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gmp is one of the few practices with a generalist position, which takes responsibility for a project from the design idea and its realization right through to the interior design.
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GRAFT was established in 1998 in Los Angeles, California by Lars Krückeberg, Wolfram Putz and Thomas Willemeit. Further offices followed in Berlin, Germany in 2001 and Beijing, China in 2004. GRAFT was conceived as a ‘Label’ for Architecture, Urban Planning, Design, Music and the “pursuit of happiness”. Since the firm was established, it has been commissioned to design and manage a wide range of projects in multiple disciplines and locations. With the core of the firm’s enterprises gravitating around the field of architecture and the built environment, GRAFT has always maintained an interest in crossing the boundaries between disciplines and “grafting” the creative potentials and methodologies of different realities. This is reflected in the firm’s expansion into the fields of exhibition design and product design, art installations, academic projects and “events” as well as in the variet
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Unser Ziel als Team aus Architekten, Stadt- und Landschaftsplanern, Ingenieuren und Innenarchitekten ist es, Orte zu schaffen, die die Menschen ber¨¹hren, ihre Sehns¨¹chte wecken, Orte, wo Menschen gerne hingehen und sich gerne aufhalten, R?ume, die sich ihnen begreifbar machen und selbstverst?ndlich erschlie?en. Es sollen Beitr?ge sein zur Versch?nerung des Stadt-Landschaftsraums mit Geb?uden, die in ihrer Einfachheit sch?n und auch spannend in ihrer Raumdisposition sind, klar und selbstverst?ndlich im Hinblick auf die Orientierung von au?en nach innen, wie von innen nach au?e