Pezo Von Ellrichshausen
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Pezo Von Ellrichshausen由Mauricio Pezo和Sofia Von Ellrichshausen于2002年创立于南智利,是一家注重概念设计的艺术及建筑事务所。
PHTAA Living Design
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PHTAA Living Design is a fresh and motivated team of architects, interior designer and creatives based in Bangkok, Thailand. We have strong belief that architecture serves as a bridge to connect culture with the architectural detail to strive for a greatness quality of living.
Pac Studio
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Pac Studio is an ideas-driven design office, committed to intellectual and artistic rigour, and fuelled by a strong commitment to realising ideas in the world. We believe a thoughtful and inclusive approach to design, which puts people at the heart of any potential solution, is the key to compelling and positive architecture.
Pinch of Design
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We offer a range of specialist services from strategy creation to design to brand and image through to implementation and operational support for retail, restaurants, bars, caf¨¦s & hotels
Plan:B Arquitectos
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Plan:b is an architectural office that defines its work through a practice in which equal status is given to dialogue, drawing, travel, model making, construction, etc. and which continuously handles professional or academic situations, publication of books, college classes or construction of buildings. Plan: b trust in working collaboratively, making of it a statement of architecture and understands the practice and the architectural project as open situations, provisional agreements, phenomena not imposed and embedded in eco-social networks both local and worldwide.
Pranala Associates
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Based in Bandung, Indonesia, PRANALA ASSOCIATES provides Architecture, Interior Design, Master Planning, Urban Design and Construction Administration Services.
Perspektiv s.r.o.
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V roce 2015 jsme se rozhodli změnit šedý svět kanceláří na inspirativní prostředí, které podtrhuje firemní kulturu, reprezentuje a vytváří ideální podmínky pro každodenní práci. Vzniklo Studio Perspektiv a my se pustili do práce na průlomovém projektu – kancelářích technologické společnosti STRV. Od té doby jsme se prakticky nezastavili a pod taktovkou našeho studia vzniklo více než 30 000 m2 kancelářských prostor od 500 do 5000 m2. Každý další projekt nás posunul blíž k uvědomění si, jakým způsobem chceme tvořit a pro jaký typ klientů může být naše práce nejpřínosnější. Dospěli jsme do fáze, kdy nám nade vším ostatním záleží na silné, autentické firemní kultuře klienta, kterou můžeme promítnout do jeho nových kanceláří.
Pacific Architecture
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We are Studio Pacific Architecture: architects and designers based in Wellington, New Zealand. Our ambition is to continually lift our expectations and to capture the imagination of our clients.