冬日暖阳 The Warm Winter Sun,2022,单频 4K 录像(彩色,有声)single channel 4K video (color, sound),18’07"
Installation view, Vajiko Chachkhiani,Finger, Fist, and Thumb Sucking, WHITE SPACE(Shunyi), Sep 17-Oct 27, 2022
影片《冬日暖阳》(The Warm Winter Sun)试图探讨童年经验、个体与群体记忆、创伤等与成年个体的关联。
The Warm Winter Sun explores the connection between childhood experiences, individual and collective memories, trauma, and the adult individual. The piece portrays a middle-aged man returning to his childhood home in the countryside, whose empty home still retains many details of his past life, bringing back vivid memories. After a brief reflection, the man burns down the house to the ground, a powerful ritual of bidding farewell to the past. However, does such a destructive act allow for self-reconciliation and regaining freedom, or does it re-enforce past wounds? After the man leaves, the ashes will nevertheless remain with him forever.
天空之下 Lower Than the Sky,
2021,单频 2K 录像(彩色,有声)single 2K channel video (color, sound),16’25"
《天空之下》讲述了一个有关人们被迫流离失所的故事。在这有如冥想般的影片中,两艘于 90 年代用以从阿布哈兹的苏呼米载着难民的渔船从黑海深处慢慢显现。它们彼此相邻,并排而行,向着陆地缓缓驶来。随着船只的靠近,马达的声音也愈加清晰,观众得以看见船上载着的人群。然而在船只似乎将要上岸之前,由于某种原因它们慢慢停了下来,并逐个转身,继而驶向了它们的来处并再次消失在黑海的深处,只剩下海水的涛声。于此过程中,海浪、声音、光线发生着微妙而持续的变化,而不变的是两艘船给予彼此的陪伴,以及船上那些始终凝视着镜头的双眼——仿佛在诉说着人性中希望与失落的交错。影片展现了一种于情感和感性上沉思的力量,以及与自然相通的内在逻辑:事实上,亘古不变的乃是自然规律本身,而其他所有的事物都会出现并最终消失,一如生与死的过程。
Lower Than the Sky
is a story about people who are forced to displace and become homeless. In this meditative film, two fishing boats carrying refugees from Sukhumi, Abkhazia since the 1990s slowly emerge from the depths of the Black Sea. They are next to each other, side by side, slowly heading toward land. As the boats get closer, the sound of the motors be-comes clearer and the viewer can see the people they are carrying. However, before the boats seem to come ashore, they slowly stop for some reason andturn around one by one, heading back to where they came from and disappearing again off the horizon of the Black Sea, leaving only the sound of the waves. During this process, the waves, sounds, and light change subtly and continuously, but what remains the same are two boats, keeping the company of one another, and those on board staring at the camera without a flinch, as if voicing the interplay of hope and loss in human nature. The film shows the power of emotional and sensual contemplation, and the intrinsic logic of nature: the fact that what remains unchanged is the law of nature itself, and that all other things appear and eventually disappear, just like the process of life and death.
蜜蜂瀑布 The Bee Fall,2021,单频 2K 录像(彩色,有声) single channel 2K video (color, sound),24’24”
Giorgi 在回到故乡后,受复仇心驱使,决定继续对他的妻子施暴。
Giorgi 的母亲面临抉择: 是应无条件爱她的儿子,还是保护幸存者。
After returning to his hometown, Giorgi, driven by vengeance, decides to finish the job he started and abuse his wife one last time. His mother faces a tough decision-side with her son, who she is supposed to love unconditionally or protect the survivor.
颤抖的心 Shivering Heart,2018,单频 2K 录像(彩色,有声)single channel 2K video (color, sound),10’07"
一个男人能努力到什么程度来吸引一个女人?23 岁的桑德罗和母亲生活在一起,他爱上了埃琳娜,后者却对他无动于衷,并且极为冷淡。
How far can a man go in his efforts to charm a woman? 23year-old Sandro lives with his mother and is in love with Elene, who doesn’t reciprocate his feelings and is absolutely indifferent towards him. The film, which is a modern screen adaptation of a Georgian folktale, tells us about primordial instincts? About the consuming desire of hunting down the pray at any cost – even if it means sacrificing the heart of one’s own mother.
重金属蜂蜜 Heavy Metal Honey,2018,单频 2K 录像(彩色,有声)single channel 2K video (color, sound),14’14"
Installation view, Vajiko CHACHKHIANI
Videos, WHITE SPACE (Caochangdi), Sep 9-Oct 20, 2022
The film stands as a metaphor for history and honey – sweet but viscous – as a metaphor for internal family structures. Global and individual history share points of intersection at which they are inextricably linked. And it is only the moment of action and recognition that can flip a switch and set stories/history on a different course that changes the narrative.
棉花糖 Cotton Candy,2018,单频 2K 录像(彩色,有声)single channel 2K video (color, sound),13’42"
The film is about the inner conflict of a young grandmother who retraces her whole life in the space of a circus performance she is attending with her granddaughter. While watching the performance, she gets into dialogue with herself for the first time, she has never had time for that before.
It is this dialogue which generates the conflict and it might expose outside or might stay inside herself in any case, during the circus performance, grandmother goes through a rite of passage and the cotton candy falling down at the end might suggest that she has released something inside that oppressed her.
冬日未至 Winter Which Was Not There,2017,单频 2K 录像(彩色,有声)single channel 2K video (color, sound),10’40"
A man watches a monumental concrete sculpture of a man being hoisted out of the sea. The sculpture is clearly reminiscent of a classic heroic monument but in a strange, and somewhat uncanny way, the face and figure of the sculpture look amazingly like the man who’s watching it rise out of the sea.
我们开向远方,你在前面 We Drive Far, You in Front,2016,单频录像(彩色,有声) single channel video (color, sound),02’50"
未经处理的七色玄武岩石块从上方砸落下来,有时会在撞击后碎裂。这段影像以比真实时间慢 20 倍的速度拍摄。
Unprocessed seven-tone basalt stones crumble on top of each other sometimes break. The footage is filmed twenty times slower than real time. The artist constructs a dissonant scenario where an image, heavy with physical materiality, serves as a metaphor for the fragility of human psyche. These raw basalt stones, fresh off the quarry, are later processed to be employed in architecture. In this context, the interiors and exteriors adorned by these stones will be inhabited by individuals or families, and human unprocessed and processed dramas will take place inside these structures.
生命轨迹 Life Track,2014,单频高清录像(彩色,有声) single channel HD video (color, sound),03’33
The film was shot in an institution where ill people spend their last period of live.
冰激淋先生 Ice Cream Man,2014,单频高清录像(彩色,有声)single channel HD video (color, sound),01’01"
The film includes raw footage from a refugee settlement.
通往孤独的走廊 Corridor to Solitude,2014,单频高清录像(彩色,无声) single channel HD video (color, silent),05’17"
The camera follows the hallway that leads to a solitary confinement cell in a high-security prison.
无尽的章节 Chapter with No End,2014,单频高清录像(彩色,有声) single channel HD video (color, sound),21’28"
A Chapter with no End
is the title of raw footage of a man sleeping in a cemetery, lying on top of a tombstone with his back to the camera. The scene takes place during the daytime. When night falls and dots of artificial light appear from the houses on the other side of the cemetery’s wall, the camera is switched off and the footage stops.
灰尘轨迹 Dust Track,2013,单频高清录像(彩色,无声) single channel HD video (color, silent),03’37"
Dust Track
is an agitated surface of dust, wind and sunlight. It was taken in a narrow space that has no ceiling and is the only place inside the prison where dangerous prisoners can enjoy the open air.
白色组曲 White Suite,2012,单频高清录像(彩色,有声) single channel HD video (color, sound),10’01"
We see Molotov cocktails in the water. Already disarmed Molotov’s slowly white color is dripping in the water, which creates poetic graphic images. Somehow film is music without the sound. We see Molotov cocktails in the water. Already disarmed Molotov’s slowly white color is dripping in the water, which creates poetic graphic images. Somehow film is music without the sound.
黑色录像 Black Video,2012,单频高清录像(彩色,有声) single channel HD video (color, sound),12’14"
We see cliff shape made out of glass in the water. Slowly black color starts to drip. The film somehow recreates the beginning of the storm. This film is also music without sound.
训练你的情感 Train your Sentiments,2011,单频高清录像(彩色,有声)single channel HD video (color, sound),01’15"
Film of a young man hitting wall is looped and projected on the cargo train in Georgia. The train transports oil from Asia to Europe.
社会芭蕾 Social Ballet,2006,单频高清录像(彩色,有声) single channel HD video (color, sound) ,02′04"
The film shows mini-bus passengers crossing themselves whenever the bus passes a church. Over the duration of the bus ride, the movements become more and more abstract and formless.
瓦吉科·恰齐亚尼(Vajiko Chachkhiani)的作品在介于外在世界和人类心理机制之间的某处进行运作,用微妙和迷人的视觉诗歌激发我们对人类境况被遮蔽面的自觉性。他的许多雕塑作品常常植根于表演或变革性的行动,亲和极简主义的同时又充满叙述性的意义。通过他的雕塑和装置作品,恰齐亚尼探讨了诸如孤独、暴力和焦虑等心理状况,并将它们与宗教、政治、文学和诗歌的主题交织在一起。冲突、文化–自然,以及外部现实和个人内心生活之间的摇摆是反复出现于他作品中的主题。瓦吉科·恰齐亚尼的创作涉及录像、雕塑、行为、照片以及大型装置。
瓦吉科·恰齐亚尼 1985 年生于格鲁吉亚第比利斯,目前工作生活于柏林和第比利斯。他于 2013 年毕业于柏林艺术大学,并师从 Gregor Schneider 教授。在此之前,他曾于第比利斯技术大学学习数学与信息学。
- 天空之下,勃兰茨艺术博物馆,欧登塞,丹麦(2021)
- 重金属蜂蜜,德国联邦艺术博物馆,波恩,德国(2018)
- 两者,锡根当代艺术博物馆,柏林,德国(2015)
- 许多生命在模仿死亡时经过,柏林达勒姆美术馆,柏林,德国(2015)
Chachkhiani 的作品也曾参与群展:
- NIRIN,第 22 届悉尼双年展,悉尼,澳大利亚(2020)
- A Good Neighbour,伊斯坦布尔双年展,慕尼黑,德国(2018)
- 更加狂野和反对,汉堡美术馆,汉堡,德国(2018)
- 等待中。在权力与可能性之间,汉堡美术馆,汉堡,德国(2017)
他的作品“死狮中的活狗”在第 57 届威尼斯双年展格鲁吉亚馆(2017)展出。Chachkhiani 曾入围 2017 年未来世代艺术奖终选名单。他所获的奖项包括:奥罗拉别墅奖助金,2018;托卡斯驻地奖助金,2018 ;鲁本斯促进奖,2017 等。
Vajiko Chachkhiani operates somewhere between the outside world and the human psyche, bringing the shadowy aspects of our conditio humana (human condition) to awareness through subtle and intriguing visual poetry. Frequently based on performances or transformative actions, many of his sculptures have an affinity to minimalism. At the same time, they are charged with narrative meaning. Through sculptures and installations, he seeks to address psychological conditions such as loneliness, violence, and angst, weaving them with topics from religion, politics, literature, and poetry. Reoccurring themes in Chachkhiani’s work are conflict, culture/nature, and the oscillation between the outer reality and the inner life of the individual being. Chachkhiani’s work includes films, sculptures, performances, photographs, and large-scale installations.
Vajiko Chachkhiani (b. 1985 in Tbilisi, Georgia) lives and works in Berlin and Tbilisi. He studied at the University of the Arts (UdK), Berlin, with Prof. Gregor Schneider until 2013. Previously, he studied Mathematics and Informatics at the Technical University of Tbilisi.
His solo exhibition includes:
Lower than the Sky, Kunstmuseum Brandts, Odense, Denmark (2021);
Heavy Metal Honey, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany (2018);
Many Lives Passing Through While Imitating Death, Kunsthaus Dahlem, Berlin, Germany (2015);
Both, Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Siegen, Germany (2014).
His works were also presented at
NIRIN – The 22nd Biennale of Sydney, various venues, Sydney, Australia (2020);
A Good Neighbour, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany, in cooperation with Istanbul Biennale (2018);
Wieder und Wider, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany (2018);
WAITING. Between Power and Possibility, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany (2017).
In 2017, his work "Living Dog Among Dead Lions" was shown in the Georgian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Chachkhiani was nominated for the Kunstpreis Böttcherstraße 2018, and he received Villa Aurora Fellowship in Los Angeles and a Residency Grant Tokyo in 2018, and the Rubens Promotional Award in 2017.
画廊开放时间 Opening hours :
周二-周日 TUE-SUN10:00-18:00
空白空间 | 草场地
北京市朝阳区机场辅路草场地 255 号
空白空间 | 顺义
北京市顺义区金航东路 3 号院 D7 栋 1 层
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