

LEED 绿色建筑认证
LEED Certification Achievement
Porsche Experience Centre
由OBERMEYER 规划设计的上海保时捷体验中心于2022年获得LEED 绿色建筑认证。获得LEED 证书标志着保时捷体验中心是可持续发展绿色建筑的示范项目,同时也肯定了保时捷中心建筑对建筑行业绿色转型的贡献。LEED 证书的颁布也肯定了OBERMEYER 作为设计团队对健康、可持续发展的未来的追求。
Shanghai Porsche Experience Centre designed by OBERMEYER achieved LEED certification in 2022. The LEED certification identifies Porsche Experience Centre as a showcase example of sustainability and demonstrates the achievement of transforming the building industry. The LEED certification also underlines that OBERMEYER is consequently pursuing a healthy, sustainable practise.
LEED Evaluation
LEED 绿色建筑评估围绕7个部分对项目进行了评估:可持续发展的选址、 节水、能源与环境、材料与资源、室内环境品质、创新设计以及区域优先。
The project is evaluated following the LEED NC 2009 certification system via the 7 categories: Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, Innovation Design, and Regional Priority.
Porsche Experience
The Porsche Experience Centre is planned and designed by OBERMEYER, and it was put in use in 2018. The Experience Centre is the first Porsche Experience Centre in Asia. It allows Porsche customers to drive their Porsche under realistic conditions and approach as well as master physical limits of the vehicles.
Main Building
主体建筑内含驾驶体验设备和保时捷内部培训中心。建筑为方正的矩形,拥有巨大的悬挑屋顶以及立于北部角上的高塔。主体建筑的屋顶盖住了一部分跑道, 在高塔中设置了一个视野开阔的高端休息室,于建筑首层入口处同时有一个玻璃正面的中央门庭用于展示车辆。主体建筑还包含有保时捷咖啡厅,精品店,会议室,车主俱乐部,影院,交付区等功能。
OBERMEYER is responsible for the design of the main building and the driving-experience-track – here both, the road and off-road facilities. The building contains facilities for the Driving Experience and for a Porsche internal Training Centre. A big cantilevering roof and a tower at the northern end define the rectangular building. The overhanging elements cover a pit lane area for the racetrack, while the tower contains an elegant lounge with a splendid view onto the race area. A central foyer with full glazed façade is used to display cars and for events. The main building also contains a Porsche Café, a boutique shop, meeting rooms, Club Lounge, cinema and Parc Ferme for delivery service.
© Porsche
The Experience Field
The experience field contains a big handling circuit which simulates race situations on a length of 1.3 km, including a long straight track for high speed as well as challenging turns. A pit lane is situated at the main building, which serves as starting point for the drivers. In addition of this are training zones with kick plate area, brake and slalom courses, low friction circle and off-road areas.