

The task of the city was to design a new kindergarten with a sports focus and a gym building. The nursery school is planned as part of the new development of the Říčany-Větrník area. We designed three objects and connected them to each other – a kindergarten, a gym, and a garden. The gymnasium will be built, while the kindergarten and part of the garden are constructed.
▼项目概览,Overall view
First we thought about the child as a phenomenon – what constitutes childhood? Not only the family, the experiences on the playground, it is also the objects they visit, the institutions that fit them into the System. And what physical abilities does the child have? What does aging lose? We found a lot of examples of non-traditional nurseries from all over the world. The child is in the System and the purpose is to become a proper and non-problematic part. That is why we see such a development of alternative education. The topic of education as a state discipline is an important phenomenon for us personally. In our civilized world, we talk about economic growth, but not enough about all details of education, about the mystery of childhood.
▼屋顶鸟瞰,Rooftop view
However, the Town of Říčany showed courage and generosity from the beginning. Many meetings took place with teachers, representatives of sports clubs, and the management of the Town of Říčany before the proposal was settled. We sensed interest in the project, thank you for that. The children themselves were essential – their games, movement, vision, and scale. Children’s spontaneity, disorganization, unpredictability, purity, curiosity, optimism and unburdened by the bitterness of life.
▼塔状的教室与花园相连,The pagoda-like classrooms are connected to the garden
We divided the mass into several parts. A cube in which there are facilities, offices, entrances… everything necessary for practical functioning. Individual classrooms are then connected to this, which are no longer rectangular and connect to the garden. They are free-form worlds to play with. The pagodas form the silhouette of the house and from the inside, a hiding place, an Indian tee-pee, a space where the light falls from triangular windows, visible wooden structures like tree branches.
▼建筑外观,Exterior view
▼室内空间,Interior view
▼室内结构,Internal structure
The light falls from triangular windows
In the entrance atrium, there is a spider web, a play area accessible from all classrooms, a rope center right in the building. We hope it will be used and the children will swing and fly. The net is carried by tree trunks that have been thanked for their service. The atrium also serves as a community space, for singing, acting, exhibitions, and theater.
▼入口中庭,Entrance Atrium
▼“蜘蛛网”游戏区,“Spider web”, the play area
▼透过织网仰望天窗,Looking up to the skylight through the web
The nursery school has two faces, it holds a picture of the street, it is playful in the garden, it does not function like a traditional house here. Here it shakes, matter breaks up and space opens up for the Sun to penetrate. The main entrance is from the street, with two classrooms on the ground floor, and two upstairs. The street facade of the kindergarten is partially designed as vertical greenery, we hope that it will sweep and thicken to one day absorb the entire facade. The entrance is supposed to resemble the entrance to a mysterious temple or spaceship. The management of the technical infrastructure is partially visual, letting the child see where the water, electricity, and air flow. The colors are cheerful, they should also illuminate the surroundings.
Behind the house, there is a playground, currently unfinished, partially completed. Here, too, we wanted a green fantasy world to be created, as if from a children’s book. The construction took place with pressure on finances, not everything was realized according to our ideas, but this is standard in our job. We wanted to build an object for children that is not an institution, it is playful and will enable the development of creativity and all the beautiful specificities of the child’s soul. An object that will create subconscious images for children that may one day arise in adulthood to develop Something…
▼夜景,Night view
▼场地鸟瞰,Aerial view
▼一层平面图,Ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,First floor plan
▼西立面图,Elevation west
▼南立面图,Elevation south
▼东立面图,Elevation east
▼北立面图,Elevation north
▼纵剖面图,Longitudinal section
▼剖面细部,Section detail
Studio: Architektura
Author: David Kraus
Studio address: V korytech 169/11, 106 00 Praha 10 – Záběhlice, Czech Republic
Co-author: Marek Trebuľa
Alina Fornaleva
Šárka Andrlová
Michaela Kubinová
Project location: Bílá 785/6, 251 01 Říčany
Project country: Czech Republic
Project year: 2016
Completion year: 2021
Built-up Area: 716 m²
Gross Floor Area: 1 114 m²
Usable Floor Area: 1 058 m²
Plot size: 3 009 m²
Dimensions: 10 016 m3
Cost: 2 640 000 €
Client Municipality of Říčany
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