

国际创新设计团队CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati和建筑师Italo Rota与能源公司Eni一起展示了一个致力于展示磁约束聚变的项目,这是能源系统脱碳的最具创新性的技术之一。该项目展示了托卡马克反应堆的模型,该模型已在罗马亮相,目的是让参观者了解这项突破性技术。
International design and innovation office CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati and architect Italo Rota, together with energy company Eni, present a project dedicated to magnetic confinement fusion, one of the most innovative technologies for the decarbonization of energy systems. The project showcases the mock-up of a Tokamak reactor, built within a former gasholder in Rome, Italy, in order to inform visitors about this breakthrough technology.
▼项目概览,overview of the project
▼项目鸟瞰,bird eye view of the project
CRA和Italo Rota设计的本项目是展览“Maker Faire Rome”的一部分,该展览是欧洲领先的创客社区活动。它位于意大利首都现代工业遗产最重要的标志之一Gazometro Ostiense遗址,地处罗马斗兽场西南3公里处。在一个 50米高、40米宽的储气罐内,参观者可以探索托卡马克的概念模型,这是磁约束技术过程中的一个基础组成部分。经过一条上升的路径,人们可以进入托卡马克内部。在一个红色的圆形走廊内,一系列多媒体讲述了这项技术及其正在进行的科学研究。
The project by CRA and Italo Rota is part of Maker Faire Rome, Europe’s leading event for the community of Makers. It is situated in the site of Gazometro Ostiense, one of the foremost symbols of the Italian capital’s modern industrial heritage, located just three kilometers southwest of the Colosseum. Inside a 50-meter-high, 40-meter-wide gasholder, visitors can explore the conceptual model of a Tokamak, a fundamental component in magnetic confinement technology processes. After an ascending path, people can access inside the Tokamak. Here, within a red-lit circular corridor, a series of multimedia content narrates the technology and its ongoing scientific investigations.
an ascending path takes people into the installation
▼走廊近景,close shot of the path
▼装置内景,interior of the installation
▼装置内多媒体向人们展示这项技术,a series of multimedia content narrates the technology inside the installation
该项目遵循Eni在磁约束方面的工作,该工作在过去几年中通过一系列学术合作展开——最引人注目的是与麻省理工学院等离子体科学与聚变中心(PSFC)和能源公司Commonwealth Fusion Systems(CFS)的合作。在磁约束的过程中,两个氢核的聚变释放出巨大的能量,类似于它在太阳和其他恒星内部的发生方式。这项技术最大的优势是它不排放温室气体或高污染、高放射性物质。此外,它也是安全的,几乎取之不尽用之不竭。
The project follows Eni’s work on magnetic confinement, which has been unfolding in the last few years through a series of academic collaborations – most notably, with the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) – and the energy company Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS). During the process of magnetic confinement, the fusion of two hydrogen nuclei releases an enormous amount of energy, similarly to how it happens inside the sun and other stars. The most substantial advantage of this technology is that it does not emit greenhouse gases or highly polluting or highly radioactive substances. Furthermore, it is safe and virtually inexhaustible.
▼装置夜景,night view of the installation
在过去的几年里,CRA一直在开发多个不同规模的能源相关项目:从赫尔辛基热心岛、一系列具有热能储存双重功能的岛屿(目前是世界上最大的城市脱碳项目)和休闲公众从MIND(米兰创新区)的总体规划,到CapitaSpring,这是与BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group在新加坡共同设计的280米高的高层绿洲建筑。在过去的几年里,CRA和Eni一直在合作促进新形式的循环和可持续能源生产。他们的项目已在罗马Maker Faire、米兰设计周和2020年迪拜世博会等国际活动中展出。
In the past years, CRA has been developing several energy-related projects on different scales: from the Helsinki Hot Heart, a series of islands with the dual function of thermal energy storage – currently the largest urban decarbonization project in the world – and recreational public spaces, to the masterplan for MIND (Milan Innovation District) to CapitaSpring, a 280-meter-tall high-rise oasis in Singapore designed together with BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group. Over the past years, CRA and Eni have been collaborating to promote new forms of circularity and sustainable energy production. Their projects have been showcased at international events such as the Maker Faire in Rome, Milan Design Week, and Expo Dubai 2020.
▼夜间俯瞰装置,look down to the installation at night
A project by CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati and Italo Rota
Client: Eni
CRA Team: Carlo Ratti, Antonio Atripaldi (Partner-in-charge), Mario Daudo, Irina Bogdan
Creative Lead: Italo Rota
Multimedia Contents: Filmmaster Events
Site execution: Eventitaliani Srl
Photo credits: Moreno Maggi and Andrea Sorrento
Carlo Ratti Associati