MGA Partners
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Based in Philadelphia, MGA Partners is a nationally recognized firm distinguished for architecture that is considered, crafted, and resonant with its place. We are a design-oriented firm with experienced and mature leadership. Over the past thirty years, the focus of our practice has been for respected public and private institutions.
Max Arkitekter
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Max Arkitekter ?r Lisa, Anna, Lotta, Kim, Emelie, Isa och kontorshunden Max. Vi arbetar med vardagens arkitektur: skolor, f?rskolor, v?rd- och omsorgsbyggnader. Milj?er d?r brukaren inte alltid valt sin omgivning. I dessa byggnader blir arkitekturen extra viktig liksom v?r f?rm?ga till lyh?rdhet och inlevelse. V?r uppgift som arkitekter ?r att se till helheten. Varje projekt ?r unikt, arbetsmetoden alltid densamma: Vi tolkar och ger form ?t brukarens behov, best?llarens ?nskem?l, byggnadstekniska krav och v?ra egna gestaltningsm?ssiga ambitioner. P? Max Arkitekter arbetar vi tillsammans. Vi st?ttar och uppmuntrar varandra d? vi anser allas ?sikter vara angel?gna och grunden till den goda arkitektur vi vill skapa.
McCullough Mulvin
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Designers should break through the thinking set and form the habit of innovation
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At Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, we are inspired by the power of landscape architecture to deliver beauty in its many forms: rational, lyrical, and exuberant. We believe that the most meaningful landscapes anticipate what they will mean to their many audiences and emerge from straightforward, elegant problem-solving techniques.
Moriyuki Ochiai
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Moriyuki Ochiai, born in Tokyo, Japan is an architect and designer. He established his own studio, Moriyuki Ochiai Architects that is active in architectural, interior, furniture,landscape and industrial design. The sources of our inspirations come from being captivated by the vivacious and lively beauty of nature or life. We can also feel the influence coming from the delicate sensitivity responding to the unique Japanese nature, which can be found in Japanese temples and gardens. We wish to continue creating works that fulfill people's dreams, become the energy for their lives, and then move on to a deeper dimension that exceeds life itself.
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We are the architects focused on your needs. We start every project by researching what it is you need and how you live - and we finish with you being happy with the results of our cooperation even 20 years later.
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Mayer/Reed, Inc. is a multi-disciplinary Portland, Oregon based design studio providing urban design, landscape architecture, product design and graphic design services for the environments in which people live, learn, work and play. Our studio’s work in creating places for human activity explores the social, cultural, ecological and historic contexts that shape these environments.