

Centre display shelf
KÜKÜ位于百年街区的淮海路上TX淮海商场二楼。TX 淮海|年轻力中心是创新体验零售与沉浸艺术融合的智能空间。作为聚集了艺术、潮流、美食、社交的空间,让大家都能在这获取到最新的潮流艺术文化资讯。
KÜKÜ is located on the second storey of Theatre X shopping mall, along the historical Huaihai Road. Theatre X Huaihai | Young Power Centre is a retail space where integrates innovative experience and art culture.
Unfinished construction site
KÜKÜ(KǙKÜ ) 取自上海方言, 是“看一看”或者“瞧一瞧”的意思。我们认为“看见是一种能力,是发现美的能力。它可以从生活的日常,从各种细节中去发现。慢慢地当“看”成为一种习惯的时候,自然会想要引领更多人学会看见”这就是KÜKÜ名字的由来。
KÜKÜ is taken from Shanghai dialect, means “to take a look”. We always believe that “seeing is an ability, it is the ability to discover beauty. It could be from daily life or little details around you. When ‘seeing’ becomes a habit, it will lead you to a magnificent new world.”
KÜKÜ 贴纸 (请往👈划)
KÜKÜ sticker (slide to the left)
11月初,业主兼好友找到我们,希望大家能在一起玩儿一点有趣的东西,同时,从我们以往的项目案例和日常观察中,业主觉得我们工作室的理念与之匹配,这让我们一拍即合。Pop-up store因其短期经营与需要刺激消费的特性,让我们研究“空间和人的关系“这个课题有了不同以往的挑战。
Facade PVC corrugated board
How to attract passer-by to slow down and have a look inside? And how to make the façade looks solid yet does not make people feeling enclose inside? These are the questions that we have kept thinking during the design process. After a few rounds of discussion, we finally came into a conclusion of using PVC corrugated board as the façade material. To carry on the “looking” action throughout, there are random mini holes on the facade for you to see. Curiosity leads you to discover the “beauty” inside.
Design Sketch
Peeking inside through these mini holes
To coherent with the façade curve line, edges of wood platform are carefully treated into curves too. In order to step into the interior space, first, you have to walk through the wood platform, then brush through layers of tassel that emphasises the “looking “action.
会议讨论中我们描绘出的平面规划草图,让大家想到Peter Eisenman设计的欧洲被害犹太人纪念碑。高低起伏的地面上,站立着高度从0.2m到4.8m的混凝土石碑,井然有序却又参差不齐地排列着,呈现出的序列感和混沌感让大家一致认为这就是此项目的设计方向。“矩阵”跟“迷宫”的概念就这样自然形成。
A version of the space planning that is sketched during one of the design meetings, it reminds us of the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe by Peter Eisenman. Thousands of concrete pillars ranging from 0.2 to 4.8 metres in height, it reveals the innate disturbance and potential for chaos in all the systems of apparent order. The concept “Matrix and Maze” has then naturally derived.
Peter Eisenman 欧洲被害犹太人纪念碑
Berlin Memorial To the Murder Jews of Europe by Peter Eisenman
Space planning sketch
1 入口
2 中心货架
centre shelf
3 侧展示台
display plinth
4 书吧
the book club
5 舞吧
the dance club
6 收银/出口
在满足大量商品陈列的功能需求的前提之下, 中心“矩阵”货架最终由4列7行的28个单元组成,其中还隐藏了场地中原有的一根建筑承重柱。因预算的限制, 货架最终采用低成本的成品货架来搭建,且都以长700mm,宽700mm 的A、B两种组合方式呈现。A是成品货架外包镀锌板,B是成品货架外挂流苏。
Under the premise of meeting the functional requirements of a large number of goods display, 28 numbers of square unit shelf formed the matrix in the centre space, one of the units is an existing column which camouflages in the matrix. Due to budget constraints, the use of low-cost finished product is one way to solve the issue. There are two modular shelves, each in 700 mm by 700mm in dimension, one finished with galvanized steel in a block, and the other finished with layers of tassel along three sides.
Axonometric for centre shelves
组合 A 货架
Modular A
组合 B 货架
Modular B
These modular units purposely rotate to a different direction to emphasise the maze concept. The space between each shelf allows only for an individual passage through the gird. These space condensed and provides a free circulation experience from any point. Isn’t it amazing to wander in the maze wonderland?
“沉浸式体验”也是我们这次一直在研究的重点之一。因此我们邀请到了花艺师好友”bloom bloom FLEUR”,其意在通过植物置景的方法制造一个与外界不管是视觉嗅觉还是触觉都完全不同的空间。植物置景主要集中在两个相对独立的空间The Book Club 和 The Dance Club,其中大量使用了来自全国各地收集的麦穗、芦苇、狗尾草、小潘草、小米等农作物,来增强三个感官上的体验。同时植物置景也局部延伸至中心货架与两边布满灰绿色石子的家具货架,让整个空间更加连贯。
The immersive experience is another subject that we are seeking for this project. We invited one of our friend ‘’bloom bloom FLEUR”, who is a floral artist. Her concept for the immersive experience came from “city wheat field”, using a different kind of hay and wheat species to enhance the three senses. The immersive experience mainly in the two individual rooms named The Book Club and The Dance Club. Adding on to the visual experience, the floral installation also plays part in the two long furniture display plinth on the two sides of the space.
The book club
The dance club
It is grateful that the graphic design for KÜKÜ has carried on simultaneously with interior design. Thus there are many ideas in which the graphics and the interior space are equally important in this project. By adding on visual identity graphics for the centre shelf, the ambience of sequence and chaos evoked by the concept of matrix and maze is magnified. The name KÜKÜ is very catchy and easy to spread, that is also one of the reasons why KÜKÜ has been reinforced to many applications.
Like what we mentioned earlier on, OFFHAND always keen to explore the relationship between space and human. Space as an energy field for interaction, and how to reveal the potential that it is innate. Therefore, the experience that KÜKÜ implements, it is an experience that you have to feel on your own.
每一个项目都有自己的特点,可能是自身独特的场地条件、或者是品牌的专属调性,又或者是不一样有趣的业主,OFFHAND都乐于去发现每个项目独特的美的地方,去“看见”它独有的特点,来放大它加深它,让它与我们的设计理念相融合。这个理念就像“OFFHAND”的字面意思,即强调“the maker spirit, the learning by doing mentality”,也就是我们一直所追寻的探索与实验的精神。
KÜKÜ 快闪店将营业至2月底,欢迎大家来KÜKÜ!
Each project has its own identity, it might be its unique site condition, or brand philosophy, or maybe an interesting client. OFFHAND are willing to explore their uniqueness within them, to” KÜKÜ” their individual beauty, to expand and integrate with our design philosophy. Like what OFFHAND means, “the maker spirit, the learning by doing mentality”, it is also the subject that we always explore and experiment.
KÜKÜ will be open till the end of February, please drop by and KÜKÜ!
客户:KÜKÜ by 设集品
平面设计师:Evelyn Chiu
o f f h a n d p r a c t i c e . c o m