Rafael Vinoly
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Rafael Viñoly Beceiro(生于 1944 年)是乌拉圭建筑师。他是 1983 年创立的 Rafael Viñoly Architects 的负责人,在纽约市、帕洛阿尔托、伦敦、曼彻斯特、阿布扎比和布宜诺斯艾利斯设有工作室。
Raphael Zuber
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Raphael Zuber studied architecture until 2001 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) and opened his own office in the same year.
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Youji no Shiro主要提供设计以及监理,重修以及装饰幼儿设施服务。我们也可以提供幼儿设施标志设计。 Youji no Shiro在日语中的意思是“孩子们的城堡”,是日比野设计公司下属的一个部门,位于日本的神奈川县。公司成立于1972年,为了适应飞速发展的社会需求变化,1991年成立了这个专门针对儿童设施的设计部门Youji no Shiro。 在我们成立的这24年以来,我们现在已经在全日本范围内建造了超过350所幼儿园,这其中包括新建的幼儿园,也包含了对原有幼儿园的改建,内部的翻新。进年来,我们更是将业务推进到了全世界的范围内。
Rafael Viñoly
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roberto miniero
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Libero professionista in Roma, classe 1954, laurea presso La sapienza in Roma nel 1979 (110&lode)
Ramdane Touhami
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“I don’t think you could call me an artistic director. Perhaps you could say that I have more sense of responsibility than an artistic director due to my very early industrial experience. I’m not the type to make artistic “gestures”. I think like an investor, like a corporate manager… While I take on a brand or new territory, I start off using an entrepreneurial logic, with the idea that beauty and quality are not luxuries, or whims, but the most certain and easiest way to sell well, to sell better”. R.T “I am a fine tuner, someone who creates ambiance, places, images. I soak up the history and identity of the brand and I restore it or reinvent it, I come up with the secret formula, the rules, the vocabulary. From design to purchases, from artistic direction to distribution, from retail to communications: everything interests me, and everything is part of the brand logic that I succeed in establishing. When all of these bolts are tightened, when the gears are oiled, I hand over the keys. Afterwards, there’s nothing left to do but simply pay attention to the road…” R.T “I like to be a sort of “Jack of all trends”: aesthetic director, manager of refined businesses, serial imaginer, designer of details that matter (that often take the cake!), restorer of lost identities, repairer of the demand for a brand…I do not work exclusively with the subversive clothing and the hold up hype that made me famous. In reality I am very “conservative” in the good sense of the term: my only dream is to rediscover new classics, to re-orchestrate labels, to revisit and better protect the legacy of venerable companies…” ” R.T