

本设计是nendo与纽约艺术家Daniel Arsham的合作项目,秉持“Daniel来打破,nendo来创立”的概念,即:首先由nendo创造出没有特定用途的产品,再由Daniel通过破坏的手段赋予产品新的用途。从一个浴缸状的形状,创造出双人沙发;从一个狭长的体块,创造出一条长凳;从一个高大四方的形状,创造出一个控制台面。这些作品都被粉刷成了Daniel标志性的柔和色调。
A collaborative project with New York-based artist Daniel Arsham with the concept of “nendo makes. Daniel breaks. ”After nendo creates objects with no intended use, Daniel produces new functions by breaking them. From a bathtub-like form, a loveseat emerged; from a long and narrow block, a bench or a stool; from a tall, square form, a console table was revealed. The pieces are colored in pastel tones, typical of Daniel’s work.
▼主要作品展示,Main works display
▼展览中的作品,Works in the exhibition
▼创作过程示意图,Diagram of the creative process
▼创作过程视频,Video of the creative process
The theme that has long dominated Daniel’s practice, “Fictional Archeology,” refers to the partial breaking of everyday things to transform them into “excavated” artifacts. In traditional Japanese craft, on the other hand, the idea of “creating to be broken” is honored, as displayed in the easily dismountable joinery of wood construction or in barrels made of just wooden planks and held together by a hoop.
▼“打破”前后对比,Before and after
▼作品展示动图,Works display animation
This theme of “reverse-engineering from breaking” is often explored in nendo’s work as well.
▼草图和创作阶段,Sketch and creation stage
▼作品完成,Work completed
An artist who creates by breaking, and a designer who creates things to be broken. An artist who expresses present objects as past artifacts, and a designer who makes present objects that anticipate the future. The collaboration may be seen as an overlay of these two contrary perspectives.
▼作品细节,Details of works
Client: Friedman Benda
Collaborator: Sayaka Ito
Photographer: Akihiro Yoshida(5-10), Takumi Ota(11-15), Masahiro Ohgami(2-4), Katsuaki Kobayashi(2-4)
Movie: Bianco Bianco
Animation: Yumika Kanechika 2023.04