

Spain Conde de Torrejon Street residential renovation
合作方:Ana Benítez Morales
摄影师:Fernando Alda
这是由DonaireArquitectos设计的Conde de Torrejon街住宅翻新项目,位于西班牙的塞维利亚古城中心。该项目是一个低成本的改造项目,原住宅建于1958年,造型不规则,被认为是该区域的一大特色。这次改造侧重在创建一座现代化而兼具功能性的住宅。建筑师从住宅类型及如何保留和加强其真实性的调查研究出发,同时回应当代的生活标准。该住宅的改造主要目的是通过尽可能低的成本使用创意资源,增加住宅的历史痕迹。新建筑被涂上了深灰色,以明显区分翻新区域与保留区域。而新钢构结构与原来的墙体结构并不相连。新构建的墙壁被涂成白色,成为中性的背景墙,而原来的砖墙则是石灰砂浆面层。
The house located in the old city center of Seville, Spain. The project is a low cost intervention in an old small house built in 1958. The house has an irregular shape which is considered one of the characteristics of the area.The intervention focuses on creating a modern and functional house. Starting with the research and study of the house typology and how to keep and reinforce its authenticity while at the same time allowing it to answer to contemporary living standards. The main reason for the house ́s adaptation process was to arise its historical footprints using creative resources at the lowest cost possible.
This new structure was painted in dark gray to easily make the distinction between what has been renovated and what was left as it is. The new steel structure is not connected with the original wall structure. The newly built wall was painted white as a neutral background, and so is the original brick wall with lime mortar. In general, the material that had been used are the same material which represents the characteristics of the area but with contemporary techniques, in order to keep the house related to its zone without it being the odd one. The staircase has been fully covered with glass, to provide natural light. The main structural element consists of an existing brick compound wall that formed all the edges of the house accentuating its natural material palette. the ground floor which consists of the garage, bathroom, and bedrooms. Its slab is completely made of concrete. As for the first floor slab, it is made from wood. The furniture and stairs are made of chestnut wood.
西班牙Conde de Torrejon街住宅翻新外部实景图
西班牙Conde de Torrejon街住宅翻新夜景实景图
西班牙Conde de Torrejon街住宅翻新内部实景图
西班牙Conde de Torrejon街住宅翻剖面图
西班牙Conde de Torrejon街住宅翻平面图