成功和最具影响力的牛屋”,自那时起奠定了蔚来中心的设计基调。
Back in 2017, NIO invited Schmidt Hammer Lassen (SHL) to create one of their first flagship NIO House projects on the banks of the UNESCO heritage listed West Lake in Hangzhou.Still considered one of NIO’s most successful and impactful NIO House projects, NIO West Lake set the agenda for creating an environment that combined the DNA of NIO with the importance of place and the home of the NIO community.
此后,NIO 蔚来与 SHL 建筑事务所在中国开启了一系列合作。
Since then, SHL have designed several NIO Houses continually evolving the idea that great architecture has the power to bring people together.
▲NIOHouse Oslo 模型
如今,这段美妙的缘分也从中国延伸至欧洲。2021 年即将收官之际,在挪威奥斯陆,由 SHL 建筑事务所执掌设计的蔚来中心首家海外旗舰店正式开幕。
This fruitful collaboration with NIO now extends beyond China to a new horizon in Europe. At the close of 2021, SHL and NIO announced the opening of NIO House Oslo, the first NIO House outside of China.
让我们一同走进蔚来中心 | 奥斯陆。
Please enjoy the story:
“峡湾”——蔚来中心 | 奥斯陆
Fjord—NIO House Oslo
▲NIO House Oslo 正门
中国电动汽车领军品牌 NIO 蔚来的第一家海外蔚来中心,现已在挪威奥斯陆市中心卡尔·约翰斯大道开幕。
SHL 建筑事务所的设计结合了 NIO 蔚来对汽车产业的革新见解与奥斯陆市中心的历史文脉,将蔚来中心 | 奥斯陆融入到周边的皇家宫殿、挪威议会、中央车站,以及更大范围的北欧环境中。
Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects announces the opening of NIO House in Oslo, Norway – a showroom for premium smart electric vehicles that doubles as a community house.
NIO selected Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects to honour the brand’s progressive view of the automotive industry and merge it with the historic centre of Oslo; the Royal Palace, the Norwegian Parliament and the Central Station, as well as the Nordic setting.
SHL 建筑事务所的设计结合了 NIO 蔚来对汽车产业的革新见解与奥斯陆市中心的历史文脉,将蔚来中心 | 奥斯陆融入到周边的皇家宫殿、挪威议会、中央车站,以及更大范围的北欧环境中。
NIO selected Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects to honour the brand’s progressive view of the automotive industry and merge it with the historic centre of Oslo; the Royal Palace, the Norwegian Parliament and the Central Station, as well as the Nordic setting.
▲客厅的设计为 NIO 蔚来用户提供了家一般的温馨体验。设计颠覆了传统的汽车消费体验,为蔚来汽车的用户和附近的社区创造出空间来。
The design of the new NIO House, located on Karl Johans Gate, is founded on a visionary concept that subverts the archetypal car purchasing experience, creating a space for the brand’s users and the wider community.
SHL 以独特的北欧设计见解呈现了 NIO 蔚来对绿色出行的乐观愿景“Blue Sky Coming”,以及适应未来斯堪的纳维亚半岛生活方式的场景。Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects’ design team has successfully adapted the architectural and functional expression of NIO’s optimistic vision of a “Blue Sky Coming” for future solutions to mobility to a Scandinavian way of life.
▲富有生活气息的咖啡厅吸引 NIO 蔚来用户在此安坐、放松、共度时光。以社区为核心,该设计为 NIO 蔚来用户提供了家一般的温馨体验。
Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects won the international competition in 2020 with the design of a community-focused house that provides a comprehensive experience of a second home for its users.
▲设计团队通过美学和空间概念传递出 NIO 蔚来的品牌形象和理念。
We were really excited learning how this brand fundamentally differentiate itself from other car brands.
We started sort of to indulge in an exercise, trying to see if we could find what was really essential to Oslo, to the people living in Oslo. And we came up with this feeling that it was all about engagement and community. It’s about closeness and relationship to nature, as well as about a celebration of local taste and flavors.
“这次设计中,我们在蔚来中心 | 奥斯陆植入了“峡湾”概念。我们第一次来到这个空间时就一下子爱上了它。”
Through this exercise, we came up with the concept that we named Fjord. When we finally got to see the space, we immediately fell in love with it.
▲NIO 蔚来对绿色出行的乐观愿景“Blue Sky Coming”
That’s like this atrium, where we are placing a grand staircase, like a sculpture or monument that really embeds the idea of building community at the heart of what we’re creating.
In terms of materials, we’ve been inspired by strong local materials that we could gather. It’s very limited without being minimalistic.
“It’s quite sophisticated and pure. Its stone, its wood, its textile. The ceiling is going to be like this translucent cloud like feature.”
▲NIOHouse Oslo 电动汽车展厅
▲NIOHouse Oslo 咖啡厅
“The walls are all going to be cladded in wood as a backdrop to everything that happens there. And then we have this large terrazzo floor that connects all the spaces. Like a sky, a cliff wall and a seabed, almost like a fjord.”
建筑面积:2,150 ㎡
业主:NIO 蔚来
项目管理:Fokus Rådgivning
摄影:Even Mellum
视频:NIO 蔚来
状态:2021 年建成
Building Area:2,150 ㎡
Client:NIO 蔚来
Project Management:Fokus Rådgivning
Visuals:Even Mellum
Video:NIO 蔚来
Status:Completed 2021