‘Threshold and Treasure’ questions the role of threshold and treasure in the field of art, architecture and, more specifically, galleries as places of display.
▼建筑外观,Exterior view
▼入口近景,Entrance close-up view
“门槛与宝藏”旨在向Mats Bergquist的作品致敬。
‘Threshold and Treasure’ aims to pay tribute to the work of Mats Bergquist. It is precisely in the space of the threshold that the meaning of the entire project unfolds: thus, the entrance becomes both work of art and urban system.
▼入口一瞥,A glance to the entrance
▼建筑围墙,Enclosure wall
The path is designed with the aim of gently leading the visitor inside the exhibition area from the furthest side: the place unveils itself gradually, following a closed sequence of crossings, one threshold at a time. At this point, the itinerary reaches the so-called ‘black threshold’, which is a place defined by a twentieth century addition consisting of a frame in reinforced concrete, whose presence is here underlined by an ‘absolute black’ coating. This expedient focuses on the visual perception of the viewer, making the eye attentive to the layers and, at the same time, appeasing it, thanks to a background suitable for experiencing art pieces in an inevitable dialogue with the existing building.
▼庭院路径,Access in the courtyard
▼附属建筑,The addition
▼建筑外观细节,Exterior detailed view
Precisely by the visible original wall, the presence of a third threshold can be perceived: the memory of what used to be a typography and, before that, a barn, leads to the discovery of a whole different spatiality, which is authentic since it has been freed from the additions of time. Here, in the background, is located a discrete volume of visible reinforced concrete which encloses restrooms, and captures light thanks to the contrast with the wooden slab.
▼展厅,The hall
▼室内细节,Interior detailed view
▼转角,The corner
纵向延伸的主厅揭示出另外一个门槛:由玻璃和钢材制成的笼状结构,它扩大了空间,如同展示珍宝一般,将内部的庭院呈现给观众。这使人联想到某种日式庭园,其间散布着Mattia Bosco创作的雕塑。它提供了一个优越的观赏视角,同时也可以用作短暂休息的空间。
The longitudinal development of the great hall entirely opens up revealing an additional threshold: a glass and steel cage which expands the space unveiling the internal court, almost as if it was a treasure. It reminds of a Japanese garden, scattered with sculptures by Mattia Bosco, and it provides a privileged viewpoint, and also a moment of rest.
▼由玻璃和钢材制成的笼状结构,The glass and steel cage
The interior is connected with the courtyard
回到入口处的玻璃体量后,大约可以分辨出通往建筑顶部的楼梯。楼梯的存在揭示了一种“分离”的设计动作,使既有的“自由大楼”(Liberty building,现已改造为艺术家的临时住宅)脱离于20世纪建造的附加建筑。在这个特定的位置上,楼梯成为重新组织众多层级和设计语汇的关键元素,并暗示出时间的流逝。
By going back to the glass volume of the entrance, it is possible to distinguish the stair leading to the upper floor. This presence reveals a design operation that made possible the “detachment” of the Liberty building – which now hosts the artists’ temporary residence – from the Twentieth century addition. In that specific position the stair becomes a key element to the re-organization of the syntax of the multitude of stratifications, showing the passage of time.
The separation of elements (the villa and the warehouse) is a necessary break: the unpolished façade conveys the power of this break, which is then mitigated by the connection provided by the new stair. The stair and the beam in reinforced concrete generate an additional mechanism, a three-dimensional threshold, the sixth one, which leads to another treasure, the garden. This green space proves to be a sort of “panopticon” from which, among trees, it is possible to lay eyes on a typical Venetian historic centre.
▼花园视角,View from the garden
▼俯瞰庭院,Courtyard aerial view
This point of attraction consists of a questionably complex blending of styles and colours which, overall, determine a contemporary tapestry, a setting which is itself a work of spontaneous art, defined by the alternation of architectures without architects (as Bernard Rudofsky would say) which contributes to the memory and tradition of the place and, for this reason, should be interpreted with pride.
▼结构和材料细节,Structure and material details
One more threshold needs to be crossed in order to enter the atelier: a large sliding door in natural steel reveals a further pivoting window which, finally, gives access to a pure space. The concrete volume, visible on the external side, is characterized on the inside by a continuous white surface which stands out on a wooden floor recovered from a kindergarten in Borneo, enriched by kids’ carvings which bring back to the domestic dimension of the entire building.
▼纯粹的空间,A pure space
▼室内细节,Interior view
▼建筑外观细节,Exterior detailed view
▼场地平面图,Site plan
▼首层平面图,Plan +0
▼二层平面图,Plan +1
▼细部剖面图,Detail section
Nome del progetto/Project name
ATIPOGRAFIA // Threshold and Treasure
Progetto di/Project by
Collaborative Architecture Office
For Research And Development
Arch. Marcello Galiotto PhD
Arch. Alessandra Rampazzo PhD
IG @amaa_office
Responsabili di progetto/Project architects – Partner in Charge
Arch. Marcello Galiotto PhD
Gestione progetto/Project management
Arch. Mario Azzarello
Gruppo di progettazione/Design team
Arch. Marcello Galiotto PhD
Arch. Alessandra Rampazzo PhD
Arch. Mario Azzarello
Modelli / Models
Arch. Simone Agosta del Forte
Arch. Nilo Forcellini
Arch. Francesco Baggio
Leonardo Tagliente
Foto Modelli / Models pictures
Elena Pellizzer
Foto progetto realizzato / Pictures (realized project)
Simone Bossi
Strutture/Structural engineering
Ing. Claudio Lorenzetto
Progetto Antincendio / Fire
Sinergo spa
Ingegneria elettrica/Electrical engineering
Aig / Elettroimpianti
Ingegneria meccanica / Mechanical engineering
Ing. Stefano Faggion
Direzione lavori/Site supervision
Collaborative Architecture Office
For Research And Development
Arch. Marcello Galiotto PhD
Arch. Alessandra Rampazzo PhD
Arch. Mario Azzarello
Illuminotecnica/Lighting design
Perito ind. Luca Dal Cengio
Progettazione paesaggistica/Landscape design
Angelo Renna
Impresa edile/Contractor
Il Grifo S.r.l.