Committed to improving space aesthetics,Create a personalized experience scene
In the design of this high-rise apartment, the owner is an executive elite man. Although it is a short-term residence, the owner still takes the Diablo system as the overall tone of the space, so we use the cool presentation method to interpret a calm and quiet living space with the simplicity and purity of gray and black. In our opinion, every space has its own personality. We hope to show their own expression through different design methods. Irrelevant tone, with emotional factors, space has temperature.
01/客厅 Living room
客厅空间大面积深色的背景墙,配合暖色踢脚灯光,可以让空间最大程度上体现冷暖对比。B&B up 系列的单椅让空间更加富有趣味性。
A large area of dark background wall in the living room space, combined with warm color skirting lights, can make the space reflect the contrast between cold and warm to the greatest extent. The single chair of B & B up series makes the space more interesting.
The bright light passes through the soft window screen and filters the light very softly. Through the reflection of the glass coffee table, it gives the living room "bright black". The fishbone floor on the ground also enriches the simple tone of space.
Dining room
The function of Party A’s kitchen is not enough due to the small function of Party A’s table, which not only enriches the function of Party A’s kitchen, but also increases the function of Party A’s independent kitchen. The arc-shaped ceiling of the aisle with linear lights is also a technology and future tonality we give space, and this is the so-called space emoticon.
客房 Guest room
While the bedroom is warm, it should also reflect the personality of the owner, so we use some line lights on the background wall of the bedroom to make the space more hierarchical {and temperature. A small planet chandelier also gives the space a different style. There are no redundant decorative paintings. The minimalist collocation is the embodiment of Party A’s self personality.04/ 主卧室 Master bedroom
The customized line feeling bedside soft bag can not only make people extend visually, but also break the traditional placement of regular double beds. The extended bedside board replaces the bulky bedside table and implements the minimalist concept to the end.
项目信息/Project information/
Project Name | 项目名称:金地中心 L 宅
Location | 项目地址:江苏淮安
Area | 项目面积:110㎡
Design Company | 设计公司:辰夏空间规划
Chief Designer | 主创设计师:夏兆民 孙曼丽
Completion time丨完工时间:2021.10
Photography | 摄影师:王浩空间摄影
2018 年,艾特奖公寓设计优秀奖,芒果奖中国人文设计大赛住宅公寓类创意奖。
2019 年,中国红棉奖室内优秀设计奖,中国红棉奖最美艺术空间优秀设计奖,金蝴蝶奖“2019 创意生活设计”银蝴蝶奖(公寓类)。
2020 年,40UNDER40 中国(江苏)淮安设计杰出青年奖,中国红棉奖极简艺术空间优秀设计奖,中国红棉奖极简艺术空间优秀设计奖,2020“酷+创造营”年度先锋设计师 Top300,金蝴蝶奖“2020 创意生活设计”金蝴蝶奖(别墅类)。
2021 年,NCA 新商业空间杰出设计师,2021 当代好设计优秀奖,第十届筑巢奖商业空间-餐饮优秀设计奖,上海国际设计周匠心设计奖(2021-2022 年度入围榜)。
ADD:江苏省淮安市清江浦区深圳路 28 号维科格兰花园 B19-2 室。