

This case is a 300 square metre top replica, a family of four, the owners hope that the degree of freedom of space is relatively high, can change the scene of life.
Therefore, before the design, with the use function and living habits of residents as the breakthrough point, the spatial function line was reorganized and a unique plan was made, which broke the rigid space boundary and created a soft home without boundary.
The whole household presentation is modern and modern, adding natural and simple texture, combined with large circular wall lamp with artistic, sculpture, will be hard and soft to form an organic unified echo, while at the same time independent, like a film, each role plays its own different role, although the proportion is different, but let the whole. The film is more dramatic and interesting.
Owners have the hobby of collecting shoes. Once entering the door, the shoe cabinet opposite the door is the shoes that the owner wears everyday. On one side, the transparent shoe cabinet stores can be seen at any time. It is also easy to get, and it is also a way of exhibiting art collection. The front wall of shoe cabinet hangs magnifier wearing mirror, which not only facilitates daily dressing, but also enlarges the overall space vision. The wall on the left hand side connects with the large surface of the shoe cabinet to extend the space and make the space larger and less depressive. Embedded shoe cabinet acts as a barrier between the porch and the living room, with uniform color and excellent overall visual sense.
In the original structure, we have adjusted the position of the TV background wall, and solved the problem of the original beam through the structure of the arc ceiling.
The floor tile chooses marble texture, which corresponds to the TV background wall. It not only shows the atmosphere texture, but also makes the whole space bright and spacious. The fireplace of TV background design and the arrangement of living room household are presented in an enclosed way, which enlarges the whole space with atmosphere.
The circular arc sofa in the living room corridor not only has high facial value, but also is comfortable. With the arch-shaped entrance of the corridor wall and the large semi-circular wall lamp, it forms a dramatic deduction, which makes the space form a leisure and comfortable artistic aesthetic feeling.
The hazy blue carpet breaks the visual monotony and injects a sense of hierarchy, creating space fusion and visual tension in a calm and restrained tone.
Here, it is safe to go and sit.
The decorative painting on the wall is also carefully selected, and forms an organic unity with the whole space. It is also the source of inspiration for this work. At the same time, this painting also reflects the original temperament of the space.
In plane planning, by changing the design of kitchen, equipment room and aisle, we can break the restriction of the original area and make the moving line of the whole space achieve the best comfort, so that the space is more holistic, open and the functional area division is more reasonable.
The first floor opens the teahouse and dining room, divides it by metal hollow partition, makes the whole space more transparent and bright, and forms the beautiful scenery of the whole space.
The dining room as a whole continues the style of the living room, which is light and luxurious and concise. It has designed a sense of freedom and space, which is not limited by the pattern. It has added a super-large island platform, which allows more interaction and communication between families, and more changes in space.
Because of the size problem of air conditioning ceiling, the structure of the bedroom is designed, which makes the whole space more vitality. On the tone, it keeps the coherence of space and is full of infinite delicacy. At the same time, it combines the fashion and practicality of modern decoration. Bright and elegant colors always accidentally hit the softness of people’s hearts.
From the aesthetic perspective of new modernism, this case returns to the essence of housing in a rational way of thinking. While emphasizing order and function, the space is transformed into a life body interwoven with practicality and aesthetics, giving space a delicate, elegant and comfortable living atmosphere, and creating a quality dwelling place in the city.
项目名称/The project name
项目地点/Project site:无锡
The project area
project debriefing在建
设 计 师/Design architect:朱印辰
深化设计/Deepening the design:单志祥
软装设计/Soft outfit design:轴境软装设计工作室/冬儿
主要材料/Main material:多层地板/木饰面/艺术涂料/瓷砖/石材
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