安福路 in the PARK 空间改造 | 简约工期下的多品牌集成店设计

2023/03/13 11:38:38
2021年9月,in the PARK安福路店完成了它的第三次改造。
在此之前,不断加入的新品牌和随之而来的各种功能不一的商品品类给店铺带来了巨大的陈列压力。店铺定位逐渐清晰后与原有空间布局产生了冲突,结构性的困境急需被打破。经过一段时间的探寻,我们找到了CASE PAVILION案亭,并邀请他们来担当这次in the PARK安福路空间全面改造的设计方。
In September 2021, “in the PARK” Anfu Road completed its third reno-vation.
Before the renovation, the increasing addition of new labels and new products that followed had put a lot of pressure on the store’s display; the old floor plan was becoming obsolete as the brand identity refined. The store was in dire need of a structural breakthrough. After extensive research, we decided to invite CASE PAVILION to help us transform the store space on Anfu road.
In a conversation about the project with its architects Yang Zhenyu and Yan Danjie, we hope to learn their vision for a multi-brand boutique’s path forward in limited space.
▼项目外观,Exterior view
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当in the PARK团队敲开我们办公室的门时,他们的安福路时装买手店已投入运营三年半。品牌理念与架构渐进清晰,却在初始店铺内陷入了一些功能困境,亟待解决。他们的诉求是用尽量精简的工期和工程量,最大限度地提升空间品质、丰富展陈形态、扩充仓储容量、组织动线、优化照明等等等等,林林总总即发展实体空间内所有积极的可能性。
走进彼时的in the PARK安福路店,仿佛置身现代化起飞时期中心城区的某条后巷:人口(商品单位SKU)剧增,土地(店铺面积)已无处扩张,市民经济生活(代理品牌品类)持续细化;仓储空间和陈列展面遭到挤压,流离失所的包装盒等物件联结成群体现象;多品牌集成难以伸张。
When “in the PARK” reached out to us, their multi-brand boutique on Anfu road had been in operation for three years and a half. While their brand identity and architecture had become increasingly coherent, they encountered some functional issues in the physical store space. They planned to, within the shortest timescale and leanest construction manageable, extract as much productive potential of the store as possi-ble: maximize the overall quality of the space, diversify the modes of display, expand the storage capacity, improve shopping routes, optimize the lighting, and so on.
Picture the store at the time as a back alley in the urban center of a rapidly modernizing city: limited land (store floor plan) faced with contin-uing population (SKU) boom and increasing needs (diversifying brands and products) of its citizens. With misplaced items like packaging mate-rials all over the space, the storage and merchandising were eating into each other. The brands, yet to be integrated, competed for limited dis-play capacity.
▼正门,Front door
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To study the establishment and the problems they were facing, we began the project with a thorough census of their existing SKU, in-ventory, and particularly voluminous packaging boxes. After consoli-dating all the overflowing boxes and taking their measurements, we decided to design additional high-density display units which func-tion both as storage and display.
▼后场空间,Rear space
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Corbusier’s design of a series of residential unit complexes, from the Domino prototype to the Unité d’Habitation of Marseille, is a forward-looking exploration of social housing typology. He allocated the public and private spaces in the building with fairness and ra-tionality and gave the apartment suites doubled ceiling height and generous openings.
Left: Le Corbusier’s sketch for the Marseille Unit; Right: The Unité d’Habitation of Firminy-Vert by Le Corbusier
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We had in our mind socialist mass housing, the prefab panel blocks. A switch-flexible, lightweight structure, as an extension of the megabuilding, introduces sufficient natural light and ventilation to every household. The blocks house an impressive amount of resi-dents within a limited area while optimising their connection to the outside world.
▼左:由大型居住单元综合体的概念转化,尝试多品类商品仓储与展陈并置的可能性;右:铝合金展柜原型构思;Left: Display/storage units inspired by pre-fab housing blocks; Right: sketch for the display units
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As a result, the fully industrialized aluminum profile system becomes our top choice. It can form a composite structure of modules that services various display designs. The prefabricated display modules are assembled in front of the storage units. When the panel of one of these double-layer units flip down, the height (depth) difference between the layers creates a gap through which light passes. There are multiple display combinations by simply opening and closing different storage units.
▼铝合金展柜组合,Aluminum display units
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▼铝合金展柜局部,Aluminum display units (detail)
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Bringing a functionalist approach throughout the project. we in-tegrate the constructive rationality of civil work into commercial interior design. With the backyard and the two four-meter wide glass panels in front of it as a backdrop, we quite naturally come to a display rack made out of space trusses for hanging.
The truss structure is span- and weight-efficient, yet strong enough for hanging heavy clothing. The elimination of freestanding racks gives way to an unobstructed view of the outdoor space, incor-porating the backyard into the store. The truss structure also allows for a variety of hanging display arrangements for clothes to be viewed from the front and the side in three different depths.
▼挂装陈列桁架,Space truss inspired display rack
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安福路 in the PARK 空间改造 | 简约工期下的多品牌集成店设计-42
Distilling from our everyday encounters in the urban landscape, we transform and reintroduce textural details in the park: the glass door and windows are installed as point supported and hid-den frame curtains;
▼改造后的in the PARK安福路店大门,以点式幕墙和隐框幕墙形式干挂外装的玻璃,Point supported and hidden frame glass installation on the store’s front door
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安福路 in the PARK 空间改造 | 简约工期下的多品牌集成店设计-47
▼工业三防灯引入停车场、体育馆般的泛光照明;The industrial tri-proof lights are reminiscent of the flood lighting commonly found in parking lots and gymnasiums
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The streets lamps trigger a path down the memory lane; the metal bricks imbedded in the cement brick floor refer to manhole covers everyone in the city…
▼改造后放置在in the PARK 安福路店内外的“公园椅”和“路灯”,Park bench and street light featured as part of the renovation
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直至工程尾声,in the PARK商铺后院已搭建三年半的围挡被拆除,经年遮蔽的彩钢自行车棚、邻居大大小小的空调外机,以及青苔滋生的地面,统统融入室内空间桁架的背景——如同拥塞纷扰的当代大都市中,在公园,我们始终更新并注视着微缩的公共生活景观。
As the renovation wraps up, the fences in the backyard built three and a half years ago have been removed. The rusted steel bike shed, air conditioning units of various sizes, and the moss-covered ground have come out of the backstage and become part of the ensem-ble. No matter how hectic the urban life becomes, in the park, we continue to observe and build the micro-public scene.
▼后场空间,The rear space
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Pre-renovation floor plan and display units
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Floor plan and display units for the renovation
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▼改造后室内灯光平面,Interior lighting plan for the renovation
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项目名称:in the PARK 安福
项目类型:零售 – 室内改造/家具
客户:in the PARK
品牌:in the PARK
南京喵熊网络科技有限公司 苏ICP备18050492号-4知末 © 2018—2020 . All photos and trademark graphics are copyrighted by their owners.增值电信业务经营许可证(ICP)苏B2-20201444苏公网安备 32011302321234号