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MAB HOME 家居艺术中心丨中国常州丨JUSEN 巨森 DESIGN

2022/04/14 18:00:00
MAB HOME 家居艺术中心丨中国常州丨JUSEN 巨森 DESIGN-0
生活之美,自然而然。The beauty of life comes naturally.
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MAB HOME 家居艺术中心,意大利 MAB 家具旗下高端品牌。
MAB HOME Home Art Center, a high-end brand of Italian MAB furniture.
意大利 MAB 家具是国际家居领域集高端设计、精湛工艺和原材进口为一体的知名品牌,能够为住宅的每个角落都创造出美学与实用性相结合的居家艺术,将艺术、建筑与环境联系在一起,创造了无可挑剔的居家空间。
Italian MAB furniture is a well-known brand integrating high-end design, exquisite craftsmanship and imported raw materials in the international home furnishing field. It can create home art that combines aesthetics and practicality for every corner of the house, connecting art, architecture and the environment. Together, they create an impeccable home space.
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店名:MAB HOME 家居艺术中心
坐标:中国· 常州
设计总监:Nathan 刘森
Project:MAB HOME Home Art Center
Location :Changzhou, China
Design Director: Nathan01. | MAB HOME·品牌视觉
"Perception of urban forest through space"
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MAB HOME 家居艺术中心丨中国常州丨JUSEN 巨森 DESIGN-20
MAB HOME 家居艺术中心,以森林为灵感之源和创作意象,品牌 LOGO 撷取森林、坡屋顶的等元素,倡导人与自然和谐共生的品牌理念,致力于将清新、优雅的基因植入生活场景,营造「会呼吸」的家,为远离自然的都市人带来充满浪漫与想象的意式美学空间,时刻「森」临其境,自在悠然。
MAB HOME Home Art Center takes the forest as the source of inspiration and creative image, captures elements such as forests and sloping roofs, advocates the brand concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and is committed to implanting fresh and elegant genes into life scenes, creating The "breathing" home brings an Italian-style aesthetic space full of romance and imagination to urbanites who are far away from nature.「森」临其境 "FOREST"IS IMMERSIVE
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MAB HOME 家居艺术中心丨中国常州丨JUSEN 巨森 DESIGN-24
森之源,林之声,木之息。自然万物,最具艺术的朴质特征。MAB HOME 家居艺术中心将自然“请”进室内,消弭两者的边界,使空间具备蓬勃的生命感。
The source of the forest, the voice of the forest, and the breath of the wood. All things in nature, the most simple feature of art. MAB HOME Home Art Center will "invite" nature into the interior, eliminate the boundary between the two, so that the space has a vigorous sense of life. 「会呼吸的家」 HOME THAT "BREATHES"
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古人云:“宇为天,宙为地,森为万物,木为万物之源,万物依木而生,繁衍生息”。与树木共存,与自然共生,至美循环且恒久延续。The ancients said: "The universe is the sky, the universe is the earth, the forest is all things,Wood is the source of all things, and all things depend on wood to grow and multiply.” Coexist with trees, coexist with nature,The perfect cycle and lasting continuation.02.| MAB HOME·经营理念MAB HOME·BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY
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MAB HOME 家居艺术中心丨中国常州丨JUSEN 巨森 DESIGN-31
MAB HOME returns to the attention to the emotional needs of the occupants and deeply links nature with the material life and the spiritual world. From the material to the source, every step of the production is carefully considered, forming a highly recognizable cultural and artistic feature, giving the space a cloud-like flow. Simple sense of belonging.
From the endless trace of nature, MAB HOME is eager to open the window of the forest to nature for the tired and busy urbanites, and build a "hall" of artistic life. Here, you can spend your leisure time alone, or you can enjoy entertainment, leisure and a comfortable and comfortable life with your family.
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| MAB HOME·室内空间
MAB HOME 家居艺术中心
MAB HOMEHome Art Center
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「客厅」Living room
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Naturally beautiful and speechless.
In the "forest" space with vitality,
Life is surrounded by unique textures and aesthetics,
Sight, smell, touch, and hearing move together,
Share a pure source of life.
Yang Jiang once said:
The most beautiful scenery in life is inner calm and calm.
Luxury and simplicity are not the two poles of life,
The simpler it is, the simpler it is; the more natural it is, the more advanced it is.
Moss Landscape
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In the turbulent and fast times,
Step into a quiet and beautiful natural tunnel,
See heaven and earth, see all things, see life.
Western Kitchen
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Upholstery, fabrics and carpets, Known as the master of space atmosphere adjustment. There is no need for a cumbersome appearance, and a simple and comfortable life style can be shown. Just the right amount of cleanliness, the subtlest stillness, the softness that reaches the heart, With its own sense of luxury, it is full of the infectious power of tranquility and healing.
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我们与生活空间的关系,不应该是占有,而是共处。石材的天然纹理映于空间,静默遵循着自然的构造,远离刻意构筑的呆板与奢华,平衡着生活的边与度。our relationship with our living space,It should not be possession, but coexistence.The natural texture of the stone is reflected in the space, silently following the natural structure,Far from the rigidity and luxury of deliberate construction,Balance the edge and the degree of life.
In the bedroom, away from the hustle and bustle, Play the Forest Ensemble in the Uncharted. There is no deliberate luxury, But I can smell the dark fragrance of all things in the quiet, Enjoy the colorfulness of the flowers and trees as they sway.
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Just the right wood veneer application, Echoing the brand’s forest style, Natural texture and simple texture, Create a return to the original, relaxed and natural, comfortable and relaxed home experience, Make the space achieve a balance between tonal aesthetics and scene texture.
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置身于寂静森林深绿之中,感触湖畔树林的微风,尽享树木花草的甜美馨香,避开喧嚣,让疲惫之身遁入自然之境,MAB HOME 为你开启身心和谐的城市一隅,不断探寻自然恒久之美,无时不刻,“生活之美 自然而然”。
In the dark green of the silent forest, feel the breeze of the woods by the lake, enjoy the sweet fragrance of the trees and flowers, avoid the noise, let the tired body escape into the natural environment, MAB HOME opens a corner of the city where your body and mind are harmonious, and keep exploring. The eternal beauty of nature, all the time, "the beauty of life comes naturally".
Project Name: MAB HOME Home Art Center
Project Coordinates: Changzhou, China
Design Director: Nathan Liu Sen
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从一个空间浓缩到一张餐桌,我们努力成为优质生活方式的领袖,鼓励人与人,人与自然更多的交流互动,对于空间设计艺术,用 less is more 的纯粹态度,不断探索设计、生活真实的美好形态,在我们的设计定义中,空间无界,装饰、艺术、生活、空间、建筑,不断重合演变出无限创意可能。
We advocate the natural elegance of fashion and simplicity, integrate local colors and embellish the natural elements of the jungle, condense from a space to a dining table, strive to become the leader of a high-quality lifestyle, encourage more exchanges and interactive between people, people and nature, for the space design art, use the pure attitude of less is more to constantly exploring the beautiful forms of design and real life, space is boundless, decoration, art, life, space, architecture, constantly overlap and evolve infinite creative possibilities.
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▽「Luxury customization of villa space」is not only glitzy, but the poetry of life
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▽「Stars of Dreams」series of gorgeous dream trips decorate women with bright stars
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©JUSEN▽「Luxury customization of villa space」takes fashion as inspiration for complicated aesthetics
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©JUSEN▽「Italian light luxury」complicated and fashionable design aesthetics
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©JUSEN▽「Outdoor planning and design of villa space」starts with nature, the first step of perfect residence
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©JUSEN▽Extract poetry of life beyond vanity
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▽A dwelling place of light and grace
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