

One hat,just for one people;If there are 10 or 20…even 100…Could more than 100 people be helped?The bamboo hat porch is located at the entrance of Shang Village, Jixi Country, Xuan city in Anhui province. Plenty of photographers and tourists are attracted to this small old village. The park nearby the entrance is the only way which must be passed, where is no shed or any cover for people to avoid the strong sunlight or rain. How to afford a place to protect the people from bad weather is what we try to consider, which may be a tiny issue but we can help.
▼位于绩溪尚村的停车场通向村里的入口,located at the entrance of Shang Village
▼一个供大家遮风避雨地方,a place to protect the people from bad weather
There are a lot of bamboos on the local mountains, which are produced by the nature and can be used as the frame of the porch. Every villager provides one bamboo hat, which can both facilitate communication of villagers and be used as the material of the roof. And the small sky over one person converges to a big sky, under which everybody can be protected, including the visitors from everywhere.
▼斗笠屋顶,roof made of bamboo hat
▼帽廊选址在两个院墙之间,the porch is built between two courtyards
The porch is built between two courtyards, where is the entrance to the village. The walls can protect the structures from wind and rain. The frame is made up of bamboos which are reaped by the bamboo craftsmen. The bottoms of bamboos are fixed in the concrete bases and the tops are conjoined by iron wires. The workers and villagers built the porch according to the sketches of the designer in whole process, which draws the attentions of many villagers. The visitors who wore a bamboo hat finally left the hat on the porch.
▼小帽廊内部,inside the corridor
The bamboo hat porch is a corporation of the government, the designers and the villagers, which cost no special funds and planned by DHURD, CAUPD and CADG. The whole process shows the conception of low cost, low consumption and community-building, which is a taste of micro intervention to change the village. By building such a small building, the villagers can communicate each other and love their hometown more and more.
▼国庆景象,national day celebration
▼光与影,light and shadow
After the construction, the road is much cleaner inside the porch, where people can be guarded against the sun and rain. The farmers go through the veranda day by day, while they have to slow down. At every festival and at New Year, there would be many red flags or red characters with good wishes on the structures. The material of the building is not durable. However, it doesn’t matter for the villagers can repair it when they have the time. So long as the happy life is in the village, and the exuberant bamboos are there, the small bamboo hat porch will exist there generation after generation.
▼鸟瞰图,aerial view
▼从邻家院子望向廊子,view from the neighbor’s courtyard to the porch
设计团队:中国建筑设计研究院 乡土创作中心 建成时间:2019 主创建筑师:郭海鞍 现场代表:王正、李鑫、向刚 规划单位:中国城市规划设计研究院 规划团队:曹璐、王正、李婧 业 主:绩溪尚村积谷会 运营单位:绩溪尚村积谷会 指导单位:安徽省住房和城乡建设厅 施工团队:工匠、村民 摄 影:向刚
Design Group: Rural Culture D-R-C of CADG Construction Time:2019 Chief Architect: Guo Haian Design Team: Wang Zheng, Li Xin, Xiang Gang Planning and Design: China Academy of Urban Planning & Design Planning Team:Cao Lu, Wang Zheng, Li Jing Owner: Mutual Aid Association] of Shang Village,Jixi Operating Unit: Aid Association] of Shang Village,Jixi Guiding Unit: Housing and Urban-rural Development Department of Anhui Province Construction Team: Craftsmen and villagers Photographer:Xiang Gang