知末案例   /   家装空间   /   公寓   /   思倍设计研究所


2021/07/06 18:35:07
项目位置 Project Location
海上世界背山面海,是深圳西部的滨海胜地,融商务、服务、休闲、娱乐、酒店式公寓和住宅设施为一体,彰显独特而又具有浓郁地方特色的山海格调。海上世界不仅规划为深圳延绵 15 公里长的海傍休闲区的起点,也将成为其中重要一环。海上世界建于填海地块之上,占地共达 38.35 公顷。伍兹公寓将成为海上世界的豪华高层公寓,而招商广场将成为实现这一滨海胜地开发项目的催化剂。
Woods Apartments are located on China Merchants Plaza of Shekou Seaworld, which is bounded by Oceanfront Drive to the east and planned Road to the north. Facing the sea and lying against the hills, the Seaworld boasts a seaside destination in west Shenzhen that integrates the commerce, service, leisure, entertainment, serviced apartment and residential facilities, and reflects the unique local touches of the mountains and sea. The Seaworld is also planned as the starting point and essential component of the 15-km long seaside leisure district in Shenzhen. On a parcel of sea reclamation land, the Seaworld has a total land area of 38.35ha. Woods Apartments are going be the luxury apartment high-rise in the Seaworld. China Merchants Plaza will act as catalysis to this oceanfront destination development.
作为深港西部通道的终点所在,蛇口将再次迎来跨越式发展的机会。蛇口具有连接香港的便利交通、赏心悦目的山海美景以及 30 年来快速的区域性发展,无疑使其占据了深圳西部高端住宅开发的理想位置,必将受到少数高端人士的青睐。
Located at the end of SZ-HK West Passage, Shekou will be once again to offer a leap-over opportunity. With convenient vehicular connection to Hong Kong, elegant mountain and sea views, and 30 years rapid regional development, Shekou will be undoubtedly became the ideal location for high end residential buildings in west Shenzhen and will be mostly favored by the selected a few.
Connecting to the Ocean
The public park space extends to the east, across the road to the Ocean. A series of urban view corridors and landscape “fingers” stretch out to the water edges. A series of simple walkways and intimate sunken terraces facing the Ocean will provide a place to jog and stroll, as well as for spill over from the cafes and seasoned urban street shows.
Free Flow of Movement
The design of the residential building and landscape consists of a series of walkways that enhance and encourage a free flow of movement around and within the complex. Rather than setting up a rigid or formal path that all of the visitors must follow, the circulation paths are designed to give a feeling of casual wandering and exploring through large open green spaces. Extensive plantings and lush landscaping would be continued throughout the development site and interior, even within the commercial spaces, to help accentuate the notion of free exploration within a carefully controlled island-like setting.
Previous iterations
Initial design for the Shekou Woods apartments established ideas for individual floors and units with repetitive balcony patterns that failed to give a unified, comprehensive and holistic feel to the buildings. Over use of balcony expression could lead to a cluttered façade as residents fill the building with possessions and seek to expand building space. For this reason balcony design and placement must be carefully considered.
SBA 的设计方法
SBA Approach
Overall design concept Integration of earth and sky, sea, balance of materials. The residential towers at SeaWorld are designed to reflect the immediate environment and create a sense of place that is reflective of the unique geographic and cultural history of Shekou. The mountains to the north and west, the sand and sea to the south and east, the reflective play of light from the bay are all elements that contribute to the design philosophy and inspiration of the Shekou Woods complex.
承上启下,前后关联 – 一方面营造鲜明的边界,一方面又将海景呈现于人们面前,建筑通过这种途径寻求将现有的城市肌理和新的开发项目衔接起来。目前设计理念的关键特征如下:
Contextual relevance - The buildings seek to mediate between the existing urban fabric and the new development by both creating a distinct boundary but still allowing views through to the sea. The following are the key features of the current design ideas:
立足大地 Grounded to the earth 建筑基座使用陶土、半透明玻璃和仿土材料,给建筑一个坚实、稳固的基座。地基在靠海一侧建造得更为牢固,使用了竖向打孔开口,看上去与远处的山麓遥相呼应。在现有的城市肌理中,建筑给人一种更为集中、坚实和透明的感觉,配合水平向的陶土色百叶窗式幕墙,营造疑幻似真的透明感。
The solid base is made of terra cotta, translucent glass and earth like materials to create a strong and stable base to the buildings. The base is treated more solidly on the sea side with vertical punched openings that make a connection to the distant hillsides when viewed from the seashore. From the existing urban fabric the building reflects a more integrated, solid and transparent feel combined with a unique treatment of horizontal terra cotta louver screens that create an illusion of transparency.
拥抱蓝天 Reaching for the sky 建筑的竖井从地基开始向上伸出,越变越透明,直至完全开向蓝天。建筑的四个立面都精心组织,营造出鲜明的建筑形象。
The shaft of the towers grows out of this base and becomes more transparent and eventually becomes opens to the sky. Each of the four elevations is carefully organized to offer a distinct image of the towers.
建筑外形 Building form 建筑外形呈直线性,是一种既坚实又透明、而且稳固的建筑形式,旨在与一旁更具动感的办公建筑形成对比。阳台的造型也是为了给建筑带来繁复的肌理感。
The form of the buildings is rectilinear and a combination of solid and transparent, stable forms that are meant to play beside the more dynamic form of the office tower. The expression of balconies is also used to give the building a repetitive textural feel.
表面纹理 Surface texture
The surface texture of the base and upper portions are also designed to play off of each other: the base solid, earthen and punctuated by deep recesses. The shaft of the towers is clear, smooth, horizontally accentuated with projecting balconies.
建造方法 Building approach 入口处的陶土色百叶窗式幕墙从建筑基座一直贯穿到建筑顶端,从而凸显塔楼主体的纵向性。这样一来,一座“垂直沙堡”从先前的沙质海岸线拔地而起,成为项目推进历史的清晰的划分界限。从现有的城市肌理来看,建筑的纵向性和中间狭槽将公寓建筑的建筑语言和办公建筑紧密连在一起。
The entries emphasize the verticality of the buildings by extending the terra cotta louver screens continuously form base to the very top of the building. In this way we are able to achieve a “vertical sand castle” rising from previous sandy shore line and a clear demarcation of the history of the progression of the development. The verticality and the central slot tie the vocabulary of the buildings with the office tower as it is viewed from the existing urban fabric.
Ocean Beacon
From the sea the three towers will sparkle at night and act as beacons of light from the bay. The tops will be accentuated with lights and colors to bring a festive and unique impact to the Sea World site and add to growing skyline.
可持续的设计方法 Sustainable Design 从一开始,伍兹公寓在设计上就融合了诸多目前在欧美采用的最新的“绿色技术”。降低能耗负荷是首要目标。设计的目标是在建筑中结合被动型和主动型节能系统,使之适用美国 LEED 认证。下面列出的是设计中包含的一些主要的可持续技术:
From the onset, Woods Apartments will be designed to incorporate many of the latest “green technologies” currently in use both in Europe and the US. Reduction of energy consumption loads is a prime objective. The goal is to include a variety of both passive and active systems that will make the complex applicable for LEED certification in the US. Listed below are some of the key sustainable technologies currently integrated into the design:
Building Envelope
所有建筑主要为南北朝向,以减少东西向的太阳辐射。外立面设计使建筑能在夏季最热的时候减少太阳辐射,且可实现太阳能控制。选用高效率的低辐射玻璃窗(U 值<0.3,遮阳系数<0.7)。安装太阳能控制的彩釉玻璃。选择浅色屋顶和墙面。使用隔热铝板墙系统—遮阳盒。
Orient all tower buildings primarily north/south facing to reduce east and west solar exposure. Develop a façade to reduce solar gain and solar control during peak hours in summer season. Select Low-E Glass windows with high efficiency (U-value<0.3 and Shading Coeff. <0.7). Install fritted glass for solar control. Select light-colored roof and walls. To use insulated aluminum panel wall systems – “shade box.
项目地址:深圳市南山区望海路 1188 号
占地面积:11319.49 平方米
设计面积:47211.40 平方米
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