CMC Architects
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CMC ARCHITECTS is an international, 25-person studio of environmental design, urbanism and architecture, based in Prague, Czech Republic. CMC’s work includes a successful, award-winning seventeen-year history in holistic design of many types of projects in various scales and levels of complexity. The studio has worked in twelve different cities in seven countries, including the Czech Republic, Germany, Montenegro, Romania, the United States, the Ukraine and Viet Nam.
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CTA stands for Creative Architects, was founded in 2014, is a group of young architects, architectural activities with the spirit of learning and promoting creativity, in order to create experiences, interesting in the architectural space. Besides architectural activities, CTA also has academic, research and creative activities to create solutions to overcome outstanding issues of society today.
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Architektonický atelier CUBOID ARCHITEKTI byl založen v Praze v roce 2006 Alešem Pappem, Milanem Vítem a Magdalenou Pappovou. CUBOID nabízí svým klientům komplexní služby v oblasti navrhování všech typů staveb – od administrativních a veřejných budov, hotelů, bytových a rodinných domů až po interiéry, návrhy městských prostor, urbanistické studie a řešení zahrad. Kromě vlastního architektonického návrhu zajišťuje CUBOID všechny stupně projektových prací, jak pro legislativní projednání (územní rozhodnutí, stavební povolení atd.), tak pro vlastní realizaci stavby, včetně dohledu při jejím provádění. Mezi naše klienty patří renomované společnosti jako Skanska, PSJ, PPF Real Estate Russia, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Mafra Media Group, Sberbank atd. CUBOID pracuje i pro veřejné instituce jako České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Univerzita Pardubice, město Jičín nebo město Kuřim. Navrhovali
Condon Scott
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Condon Scott Architects is an award-winning, Wanaka-based practice that has completed over 600 residential and commercial projects in the Otago region over the past 30 years.
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We are an integrative architectural firm practicing architecture, interior design, landscape design, and urban design focused on creating designs that: Responds to the people; Grows out of necessity; Reflects the tectonic of construction and materials; Integrates architectural knowledge critically for its boundless, progressive quality; Embraces the locality ;Traces the dormant past of the context to explore its hidden potential based on our constraints, culture, social structure, and regulations; Synchronizes with the geographical context
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Establecida en 1997, es una oficina consultora especialista en servicios integrales de master plans, arquitectura del paisaje y dise?o de canchas de golf.