

项目坐落于西班牙中北部的城镇萨唐(Sátão),酒庄周边风景如画。在葡萄园起伏的山坡上,整个庄园的美景将尽收眼底。远处,酿酒厂俯瞰着庄园 50 公顷的自然景观,如同一位守护者静静环抱着、注视着这片土地。一条分支于当河 (Dão River)的小溪流蜿蜒地流淌而过,划定了庄园西南侧的边界。
The view on arrival at the Estate is amazing. The soft undulation of the vineyards lets you take in almost the whole property at once. In the distance, the Big House overlooks the fifty hectares of landscape, embracing it and dominating it. A small river, a tributary of the Dão, snakes along, defining the property boundary to the Southwest.
▼项目远景鸟瞰,bird’s eye view of the project © Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼东北侧鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view of the northeast © Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼东南侧鸟瞰,Bird’s eye view of the southeast side© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼屋顶细部,detail of the roof© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
不尽的传说在这片古老的土地上流传,僧侣和修士,还有罗马人,都曾经在这里居住过,只为寻找最优质的葡萄来酿造好酒。根据业主的要求,Carlos Castanheira 事务所将庄园的南端储藏棚改造为一座全新的酿酒厂。
The story is told, as are other stories, that monks and friars, and also, Romans, were here at one time. All in search of the good quality of the vines and of the wine. At the far end of the estate, to the south, there was an existing storage shed that the clients wanted to transform into a winery.
▼项目远景,viewing the project at distance© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼由入口道路看建筑,viewing the project from the entrance road© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼东南侧立面,Southeast facade © Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼酿酒厂由储藏棚改造而成,The winery is a converted storage she© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
破旧的建筑经过重新规划变身成面积 2500 平方米的酿酒厂——Adega da Taboadella,在负责葡萄酒生产酿造的技术团队的指导下,建筑师为酒厂规划出两座大型中殿,葡萄酒的生产和陈酿过程都将在这里完成。
The project reconfigures the existing building, transforming the run-down construction into a 2,500 m2 winery, the Adega da Taboadella. Guided by the Technical Team responsible for production and wine making, the project is characterised by two large Naves where the production and ageing of the wine take place.
▼折线型的木构造屋顶,the folding timber roof© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼入口上方是架空的室外露台,Above the entrance is an outdoor terrace on stilts © Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼立面细部,details of the facade
© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼檐下空间,The space under the eaves © Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
On the North side, an arrivals Quay allows the commotion of the harvest to be carried out in a methodical and precise way. Carried by gravity, the grapes pass through a production system and a series of critical processes, to eventually be transformed into wine. Yet, these are industrial methods and processes where the timeless and essential factors of human skill and care are not neglected for a moment.
▼通往卸货场的道路,The road to the loading yard © Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼技术用房与储存区立面,Facade of technical room and storage area © Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼屋顶下的卸货场,The loading yard under the roof © Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
Above the entrance, a large area will be reserved for welcoming visitors, for wine tasting and assessment. Like a belvedere, overlooking the Estate and the Big House, a large veranda will be a place to enjoy the leisure of sipping a good wine, embraced by the view of a beautiful vineyard, a beautiful view. Meanwhile, the visitor’s route through the winery, for both specialists and wine lovers, does not cross or conflict with the routes or circuits of production of the wine.
▼夹层上的室外露台,outdoor terrace on the mezzanine© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼由室内看露台空间,viewing the terrace from interior© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼夹层上的品酒休闲空间,Wine tasting space on the mezzanine© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
蒸馏大厅,或称“大桶厅”(The Vat Hall),正如它的名字一样,容纳了一系列不同材质的巨型蒸馏桶,其中 15 个连排的不锈钢桶用于红酒、8 个连排的不锈钢桶用于白葡萄酒,此外,还有一排 10 个连排的微水泥桶。酒桶的上方设有夹层,工作人员可以直接在夹层上向桶中倾倒原料,借助重力的作用,倾倒过程变得更为简单与精准,从而保证了蒸馏过程中的理想品质。大厅入口的上方夹层上设有一间实验室以及其他葡萄酒酿造相关的实验区域。
The Vat Hall, as it is known, houses a row of 15 truncated, stainless steel vats for the red wine, 8 truncated stainless steel vats for white wine and another row of 10 micro-cement vats. A mezzanine gives access to the vats from above to allow for gravity filling, which simplifies the processes and ensures proper execution and therefore the desired quality. On the mezzanine above the entrance to the Hall, there is a Laboratory and other areas for wine making experimentation. The Vat Hall, will in the first phase accommodate 400 barrels. This generous space will eventually allow for storage of 800 barrels of wine.
▼蒸馏大厅,或称“大桶厅”,The Vat Hall © Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼用于生产葡萄酒的不锈钢蒸馏桶,Stainless steel vat for wine production© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼微水泥蒸馏桶,Microcement vat© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼大厅与蒸馏桶细部,details of the hall and the vat© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
Technical equipment and storage areas are located to the rear of the building, relating directly to function and production. Attention was given to every activity and process so as to ensure environmental sustainability, to safeguard the present, but above all with the concern that the future should be even better.
▼陈酿大厅,the Aging hall© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼生产流线与参观流线的分离,Separation of production and visit flow © Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼夹层走道,Mezzanine aisle © Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
▼夹层走道细部,detail of the mezzanine aisle © Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
The resulting Light and Shadow are a constant concern. As in wine, balance and equilibrium are essential. The presence of Light is only allowed just as much as necessary, so that Shadow will create the environment and temperature that the winery requires.
▼光影效果,light and shadow effect© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
建筑与场地、整个园区以及周围景观联系在一起,结构外的软木包层在阳光的照射下闪耀出金色的光芒,为人们带来不同寻常的视觉体验。而随着时间的流逝,软木材质逐渐风化变为银色,岁月的痕迹更为 Adega da Taboadella 酿酒厂增添了一丝独特的韵味,酿酒厂与其蜜糖般的葡萄酒将会使这片土地变得更加独一无二。这个曾经被古人认可的地方,将再次被现在以及未来的人们所认可和欣赏。
The building’s connection with the ground, the Estate and the Landscape, the golden glow of its structure, something unusual, and the cork cladding, which will soon turn silver, will confer personality to the Adega da Taboadella, defining it as a unique place, where a unique nectar is produced. A place once acknowledged by the ancients, and that will once again be acknowledged and appreciated by us and by those yet to come.
▼夜景,night view© Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura
Quinta da Taboadella 酿酒厂如同凤凰一般涅槃重生,恢复活力。更重要的是,酒厂的建筑是与时俱进的,它将产品品质与美学和良好的品味相结合。而酒厂中生产的葡萄酒则是将环境、景观与人为因素发挥到极致的造物,它将代表杜奥葡萄酒产区最优质的产品。
The Quinta da Taboadella, like a phoenix, is born again, rejuvenated, but above all, brought up to date so that the quality of production is combined with aesthetics and good tastes. The Winery will result in the production of that which is the culmination of the environment, the landscape and the transformation that Man exerts over these: excellent Wines from Dão. Saint Martin’s Day – patron of vine and wine, 2018 Carlos Castanheira.
▼模型照片,model© Carlos Castanheira
▼总平面图,master plan© Carlos Castanheira
▼底层平面图,ground floor plan© Carlos Castanheira
▼二层平面图,1F plan© Carlos Castanheira
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan© Carlos Castanheira
▼立面图与剖面图 1,elevation and section 1© Carlos Castanheira
▼立面图与剖面图 2,elevation and section 2© Carlos Castanheira
▼立面图与剖面图 3,elevation and section 3© Carlos Castanheira
▼立面图与剖面图 4,elevation and section 4© Carlos Castanheira
Location:Portugal, Viseu, Satão
Date:2018 – 2020
Architect:Carlos Castanheira
Offfice in Portugal:CC&CB – Architects, Lda.
Architect: Carlos Castanheira
Project Coordinator: Orlando Sousa
Project Team:Inês Cabrita / Nuno Rodrigues / Jorge Pinheiro / Fernanda Sá / João Figueiredo / Armando Sousa / Diogo Pinho / Ricardo Fernandes / Luisa Felizardo / Sara Cabral
3D models and renderings: Germano Vieira / Sara Noronha
Structural: Paulo Fidalgo / HDP / Construction and Engineering Projects, Lda.
Hydraulic: Pedro Nunes / Diâmetro & Cálculo Construction and Engineering Projects, Lda.
Electrical: Luis Matos / Igemáci Engineering, Lda.
Fire Safety: Fernandes da Silva / Xamix – Safety and Engineering, Lda.
HVAC: Pedro Coelho Lima / Coelho Lima – Engineering, Lda.
Construction Company: Brita Costa, Lda.
Construction area: 3.728.50 m2
Photography: Fernando Guerra / FG+SG I Fotografias de Arquitectura