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AIA are a multidisciplinary team, with 25 years of experience and over 300 built projects; composed of architects, engineers and consultants experts on carrying out architectural, engineering, landscape and interior design projects. This fact allows us to deal with them globally, giving a comprehensive response to all the systems that are part of the project.
AMAA Arquitectos
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Designers should have a keen and strong ability to observe and feel
Abalos+Sentkiewicz AS+
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AS+ ¨¢balos+Sentkiewicz is an international architecture office directed by I?aki ¨¢balos and Renata Sentkiewicz , with offices in Madrid (Spain),Cambridge (US) and Shanghai (China) in association with Professor Linxue Li
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ALEAOLEA is an open platform formed by young professionals working in the fields of architecture and landscaping being established in Barcelona and Tunis. With over 15 years of experience in a wide range of projects typologies around the Mediterranean, starting from large scale territory studies, landscape projects, to smaller scales in the field of rehabilitation and new construction. Developing projects for public and private sector, working in all phases and always pursuing the same target: reaching a contemporary proposals ensuring cultural, social and economical commitment through the constant dialogue with developper, partners and end users.
Anna & Eugeni Bach
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Anna & Eugeni Bach es un estudio de arquitectura que opera en un amplio espectro del dise?o, desde urbanismo y arquitectura hasta el dise?o de interiores y de objetos. Su trabajo se fundamenta en cuatro ramas: la profesional, la docente, la investigaci¨®n y la actividad cultural; adoptando en todas ellas una manera de hacer tanto propositiva como personal. A trav¨¦s de la innovaci¨®n y la investigaci¨®n, el estudio trata de encontrar nuevas soluciones y alternativas para cada proyecto mediante la optimizaci¨®n tanto de los recursos naturales como econ¨®micos, trabajando en equipo con el usuario final para asegurar la mejor s¨ªntesis de concepto, funcionalidad y belleza de unos espacios donde la vida pueda tomar forma de manera n
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Architensions is an architectural design studio founded in Rome as a vehicle of research and led by Alessandro Orsini and Nick Roseboro.
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Miembro colaborador Fundaci¨®n Arquitectura Contempor¨¢nea Beca de Investigaci¨®n 2020 Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de C¨®rdoba Redacci¨®n de los Planes Municipales de Vivienda y Suelo de Palma del R¨ªo, Los Bl¨¢zquez, La Victoria y Villaviciosa de C¨®rdoba. Diputaci¨®n de C¨®rdoba Ha trabajado de forma individual y colaborando junto a otros arquitectos en proyectos en ESPA?A, PORTUGAL, ALEMANIA y LUXEMBURGO. Destacando las colaboraciones realizadas en el Centro Comercial City Concorde (LUXEMBURGO), Posthof Trier (ALEMANIA), Piscina Cubierta en Barbate (C¨¢diz), Hospital CHARE de Aracena (Huelva). Su trabajo ha sido publicado nacionalmente e internacionalmente en Arquitectura Viva, Wettbewerbe Aktuell, Europaconcorsi, Competition line, Archello, Architizer, Plataforma de Arquitectura, ArchDaily, Landezine, Landscape Design Magazine China, Ibanana Design, goooo
Ahaus arquitectos
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Architecture has experienced difficult moments that have devalued its image, creating distrust and disinterest. AHAUS ARQUITECTOS was born in early 2018 to transform and break those stereotypes. We are the union of three young architects (Ana G¨®mez, Henar Herrero and Antonio Olaya) based in the province of Huelva. We started our professional practice during the crisis and have worked during these years in consolidated studies and as free professionals. So we know perfectly where we came from and the transformation that the profession has undergone during this period