

一号副楼 Pavilion I
Located at the turn of the road between the Laboratory building and the existing brick building, Pavilion I, beyond fulfilling the function of a multipurpose pavilion, for which it was designed, also serves the function of coming around the corner.Which is not an easy thing.
两座副楼整体外观,overall external view of the two pavilions©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼一号副楼外观,external view of Pavilion I©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼由白色混凝土组成的建筑,building composed of white concrete©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼建筑与转角的关系,relationship between the pavilion and the corner©FERNANDO GUERRA
Rising above the ground level of the garden, ascending to the road level, creating paths from lower to higher levels, bending or twisting like a balancing gymnast, the volume folds around, making the corner. White concrete, window and door frames in timber and stainless steel. It will work even better.
▼弧形悬挑,curved cantilever©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼建筑折叠形成的角落空间,corner created by the folding volume©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼从悬挑下看向实验楼,view to the laboratory building from under the cantilever©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼建筑与砖楼的对比,contrast between the pavilion and the brick building©FERNANDO GUERRA
Pavilion II is necessary to support the functions of the existing building to the east and those of the Hotel. Pavilion II is a wall or walls to contain and define the exterior garden spaces and the ramped or stepped pathways.
▼远景鸟瞰,建筑融入环境之中,aerial view from distance, pavilion integrated into the landscape©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼墙体划分不同空间,walls defining different spaces©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼从副楼看向新老建筑,view to the old and new building from the pavilion©FERNANDO GUERRA
Brick walls capped in stone, giving the desired continuity that nature will absorb. Pavilion II as was said before, came after like something unwanted, integrating itself in the whole, camouflaging itself within the rest.
▼副楼外观,external view of the pavilion©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼从屋顶平台感受自然,feel the nature from the roof terrace©FERNANDO GUERRA
空间用来举办室内活动,园区内外和酒店的游客都可以参加,不会对每栋建筑中特定的日常活动产生影响。室内活动空间,interior activity space©FERNANDO GUERRA
A space that is reserved for internal events, it can receive visitors from outside, from inside and from the hotel, without interfering with the specific day-to-day activities of each building.
The access to the Campus is neither interesting nor sensible. The new building apart from the porter’s office, reception and waiting area, functions also as a small dwelling for the night guard.
▼改造后的园区入口,entrance of the campus after renovation ©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼改造前后全区入口对比,comparison of the entrance before and after renovation ©right: FERNANDO GUERRA
▼改造后的入口近景,closer view to the entrance after renovation ©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼新入口与原建筑的关系,relationship between the new entrance and the original building©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼不同材料之间的对比,contrast between different materials ©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼从大厅看向入口,view to the entrance from the lobby©FERNANDO GUERRA
In white exposed concrete, the volume also provides an area for the temporary storage of waste materials, which due to the dangers that they present, gives rise to very particular and specific requirements. structural analysis of the entrance©Álvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira + Kim Jong Kyu
▼入口细部,entrance details ©FERNANDO GUERRA
As if dealing with a ball of twine out of which we pull a piece and find it to be never ending, the external landscaping is a consequence of the buildings and the necessary moulding of the ground where the intervention has occurred. A site surrounded by lavish vegetation that through continuous transplanting transforms and renews itself. Like plastic surgery on an aging body.
园区概览,overall view of the campus©FERNANDO GUERRA
景观与通道,landscape and paths©FERNANDO GUERRA
▼副楼平面图,plans of the pavilions©Álvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira + Kim Jong Kyu
▼副楼屋顶平面图,roof plans of the pavilions©Álvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira + Kim Jong Kyu
▼副楼立面图,elevations of the pavilions©Álvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira + Kim Jong Kyu
▼副楼剖面图,sections of the pavilions©Álvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira + Kim Jong Kyu
▼入口立面、剖面、细部图纸,elevation, section and detail drawings of the entrance©Álvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira + Kim Jong Kyu
节点细部,joints details©Álvaro Siza + Carlos Castanheira + Kim Jong Kyu
Design Period: 2007.11 – 2008.09
Construction Period: 2009.05 – 2010.05
Office in Portugal: Carlos Castanheira & Clara Bastai, Lda.
Coordinator: Pedro Carvalho
Collaborators: Ricardo Serra, João Figueiredo
Office in Coreia: 99M.A.R.U. Metropolitan Architecture Research Unit
Coordinator: Kim Soo Young
Collaborators: Kim Hyunee, Yim Hyun Jin
Construction area: 283㎡
Design Period: 2007.11 ~ 2008.09
Construction Period: 2009.05 ~ 2010.05
Office in Portugal: Carlos Castanheira & Clara Bastai, Lda.
Coordinator: Pedro Carvalho
Collaborators: Liu Kuns, João Figueiredo
Office in Coreia: M.A.R.U. Metropolitan Architecture Research Unit
Coordinator: Kim Soo Young
Collaborators: Kim Hyunee, Yim Hyun Jin
Construction area: 260㎡
Design Period: 2007.11 – 2008.12
Construction Period: 2009.05 – 2010.05
Office in Portugal: Carlos Castanheira & Clara Bastai, Lda.
Coordinator: Pedro Carvalho
Collaborators: Dalila Gomes, Ricardo Serra, João Figueiredo
Office in Coreia: M.A.R.U. Metropolitan Architecture Research Unit
Coordinator: Kim Soo Young
Collaborators: Kim Hyunee, Yim Hyun Jin
Construction area: 195㎡
Structure: HARMONY Structural Engineering
Mechanical Installations: HANA Consulting Engineers
Electricity: HANYANG Total Electrical Engineering & Construction
Construction Company: DAELIM