

Portugal Casa Madalena agricultural residence
设计师:Carlos Castanheira
总建筑师:Carlos Castanheira & Clara Bastai, Arqtos Lda.
设计团队:Orlando Sousa, Vasco Melo, Ricardo Leite, Sofia Costa Reis, Demis Lopes, Luís Calheiros, João Figuei
图片来源:Fernando Guerra – FG+SG
译者: 蝈蝈
The area, a place where they are building motorways in order to reduce vehicular traffic from the Atlantic coast of Gaia, is actually zoned as an agricultural reserve. This is its status in the development plan, this is how it is; it is set in law and will remain so until the law is altered. Agricultural activity is non-existent, except for the small vegetable plots.
The first step taken was to set apart the maximum allowable 300m2 plot for a building. Two hundred square meters for the residence and one hundred square meters for possible out- buildings, which I would consider appropriate for a farmer to build a home on agricultural land, without compromising our survival as a traditionally agricultural country.
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葡萄牙Casa Madalena农业住宅外部局部实景图
9葡萄牙Casa Madalena农业住宅外部背面实景图
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葡萄牙Casa Madalena农业住宅内部楼梯实景图
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