

The industry moves forward in the city built by economy and culture, passing through the dark and deeply locked streets and reaching the corner of the intersection. Be firm, take your steps without fear; Because -- face, is the future!
Regression design, the Future Center of China Merchants Urban Construction integrates and connects "city strategy", "cultural strategy" and "brand model" with "CAZ", and builds "city level" future "CAZ" marketing exhibition area based on it. The "new concept" urban exhibition hall and air club will be built in Wuhan New Urban District after the storm.
Give up the luxury, continue the market quality impression and upgrade, excavate the humanistic connotation of project characteristics to form memory points. "Urban Exhibition hall" is integrated into the modernist aesthetic taste, and culture is integrated into the architecture, which contributes to the "walkable" and "artistic" space.
Circular arc around, accumulated cohesion, brewing inclusive temperament. "Soft metal skin" echoes the water-ground stone, using the contrast of material texture to guide visual walking, and then creating a longitudinal "stretching sense", emphasizing the space immersion atmosphere.
First subdued and then raised suddenly enlightened, inclusive flow line EMF form, create changes, ups and downs vivid. Grasp the interface of "moving" in "static", pay attention to the "line", "surface" behind the composite form, is the continuous role of cultural and emotional factors.
Time flies, time flies; History always feels like deja vu, a spiral... Perhaps every vision of the future has buried its clues in the present moment.
Fine tuning start pen, gradually rise gradually stronger; Rely on the structure, free in ingenious ideas. The construction of spatial linkage imperceptibly enhances the "sense of suspension" of the main form of space. The overall sight access effect between the two layers is progressive and lengthwise, revealing a sense of "future". Art staircase is also an element reproduction, echo. Naturally, because of potential growth.
光线能赋予空间无限想象,又毫不局限其用途:共享空间趋近 360°的全景采光,任由阳光自由进入,感受空间内轻快的呼吸。光影变幻,舒朗空间的开敞,由香槟色渲染出润泽时尚的质感;带有一种理性的克制,又不乏感性的轻快和柔美。
Light can give the space unlimited imagination, and its use is not limited: the shared space approaches 360° panoramic lighting, allowing the sunlight to enter freely, feeling the light breathing in the space. Changing light and shadow, comfortable space open, by the champagne color rendering a moist and fashionable texture; With a rational restraint, there is no lack of emotional light and soft.
In the middle of the reception hall, the device is shaped like a "water drop" and interwoven like a "nest" to build a clear visual focus. The crisscross shape of lines and surfaces implies that "water" can nourish life and "architecture" provides a safe habitat for people.
Rectangular columnar art glass with built-in metal bars, equidistant side by side, accentuates the meaning of "future". Dry green planting, through the ball device components, combination of a strong pioneer atmosphere.
Architecture and space into each other, fashion and life play. All forms, materials or colors are contained in proportion and rhythm by the structure, which makes the scene flexibly switch between functions. The modern and elegant soft outfit furnishing idea is depicted in the transparent space, which is more neat.
The explosion at the water bar
Metal art installations resemble cosmic stars and the multilayered rings surrounding them. Because of the regular shape of the dividing glass, the refraction of colorful changes.
Investment project name | the urban center in the future
Project units | China merchants shekou, wuhan urban construction
Team owner | hong-wei zhao, Liu Lei, Wang Chaoyi
项目地址|中国 武汉
Address | project in wuhan, China
总设计师|G.ART 集艾设计-贾逸俊
Chief designer | G.A RT set - Gu Yijun ai design
硬装设计|G.ART 集艾设计-全逸工作室
Hard outfit design | G.A RT ai design - all from the studio
软装设计|G.ART 集艾设计-全逸工作室
Soft outfit design | G.A RT ai design - all from the studio
PM 总监|辛海涛、蔡明旆、李振
P M director | hai-tao xin, girls Pei, jann lee
完工日期|2022 年 9 月
Completion date | in September 2022
项目摄影|郑焰、瀚墨视觉(gif 图)
Photography project | Zheng Yan, he ink vision (GIF)
△G.ART 集艾设计
G.ART 集艾设计是中国顶尖的室内设计机构,拥有 15 年以上专业设计经验,致力于为高端地产、商业空间提供“一站式”设计服务,强化空间的视觉个性的同时提升其商业价值。
“创造非凡的设计服务体验”;我们深知客户服务的重要性,持续迭代产品研发与创新设计是成功的关键。300 多名专业设计师以其丰富的实践经验和专业的知识服务于每一个项目,PM 设计服务优化体系确保了设计全周期的高效进行和综合服务的可持续优化。