

我们的业主“To My Dearest·親親”是一家法式甜品店,他们想通过这家新店的甜品及空间设计来展现甜品的美好在日常生活中传递的仪式感。在《小王子》中有这样一段关于仪式感的文字——“它使某一天与其他日子不同,使某一时刻与其他时刻不同”我们希望这个甜品空间也可以具有仪式感,使其与其他空间不同。
Our client To My Dearest is a patisserie, the original intention is to utilize their products and space design of this new patisserie to realize the sense of ritual conveyed by the dessert in the daily life. In “Little Prince” there is such a paragraph about the sense of ritual ——“They are what make one day different from other days, one hour from other hours. ” We hope that this dessert space can also have a sense of ritual, making it different from other spaces.
▼甜品店概览,overview of the patisserie
该项目位于朝阳大悦城五层悦界区域,场地由悦界公共区域的水系及植物围绕,类似于一个小岛的概念。 “悦界”是朝阳大悦城精心打造的主题街区,区域内整体风格都是欧洲小镇的风格。从施工前的照片可以看出原本的场地区域像是一个完全开放的公共区域,被各种其他店铺所环绕,虽然在中心位置却很容易被来往的人忽略。物业对我们的要求是仍然要保持这个铺位的开放性、通透性,也就是说我们不能在边缘添加任何实体的立面;并且不能出现与悦界的“欧洲小镇”不和谐的设计语言。因此我们设计过程如同“戴着镣铐的舞蹈”,需要在保证店铺有一定设计上与空间上的独立性的同时与“欧洲小镇”这种强烈而具象的风格所调和。
▼甜品店及白色包塑不锈钢线系统轴测图,the axon of the patisserie with the wire system
Located in the “Joy Yard” area on the fifth floor of Chaoyang Joy City, the project is surrounded by water and plants in the common area, which makes it be more like a small island. Joy Yard is a theme block elaborately built by Chaoyang Joy City, constructed according to a concept of the style of European towns. From the photos before the construction, it can be seen that the original site area is like a completely open public area, surrounded by various other shops, which is easily overlooked. The property requires our design to maintain transparency in the whole space, in other words, any solid facade to the edge is not allowed, and there can’t be a design language that is not in harmony with the “European town”, which leads to the most tremendous problem that is to figure out a way to ensure the uniqueness of the design and the independence of the space, meanwhile, to perfectly harmonize with the strong and figurative European atmosphere.
▼甜品店室内全景,白色包塑不锈钢线将空间包围起来,保持开放性和通透性,overall interior view of the patisserie that is surrounded by white plastic-coated steel wires to maintain transparency
▼分析图,厨房背后走廊形式用餐空间呈现出拱廊效果,diagram, the effect of the arcade at the corridor-shaped dining space behind the kitchen
In the end, after several rounds of negotiation, we took ‘wedding’ as the main concept of scene; Surround the entire ‘small island’ with white plastic-coated steel wires, giving the entire space an ambiguous atmosphere like translucent white gauze. Blurred the boundaries between the interior and the exterior. This method adds a non-physical facade to the store, which gives the customers who dine inside a sense of privacy while still ensuring the publicity in the space. Moreover, in account of the different curve shapes of the upper and lower fixed points of the line, these white lines constitute an organic form. As a result, when walking around the space, people can see various effects at different perspectives. Speaking of the corridor-shaped dining space behind the kitchen, we created the effect of the arcade by rope art. Since the arcade is made up of white straight wires, it avoids the overly figurative expression of the church corridor and presents a modern artistic sense.
▼厨房背后走廊形式的用餐空间外观,用绳艺的方式制造了拱廊的效果,exterior view of the corridor-shaped dining space behind the kitchen, creating the effect of the arcade by rope art
▼厨房背后走廊形式的用餐空间外观,白色直线打造而成的拱廊避免了对于教堂走廊过于具象的表达,exterior view of the corridor-shaped dining space behind the kitchen, white straight wires avoid the overly figurative expression of the church corridor
▼厨房背后走廊形式的用餐空间内部,interior view of the corridor-shaped dining space behind the kitchen
The chandelier in the middle of the space is also an important element that enhances the sense of ritual in the entire space, referring to the chandeliers in the traditional church. Instead of adopting the European flamboyant decoration and traditional materials, the designers finally chose to use only bulbs to restore the chandelier space formation, which not only strengthens the sense of ritual, but also makes the space more eye-catching. In terms of the ground and kitchen façade washed stone, a material generally uses in outdoor space, is applied. For example, the original European white bridge above the water is also replaced by three cobblestone-shaped washed-stone steps, which echoes the outdoor feeling that Joy Yard expecting to create, while increasing the relaxing atmosphere of the space.
▼甜品店入口,采用水洗石在水景上打造三块鹅卵石形踏步,内部仅用一颗颗灯泡来还原拱形吊灯空间组成形态,the entrance of the patisserie with three cobblestone-shaped washed-stone steps, using only bulbs to restore the chandelier space formation
▼甜品店吧台区域,the bar area of the patisserie
▼平面布置图,layout plan
▼立面图1,elevation 1
▼立面图2,elevation 2
项目名称:线之岛屿——To My Dearest 親親 甜品店 设计公司:odd设计事务所 位置:北京朝阳大悦城 类型:室内设计 面积:70平方米 材料:墙面漆(品牌:多乐士), 金属钢板(品牌:金宏利),涤纶线(品牌:芊雅绳艺),包塑不锈钢丝,水洗石(品牌:北京启航远景园艺工程有限公司),吊灯制作(品牌:创影光奇(天津)装饰工程设计有限公司) 完成日期:2018年12月 设计团队:出口勉 冈本庆三 邹声闻 摄影师:李帅
Projest name: Island of Lines——To My Dearest patisserie Design firm: okamoto deguchi design Location: Beijing Chaoyang Joy City Area: 70 m² Material: Wall Paint (Dulux), Copper Sheet (Jinlh), Poly rope (Qianya Rope Art), Plastic-coated wire (Smart House), Washed stone (Beijing Sailing Vision Gardening Engineering Co., Ltd.), Chandelier (Fantastic Light (Tianjin) Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd) Completed Date: Dec, 2018 Design Team: Deguchi Tsutomu/ Okamoto Keizo/ Zou Shengwen Photographer: Li Shuai