上海多抓鱼循环商店丨中国上海丨OFFHAND PRACTICE

2022/02/08 19:00:00
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Déjà Vu Recycle Store
在上海布满梧桐树的安福路上,有一栋犬牙交错的三层建筑,上世纪 70 年代为“上海电影发行放映公司”,现今,这里是“多抓鱼循环商店”。多抓鱼成立于北京,名字源于法语“Déjà Vu”的音译,意为“似曾相识”,他们相信“真正的好东西值得买两次”。
Located at Anfu Road, Shanghai, a zigzag three-storey building that used to be the Shanghai Film Distribution and Exhibition Corporation, it is now the Déjà Vu Recycle Store. The brand is found in Beijing, and believes that ‘good things worth buying twice’.
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Existing site photos
从线上虚拟平台落地到线下实体空间,OFFHAND 这次的命题是如何赋予这个空间直观且具象的、符合多抓鱼气质的循环商店 – 即轻松无压力的、有淘货快感的、且富有手工感的寻宝之地。要实现以上目标,首先需要糅合书籍和服装两种截然不同的商品在空间中呈现统一的气质,其次要打破“二手”店铺在大众心目中杂乱无章、破旧不堪,亦或是昏昏暗暗的沿街小铺的刻板印象,同时摈弃传统书店崇高神圣的仪式感和传统服装店精致有压力的消费感。
To transfer and materialise a virtual platform into a physical space, the challenge that to be tackled by OFFHAND is about how to mould a recycle store for Déjà Vu and enrich it with an easily visualisable and perceivable brand character - a place that is full of craftsmanship, and always remain intriguing for those who eager the ‘casual treasure hunt’. While integrating these two very different fields – recycle books and clothes, we are not looking for a mixture but creating a different model. We hope to erase the ritualistic experience from the traditional book store and consumerism in the fashion industry, at the same time wishing to break the stereotypical images of “second-hand store”.
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Intersection of mosaic and wood
Déjà Vu suggests splitting the two-storey high façade into half vertically, lowering its original visual scale to a height, making the entrance more appealing to the public. At the same time, the entrance door is purposely set back, generating a shelter for the pedestrians.
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1. 过渡区
2. 上海风格随拍
transition Shanghai style
2 玩耍区
6 机电房
3 品牌介绍区
7 逃生通道
brand introduction fire exit
4 抓娃娃区 vending machine
8 楼梯 stairs
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All for one one for all
The loveable feature of Déjà Vu began with two kiddie rides placed at the entrance, bringing back our childhood.
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Taking the advantage of the narrow corridor, we re-fabricate it; identify spatial depth through layers of gates and openings. It becomes a gallery, showcases Déjà Vu’s brand philosophy and the process of refurbishing secondhand goods.
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Shanghai Style
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1 过渡区 6 书籍淘货区 3
transition book market 3
2 畅销书 best seller
7 备货间 storage
3 书籍淘货区 1 book market 1
8 楼梯 stairs
4 书籍淘货区 2 book market 2
9 户外阳台 balcony
5 收银台 cashier
10 卫生间 washroom
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Recycle book market entrance
长廊的尽头顺着楼梯到二楼便是循环书店。项目伊始,剥除场地凌乱的表皮之后,空间的原有面貌便浮现出来-四周大面积地均匀布满了上世纪 80 年代的特色窗洞。所以我们决定除了必要的功能辅房以外,不做任何隔墙,把充足的光线让给商品陈列,以确保明亮轻松的购物体验。同时为了放大窗洞的美,我们选用了极具手工感的废料石材马赛克作为窗框,把窗外的风景“装裱”成了不同的画。
The second storey is the recycle book market. After the demolishing work, the site’s characteristic feature from the 1970s is once revealed in front of us – the magnificent window openings. We have then decided to emphasise it. With minimal new erection of walls, we want to maximise the amount of natural light in the space, to brighten up the space. We deco these 70s window openings with handcraft recycled natural stone mosaic, further enhancing its existence, and framed outdoor environment into scenes.
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At this stage, the challenge we are facing now is how to make the shopping experience pleasant and relaxing with such an amount of goods fulfilled. Grocery shopping popped into our mind. It is something that is embedded in our daily life, something that we are all familiar with and confident of doing. We mimic the grocery shopping experience, inserting selected features into the site, such as veggie shelves. After a year of operation, we have received compliments such as “ picking books in the way of picking up vegetables and fruits gets a feeling of enriching the ‘spiritual basket’.”
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菜篮子道具意向图 (请往?划)
Grocery basket ref. (slide to the left)
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菜篮子书架 Bookshelf
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书架的层板及收银台的原色松木,给人轻松质朴,温暖天然的感觉;全幢楼的地面都使用了米白色现浇水磨石(在上世纪七八十年代,因为造价低廉、工序简单和造型多样,水磨石一度非常流行),让人置身于一种似曾相识的错觉里,仿佛又回到了那栋上世纪 70、80 年代留于时代记忆里的老建筑中。
We use natural pine wood for bookshelves and counter projecting warmness; creamy white terrazzo for the floor, paying respect to 70s and 80s Shanghai, déjà vu back our memories of the past.
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为契合多抓鱼的环保理念和手工感,我们大量使用了天然石材的边角料,经手工打磨成温润的约 1x1cm 马赛克之后,再由现场师傅细心铺贴至各处;同时从室外到室内,圆润的形态贯穿始终,手工感便油然而生。
To echo Déjà Vu’s advocation of environmentally friendly and craftsmanship, we utilised a huge amount of natural stone offcut. The stone materials were manually cut into 1x1cm mosaic with a polished round off corner. It was laid at many locations, running through the whole indoor and outdoor space, where the natural sense of craftsmanship derives.
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楼梯扶手细节 Handrail detail
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1 过渡区
6 试衣间
transition fitting room
2 热销商品
best seller
7 备货间
3 服装淘货区 1
clothing market 1
8 楼梯
4 服装淘货区 2
9 卫生间
clothing market 2 washroom
5 收银台 cashier
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Recycle clothing market entrance
多抓鱼循环服装店则位于整栋建筑的三楼。空间规划上遵循和循环书店同样的逻辑:即除了在两个出入口处增加了一段过渡空间和必要的试衣间、备货间以外,其他区域全部敞开,把所有黄金位置让给数量庞大的服装展示。同时衣架的细节设计延续了书架的特色,用圆润可爱的简单语言承托了 2000 余件不同品牌的循环服装。
The recycle clothing market is on the third storey. The spatial arrangement follows the same logic as the book store, besides necessary functional spaces, the rest are open for cloth display of over 2000 pieces from different brands. Round and cute design elements from book store props have been applied to all cloth rack props design.
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多抓鱼希望给用户带来“effortless chic”的感受,即轻松的时尚感,无论是多抓鱼品牌本身在这一年的经营中给予用户的感受,还是我们所营造的空间体验,应该都达到这种状态了吧!
We believe both the comprehensive experience Déjà Vu catered for its customer and the immersive spatial atmosphere we tailored for the brand has contributed to Déjà Vu’s goal - to bring its customer a breath of ‘effortless chic’, the experience of fashion that is constrained and pressure-free.
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The lighting scheme focused on creating an atmosphere, using the miner lamp to light up every object evenly, continuing to reiterate relaxation and a sense of respite.
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Fitting room
这个项目让我们充分地意识到在设计过程中信息整理的重要性,如日本设计创意工作室 SAMURAI 的创意总监佐藤在《佐藤可士和的超整理术》一书中所表达的:远景正处于实体化的过程,只存于客户内心,掺杂了许多梦想和希望,尚未排序,是一个未经整理的状态。所以要大胆向客户提出假说,探索客户的思绪,促使正确观点浮出水面,才能进一步找到整理的线索。然后再琢磨擦亮本质,还原品牌应有的面貌。
Through this project, we are fully aware of the importance of sorting and prioritizing information. It is like what Kashiwa Sato mentioned in his book < Kashiwa Sato’s Ultimate Method for Reaching the Essentials>, his methodology is to adapt a basic principle of visual design – clarifying the information to be conveyed, grasping its essence, and deriving visual language and signposts that are immediately accessible to a mass audience – and apply it to a wider, more diverse range of situations far exceeding the purview of visual design.
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At the beginning of every project, all the information gathered are fragmentary, and to us, design is a continuous process of filtering and combing information and ideas till we have finally grasped the essence of its brand. If a simple comment from Déjà Vu’s user saying “This is what it should be like to Déjà Vu Recycle Store!”, it will be a great encouragement to us.
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客户:多抓鱼 Déjà Vu
地点:上海市徐汇区安福路 300 号
项目设计时间:2020.05 - 2020.07
项目施工时间:2020.09 - 2020.12
空间摄影:胡彦昀 Hu Yanyun
特别鸣谢翻译小伙伴:杨洋,Josephine Chai
南京喵熊网络科技有限公司 苏ICP备18050492号-4知末 © 2018—2020 . All photos and trademark graphics are copyrighted by their owners.增值电信业务经营许可证(ICP)苏B2-20201444苏公网安备 32011302321234号