

Studio Fink:Daniel Libeskind设计的帝国战争博物馆北面的码头区由Studio Fink设计,Studio Fink的总部位于伦敦。
Studio Fink:Quayside designed by London-based Studio Fink in front of Imperial War Museum North by Daniel Libeskind.
新码头完成了由Studio Fink于2012年开发的Irwell城市公园总体规划的第一部分,这是连接索尔福德、曼彻斯特和特拉福德的8公里长的河边公园。Wilkinson Eyre建筑事务所在毗邻的新媒体城天桥上,码头区在码头区提供了一个重要的新战略循环,这是大曼彻斯特的一个关键再生区。通过连接英国媒体城(BBC的新地址)、IWMN、曼联体育馆和Lowry艺术中心,这个环路有助于改善人们在该地区的步行体验。
The new quayside completes the first section of the Irwell City Park masterplan, 8km long river edge park linking Salford, Manchester and Trafford developed by Studio Fink in 2012. With the adjoining new Media City foot bridge by Wilkinson Eyre Architects the quayside delivers an important new strategic circulation loop in the Quays, a key regeneration zone in Greater Manchester. The loop helps to transforms the experience of walking in the area through linking Media City UK – the new home of the BBC, with the IWMN, Manchester United Stadium and Lowry Arts Centre.
Studio Fink对码头的设计运用了凸凹的几何图形,创造了一个富有想象力的公共空间,补充了IWMN和新媒体天桥的设计。重要的是,该项目还积极地将IWMN导向其水边,新建成的入口现在能够接纳50%的博物馆游客。新建的甲板和水上台阶区解决了曼彻斯特运河沿线的交通中断问题,并提供了大量的行人和自行车连接区域,以及一系列公共空间,作为博物馆非正式的表演/教育空间。沿着水边向下的阶梯式座位提供了该地区的绝佳视野,无论在白天还是晚上,新的码头俨然已经成为了一个受欢迎的休闲地。
Studio Fink’s design of the quayside plays with convex and concave geometries, creating an imaginative public realm complementing the designs of both the IWMN and the new Media Bridge. Importantly the project also actively orientates the IWMN towards its water edge with its newly constructed additional entrance now admitting 50% of the museums visitors. The original severance to movement along the Manchester Ship Canal was resolved by a newly constructed deck and stepped area built over water, delivering generous pedestrian and cycling connectivity as well as a series of public realm spaces that serve as informal performance/educational resource for the museum. Terraced seating leading down to the water’s edge provides excellent views of the area making the new quayside already a popular destination both during the day and the evenings.
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日期: 2013年完成
客户: Peel Media
设计: Studio Fink
设计团队: Peter Fink, Igor Marko
工程: Giffords
Date: Completed 2013
Location: Greater Manchester, UK
Client: Peel Media
Design: Studio Fink
Formerly Form associates
Design team: Peter Fink, Igor Marko
Engineering: Giffords