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Giraffe Elite
The interior designers explored the idea of theatre, to put the spotlight on the education platform of Giraffe Elite. Located in Jingyao Campus in Pudong in Shanghai, the 2400sqm school reveals a new and innovative concept for education spaces, the interiors space and branding was developed by DUTS Design and b
randing d
esigner Jennifer Tsai. Instilling a sense of performance in the visitors, the education activities are staged as a spectacle while an open area hosts the sitting audience.
室内设计师探索剧场的理念,将聚光灯放在长颈鹿美语的教育平台上。位于上海浦东的精耀校区,2400平方米的学校展示了一个新的和创新的教育空间的概念,空间设计和品牌设计分别是由DUTS设计和品牌设计师Jennifer Tsai合作完成。教育活动作为一种壮观的表演,在一个开放的区域里容纳了坐着的观众,给参观者灌输一种表演的感觉。
The facilities have two entrances, one directly from the shopping mall and another one is from the street facing the reception counter. In the lobby area, there is an inverted funnel that contains a screen that project Giraffe Elite's logo, among other graphics related to the branding of the school.
Mostly, the lighting is provided by ceiling recessed mount downlights and cove lights fitted with LED light sources with a color temperature of 3500K to produce a warm ambiance in the evenings, while being cool enough to integrate well with natural lighting that penetrates the interior during the day through the full-height windows.
The stage with its organic interior design, shows us a reminiscence of some African Landscapes with its horizontal layers are easily recognized.
Track light system suspends over this area, allows the use of both focus spotlights and stage lighting projectors whilst keeping the overall fixture profile minimal, compact and clean. Around the stage, strips lights are integrated within coves, skirting as well as wall-floor junctions to highlight the architecture and design.
The library was inspired basically by the early hour of the day in Africa, a special moment when night is about to conclude and when the morning brings and reveals the morning dew of the African Savannah to a new day.
The spaces was designed with the concept of layers, creating a small theatre where the children can play and practice different activities. The general and ambient lighting is created by light fixtures integrated in the mirror ceiling, whilst concealed strip lights in the skirting and the glass create the feeling highlighting the morning dew.
The classrooms are themed with different subjects such as literature, the ocean, street market, geography, nature; every classroom is fitted with pendent lights with light sources in the range of 4000K providing direct/indirect lighting within the space, making the classroom look much more bigger, higher, while the lighting is soft and bright enough for the children to use and play inside the classroom. While the whiteboards are lit by a row of wall washer light fixtures giving the right illumination in the vertical surfaces.
Project for Giraffe Elite
Location of the project: Shanghai, China
Date: July 2019
Lighting Design: Studio Illumine
Studio Illumine
Design Team: Carlos González Galán, Viva Tsao, Jimmy Van
设计团队: Carlos González Galán, Viva Tsao, Jimmy Van
Interior Designer: DUTS Design
室内设计: DUTS Design
Branding Designer: Jennifer Tsai
品牌设计师: Jennifer Tsai
Photography: Giraffe Elite
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